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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. I have been looking for suckers but nothing yet, im more worried about finding bait for when all the esox opens lol.
  2. Sweet troots!
  3. Ive never targeted suckers in waters with trout, the last thing i want to see while sucker fishing is people lol. There are thousands of creeks and rivers with suckers and no trout to fish and thats where ill be.
  4. I was thinking of going for a look myself with all the warm weather but ill wait until after this round of cold. Suckers will hit all sorts of things like dead minnows, crayfish, roe bags etc... but its tough to go wrong with worms.
  5. Im not sure there a wrong amount, if the motor has been properly serviced and maintained then number of hours shouldnt matter other than to use it in your pricing like you would km on a car. If its got 100,000 hours it might be a bit tired lol.
  6. we always fished out of the bluffs, im not sure if this is the marina you live close to but on a weekend its a circus. Theres been times when we had to wait until cars pulled out of the boat/trailer parking just so we could park the truck. I have been on weekdays and its not as bad but any summer weekend wirh decent weather and its packed with people and boats. We basically stopped fishing the drop off at the bluffs because it wasnt worth the hassle, its easier just to start at 200' and find packs of fish in deeper water by yourself lol. Not to mention the rush to the launch when it got dark, you can see how easy the boaters test is when people who shouldnt be allowed to ride a bike blow by 10' away from you doing 30 mph in a 26' fishing boat as you enter the launch area. Then you get to watch that googan struggle for what seems like ages to get his boat onto a completely submerged trailer thats backed down the middle of a double ramp lol I actually started to get a bit worked up just typing this, keep the derby, keep the bluffs. Maybe ill just try simcoe slobs in my off time, at least i dont have the 1 1/2 hour drive.
  7. I think im done with the derby myself, the prizes seem to get worse every year and the drive to and from the city to combat fish with googans is no longer appealing to me. I may go do a bit of downrigging just for kicks once in a while but they can keep the derby.
  8. Herring smile whitefish pout! Lol
  9. King of the babies! The numbers master lol. Yea that one stings buddy.
  10. Im not sure, i just record musky hunter on wfn then fast forward through the commercials when i watch it
  11. It was a good episode, some good insider info passed along. Certainly some good numbers!
  12. i always get the sport, even before i started targeting muskie. With amount of money ive wasted on other things an extra $10 a year to support my favourite obsession seems pretty small.
  13. Well, i threw my back out friday night so no fishing for me, i was hoping to post a report for you guys after helping me out but no dice. Thanks again everyone, good luck out there
  14. I have used a couple types of mackarel, herring, anchovies, smelts, ballyhoo, milkfish, and a few others i cant remember off the top of my head. Ive bought some at whole food seafood places like the place in bradford(7c i think its called) I ve always liked mackarel because of the stripes and because they are a big profile hanging as deadbait, they also hold together nice in the water where as many other species dont. Anchovies have worked well for me in the past too, they have a good stank on them and i find they bring in fish in murky or stained water conditions. You never know what will suck back an anchovie either as they are usually relatively small for pike bait. I try to get fish that is fresh at the time and i pound the coarse salt to them and throw them in the freezer, a lot if fish can only be thawed once or they rot pretty quick so i try figure out what i need for the day. As bill said pike arent usually to picky so if it looks like it might work it probably will.
  15. Thanks again, most appreciated fellas.
  16. The pause is key, even on lures like a spoon where it can be difficult to stop it altogether to stop and let it flutter a couple times will trigger a strike. Almost always as soon as the lure stops or as soon as it restarts they attack. Nothing a pike hates more than watching its meal try to run lol.
  17. Sorry for your loss, thats terrible.
  18. Thanks bill, i might be up that way if my job doesnt cancel today.
  19. Cant go wrong with the williams whitefish, i like the half gold half silver hammer finish, cast or trolled. 6" jakes or grandmas worked stop and go are one of my favourite spring pike lures. If bait is allowed you cant go wrong with a live sucker under a float, on a day when lures dont work the sucker always does. Id be working anything where theres an inflow where the suckers might be congregating, there should definitely be big post spawn pike in these areas. Black and white, anything red and walleye colours are my go to. Good luck brother!
  20. Bill, ive used probably 20 fish species for deadbaiting pike and i do have a few that i like but i prefer to keep a live sucker in the water somewhere. I still have some anchovies, mackarel and something else in the freezer that i will be using. Ive got a couple buddies going and i want to put a couple gators on the ice. Cheaptackle i called ellwood today and they have no suckers either, thank you though. I appreciate all the input fellas.
  21. Thanks rizzo, i have gotten bait at real canadian but was trying to avoid the drive down there, i work in innisfil and can run around orillia on the way home. I do like the giant suckers but the price is pretty hurtful lol. I trap my own in the spring but they go quick,i will be freezing some this year for next winters activities.
  22. Thanks for the replies, i too like using a mix of dead and live bait through the ice but im fully out of everything right now, might be mackarel and anchovies this weekend haha.
  23. Hey all, im having a hard time finding large suckers for pike fishing, the stores in barrie keswick sutton and orillia have nothing. I cant seem to find a working number for jacobs bait either. If someone knows a place i can go in the vicinity of any of these areas please let me know. Thanks.
  24. Legally any fish that doesnt fall within the measurements or that is caught out of season must be released, regardless of the condition of the fish.
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