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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Our system failed this man and failed the man he killed. Why should we let him out and potentially harm more people? Regardless of his illness he is a threat to those around him and should be kept under supervision for the remainder of his days. Lets not allow the system fail somebody else.
  2. I would like to say id do this in the same situation... But my girl is only 5months so im a ways out
  3. I have no argument for this because you are right, i have always had pets in aquariums and terrariums but have often wondered about the morality of it. Is it wrong for me to have a tarantula in captivity for my enjoyment? Is it wrong for anyone to keep anything as a pet? Since we are on the topic is it wrong for us to use live bait? Hooking worms minnows and etc to catch fish? And lastly to hook and fight a fish undoubtedly stressing it out and risking its life for our personal pleasure just to let it go so someone else can do the same? I understand these are not directly related but if im going to ask myself tough moral questions it always comes back to the one regarding my greatest passion in life. For now though if im going to keep fishing and i have already visited and therefore supported the aquarium, ill have to leave those questions for another day.
  4. Good call, im fairly nervous about the things that go on behind the scenes in some places and i am hesitant to eat from places i dont know. Even than i know im taking my chances.
  5. I went with my wife when it opened and had a pretty good time. Bearing in mind i hate the city and i hate driving down there i still say its worth the tour, a definite must for those with kids.
  6. Yes i understand you can spend thousands on carp gear but you dont have to in order to have a good time. I have recently dumped some money into carp gear but my 2 biggest have still come on spinning equiptment, 1 on worm 1 on corn.
  7. I cant believe nobody mentioned carp or suckers. You wanna feel the sheer power of a monster fish from shore on a budget carp is the way to go. You can catch them in a lot of places with corn or worms.
  8. Yep, a sad day indeed. Rip leonard nimoy
  9. That oughta produce a few motor ticklers in some spots ?
  10. I did really well for pike crappie and carp last spring, the salmon were tough to find in the summer though as they were scattered like the temperatures. However we still managed to find a few tyees. And muskie is muskie lol
  11. I was fighting a decent sized pike on a canadian wiggler and when he jumped and spit the lure out it hit me square in the face, 1 treble pinched my eyelid to my cheek and the other was buried in my face below it. Im not a patient man and i proceeded to gently remove the eye hook by hand and had to use pliers for the one in my cheek. To this day it is rare to see me fish without shades. I got caught on simcoe outside of cooks bay in my tinny when a violent storm rolled through and barely made it back to shore. I have had several pike get my fingers at one point or another but a particularily bad one happened on a fishing trip when he got my whole thumb in his mouth and shook which shredded the skin and flesh right off, i wrapped that up and dealt with it at camp as best i could that night. When i lived in coldwater there was a smaller river up the road from me and i went through the ice, i was completely submerged and it took me close to 5 min to break the weaker ice away to climb out. I then had to walk almost a mile home which led to hours in the tub trying to keep frostbite and hypothermia away. That may seem like a lot but ive got many more too, not to mention the stories i could tell of injuries and close calls to friends as well. Anyone who says fishing isnt a risky business at times is dead wrong. As long as you have water underneath you there is always the possibility of trouble. All you can do is be prepared for the worst and take steps to avoid potential dangers.
  12. i too find myself weary of ice fishing but i got enough to do until the ice melts in the canal. Sled has been in the garage for some repairs after an accident a couple weeks ago and im real tired of dumping money and time into this thing haha... But it keeps me busy i guess
  13. I cant believe you guys let me get this day for 200, im defintely looking forward to it already Thanks pete
  14. Ill go 200 for skis, after seeing those reports id love to get out for a day with you and learn a few things.
  15. For me it was rapalas, i would save my money and go down to the hardware store to grab one once i had enough. Just standing there for 10 minutes wringing my hands over which colour. I lived on a river that had a dominant smallmouth population with a mix of everything else and rapalas could catch almost anything. To this day my pb smallmouth at 5 1/2 pounds came from that river on a rapala when i was about 12.
  16. 50 inch pike in ontario
  17. Gold and silver hammer plate williams whitfish.
  18. I have been hitting simcoe but nothing out of the ordinary, i usually post reports when i go somewhere else or i have a story to tell haha. I went 0 for 0 Pike fishing today.
  19. Pm me if you want to go without a rental, im sure i could get you on a few
  20. I sent you a pm.
  21. If you have your own equiptment i would be happy to point you in the right direction to get your own big jumbos.i havent left cooks bay this year and we have been laying a beating on jumbos.
  22. 6 more weeks of winter
  23. Nice, i find my little buddy heater is too hot even on cold days, the troubles of a 2 man hut i guess
  24. Pretty fish!
  25. No i dont, i do believe that their are idiots on both sides of the steering wheel though. Ive driven a large truck around downtown t.o. And i know what its like being scared half to death 9-10 times a day by pedestrians and cyclists who clearly have no regard for their own safety.
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