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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. If you are trapping a river or creek look for a still backwater section, my canal is full of minnows right now but they are too small for my usage. The canadian tire in keswick still had minnows as of the last time i checked as well if that helps any
  2. Well if you are looking to clean some stuff out of your insides you can do what we do... The garlic challenge! We take turns eating raw cloves till someone gives up, tell me you dont feel cleaner inside 2 days later lol
  3. Nice bows!, always good to be alone on the water!
  4. Sorry for your loss bud.
  5. Nice job brian, what would fishing be without 1 more cast, 1 more drift, troll just around that next point, or for the carp fellas just 5 more minutes! Lol
  6. Somebody had told me all the courses had closed... Maybe time for one more round?
  7. I would love a raptor but my pockets do not run that deep lol
  8. Although all of that sounds rather intriguing im busy this weekend, i would love to do a day of fishin with you at some point though! Good luck bud!
  9. Chris it ejects on the other side, some also have the angle on the stock leaning a tiny bit left as well. As for what i get the cheapest one i can find probably lol.
  10. Sweet fish, awesome fishery there!
  11. Well im happy to hear some people already got what they wanted, but im young and naive and still want presents lol! Im hoping to rack up some cabelas gift cards for multi purpose use as im waiting for my firearms licence to come in the mail and i would love to get a left handed pump 12 guage. Lew im glad to hear things are good, heres to many more early christmas presents to you sir! Mike, you can add one more to your list as i realised there was a cc option and i could stop trying to screw with my paypal lol, cant wait to read it!
  12. I used to work at lawerence and kennedy and its taken me 1 hour to get from steeles and 404 to 401 and kennedy. I would absolutely avoid this route home. Generally the farther north you can stay on the way home the better but i use better loosely lol. As for the way in i havent done it from the east very much so i have little insight, thats why i work out of our innisfil yard now. If i had to start driving to scarlem again i would quit.
  13. Nice fish man!
  14. Nice little gator right there, nice markings!
  15. Congratulations on the mag mike, ill be getting an issue to have a look at what you have going. Im not about to make suggestions on what you should do, you made it this far i think you know at heart what you have to do. I like the offer of a story i might try pass one along at some point and see if you like it. Best of luck with everything!
  16. Wow what a pig! Im loving the markings what a dark and beautiful fish!
  17. Thanks guys, im lovin it so far!
  18. That things mother must have been a slave laker eh bunk? Lol
  19. Ya im not gonna complain about 385 hp its more than i need, and no im not going week to week mpg lol, ive heard and seen the bad side of the eco boost and im too chicken to chance it.
  20. Its a supercrew, the longest you can get is a 6 1/2' box so thats what i got, would have got the 8' if they put it on with the big cab. I weaseled a set of winter tires rims and sensors out of ford so the wranglers will only be on in the summer and when i kill them ill try find a decent set of tires. The motor is the 5.0l v8 so im not sure if its a big difference from the 5.4 triton
  21. Haha never noticed it didnt have flaps, good call ty
  22. Also, im prob not the guy to trust with fuel mileage as ive been known to be a little aggressive behind the wheel lol
  23. Ive been letting it idle a bit more than usual showing it off to friends the past couple weeks lol That being said 2 weeks in im getting 13.8 l/100km
  24. I know, ill always love the ranger that truck went through trails people wouldnt take a 4x4 and never got stuck, i can only hope this is half the truck it was lol
  25. Nice fish man, i ve been known to partake and moreso for taste than effect now lol. Straight ive never had better than gibsons finest 18 year rare but i cant find it anywhere now, For a cheap option i like jamesons or wisers small batch. For rye and ginger i like regular cr or forty creek, The limited edition forty creek 3 grain was nice too.
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