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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Before I invested in a vacuum sealer I used zip lock bags. I would put hot dogs, pork chops etc......... and then zip the bag almost completely closed but leaving a small opening in the middle. Then insert a straw (free at Mc Donald's) and suck out the air while quickly zipping the bag shut. This works pretty well and it cost nothing to do. Bob
  2. I know vacuum pack my fish then freeze them and they are very close to fresh fish...... Another VERY good way to freeze fish is get some plastic square 1 qt containers. Pack as much fish as you would for one meal. Fill with fresh tap water and put into the freezer for a day or two. Then take out the container and put under hot water upside down. The ice block with the fish will drop right out. Now you have the container for the next fish you bring home. Slide the ice block into a plastic bag and then into a small paper lunch bag, fold over the end and tape closed. Mark what kind of fish and date on the paper bag. You now have a very professional looking way to salt away fish for a later date. These square blocks stack up very nice in a deep freezer and will hold up for one year.
  3. GCD, you got the right idea there................
  4. But I'll bet she didn't tell you that there was going to be this many days like that.........LOL At least no one got hurt that that's the most important thing........and NO I don't think your former TM will be poising the lake.....
  5. It's no big deal from where I sit. Taking a shot at us or us taking a shot at them is mostly in good humor.....ehhh
  6. Never heard that here and I have never seen Canadian Maple syrup sold here as we have so much of our own local maple syrup made right here in NY. I LOVE REAL maple syrup especially on vanilla ice cream...........mmmmmgood......
  7. If the bite is tight, tip the jig with just a pinch of a nightcrawler (about 1"). The taste of meat sometimes makes them bite on those slow days. I like the DARK end of the nightcrawler (where the collar) is the best for tipping a jig.
  8. I have done very well there on Walleye's fishing the weed line where the bay meets the channel using black bucktail jigs.
  9. Actually in the US we are still restricted in many areas and in many ways to carry a concealed weapon. I had my gun permit (for hunting and target shooting only) for over 25 years when I reapplied for a concealed carry permit and was turned down. The judge (in a letter sent to me) said I needed to have my permit longer before applying for a concealed carry permit. Now that was here in NYS but in areas of the country that do not have those harsh restrictions and the US Constitution is NOT played around with, citizens are allowed to have a concealed carry permit and in FACT are the MUCH more safer areas of the country. Huh, who would of thought of that ! ! ! Those are the FACTS the LIBERALS do NOT want to talk about............. Remember, guns don't kill. PEOPLE kill and most times it's the undesirable people that are doing all the killing....
  10. I would also check for debris...... mine has been running for 24 years now. Two years ago it started to get really loud and then that went away and it's running great ever since. I don't know how many time I forgot to turn off the bilge pump or live well pump and drove home for 2 hours only to hear one of them running in the garage. I don't know who made the ones I have but I would buy the same in a heart beat.....
  11. After reading your post I can see you could use the extra time in school, especially in English composition so it might have been time well spent.
  12. Could it be that some of us are just slow readers..... (not me i just took a speed reading class)......
  13. Are you saying this with experience with the VRO system because I am and I know SEVERAL others and they are all holding up VERY WELL. As I have said 24 years now and it runs like a top. I would purchase another VRO motor in a heartbeat.......... THIS IS MUCH BETTER THAN MIXING OIL ! ! !
  14. Do what I did and come fall put a add in your local newspaper to store your boat at a snow birds garage. You get free winter storage while you take care of their house while they are down south. It's a WIN / WIN situation for both of you.
  15. AGM battery info..... http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true
  16. I have a 1985 50hp VRO Johnson on my boat and it runs like a top for (know on wood) 24 years....... I believe you have a bad prop, it could be slipping within itself. If it revs it's not the motor but rather the prop. Bob
  17. That would be nice, like a summer home on a quiet lake.....
  18. It's not a long weekend here in the states but this will be my BEST weekend EVER. My oldest son Tim is graduating from Medical School in Syracuse and will also be recommissioned as a Captain in the US Air Force. From now on I have to call him "Doc" instead of dumb a$$
  19. Not quite sure who the "cranks" are but you don't need a passport until June 1st. For now just a driver's license and a birth certificate will get you into God's Country.......
  20. When you're retired EVERYDAY is Saturday.......
  21. I think more info is needed first. Like how big is this boat. What HP motor are you intending on using. What bodies of water will this vessel be used on. If all the answers are on the small side I would go fishing in it...... but if your thinking on a high horse power outboard and you will be fishing Lake Erie I will stay on shore and fish if you don't mind...
  22. I agree 100%. OR you can spend twice as much and get the same gear oil in a fancy Yamaha labeled bottle.......
  23. Funny, I have had a VHF radio on-board for 24 years now. Fishermen use 68 & 72 while all other channels are for other purposes and of course channel 16 for contacting someone including the US Coast Guard. My radio always is set to scan 16 for emergency purposes while maintaining usually channel 68. In all those years I have never heard any problems what so ever. BUT if you say there is a problem or the government says there is a problem to justify there high paying jobs then there must be a problem I am not aware of. But then again maybe it's just a Canadian problem.
  24. Yep, that's what we need a "crack down" on a problem we really don't have. Boy does that sound familiar.
  25. Get yourself one of these charges. I have the ProSport II 12 myself and love it. It has really extended the life of my batteries and as already mentioned you just plug it in when you return from fishing (at the dock or in the garage) and you all set. I leave mine on 24/7/365 and this way I don't have to remove the batteries in the winter. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true
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