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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Sweet bronzies!!!
  2. Sorry about your grandfather, glad you managed your first laker bud.
  3. Yea water snake bite doesnt feel good by any stretch, that ones a beauty!
  4. For what its worth i wont use any sort of grease on electrical connections any more, it gets dirty and becomes more of a detriment than anything else.
  5. Sounds like it could be a loose wire or a ground issue. Just went through this on my big boat. Also check the cables going to and from your battery for corrosion or damage, a cable could even have loosened off a bit. Hopefully some of the mechanically inclined can help a bit more. You could use a tester to check for the amount of juice you are getting to your starter, just because you are getting power doesnt mean you are getting enough to turn it over. Good luck mike
  6. That whole trip looks just insane! That monster gator is something to behold, head on it like a bear!!! Just fantastic buddy!
  7. Ill let you know in a couple weeks!
  8. To clarify only one of those days was georgian bay, 4 in haliburton and 5 in balsam lol. Raised a bunch of fish tons of follows and even lost a few that actually bit but just cant boat one. Sorry for the hijack, just wanted you to know you are not alone ?
  9. Sweet slobs!
  10. I got a 2016 f150 xlt 5.0l and i love it, great mileage,smooth ride,and tons of power. As for the aluminum i guess you shouldnt throw toolboxes in on their corner lol. My buddy has had his 2014 ram 1500 for a couple years and he beats the crap out of it, has had some shifting problems and noise coming from the tranny but dealer says its nothing lol. Other than that its been pretty good to him. Chevs are great if you can afford them and dont mind the tires breaking off?
  11. If it makes you feel any better i spent 12 hours fishing georgian bay yesterday for skis and boated 0. That makes 10 days of muskie fishing with none boated for me lol, 2 days doesnt sound so bad. I keep going and expect it to happen anytime and so should you!
  12. You could be right bill, the heaviest we have ever fished was 12 lbers but most were 10lb. We started with manuals and could have cranked in 20s if we needed but when we got an old set of electric big johns they struggled with the 12s so we just fished the 10s. We have never tangled once using balls.
  13. Sweet, gotta love a pikes appetite!
  14. They look pretty cool but i have had issue with fish and pancake shaped weights in the past, on rough days or when fishing near other boats where tighter turns may be necessary they like to cross. When 2 rigger weights get tangled it is a nightmare to sort out, ill stick to my balls thanks?
  15. My condolences to the families affected by this tragedy. I have no urge to wade into any of this but i will say that the PAL is a joke at best, they make no phone calls, they dont check references, they dont talk to your spouse its ridiculous. They care more about your picture being signed then they do about your mental state. You could literally Bull your way into a pal no question, so long as you dont have a criminal record.
  16. Sent you a pm
  17. Not me but id love to go! Lucky fella!
  18. Good day on the water! Nice slabs!
  19. Thats a fun read bud it makes me wish i was there! Beautiful specks! And a good time!
  20. Ct might have it, you could always look it up and buy it online as far as i know. The backroads map book is a good way to get an idea of whats in a lake but dont take it for gospel, ive caught some of my biggest pike in lakes that it says only has little ones. The only way to find out for sure is to pick a spot and go, if you dont like it try another next time until you find one thats just right for you. Good luck, enjoy your adventure!
  21. What a terrible shame, my sympathy to the families.
  22. Sweet ski dude! If it was a pike id be happy to guess but ive never weighed a ski before so i dont have anything to lean on. Either way its a nice fish, congrats on the pb!
  23. Lucky bugger, i just did my working at heights today i cant go till next weekend.
  24. Sounds like a great trip! I really gotta finish putting my trip report together lol.
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