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Everything posted by nofish4me

  1. I would really like someone to please explain to me what Dalton McGuinty has to do with this. This is a simple request, because I really don't know. Do you?
  2. Yah, maybe a little harsh. Sorry for that, but someone had to say it. If I bought it and couldn't get it on the road in less than a month, I always figured I couldn't afford it. Good luck with the truck, just get the priorities in order. Get it on the road first, then mod's can follow. As far as giving better vehicles away, I've done so and they weren't related.
  3. TSSA has nothing to do with Dalton. Would you like to see another propane site like TO had? All they are doing is trying to stop a repeat occurrance.
  4. Get the damned thing to pass a "SAFETY" and "E Test", then get ownership changed and your golden. ...bet "Uncle" was glad you came along. I've given better vehicles away. Sorry, you may not wanted to have heard what I have yo say.
  5. Why is it, as a senior 65 years old, a fishing license is no longer required, but one must still buy hunting licenses? Does anyone know why the hunting is not like the fishing?
  6. At first glance I thought this is what you got. http://news.ontario.ca/mto/en/2009/11/new-green-licence-plate-selected-by-ontarians.html
  7. Ugly Stick I'm of Scottish blood and besides I usually catch as many fish as anyone else in our group (some have reels and rods worth more than some of the cars I own), or even more on a good day.
  8. If you want to tow something with something call these people. http://www.hiemstratrailer.ca/default.asp The best hitch he has installed, hooked up a Mini Cooper with a 20' Airstream. He said it was a joy to drive.
  9. How about the poor old ( me, old ) A/C guy? Hear all the complainin' and whinnin' about heat, but never get a thanks for fixin' things. By the way, I'm always working in the hottest temps, no A/C on the mall roof, backyard, etc.,etc..
  10. Looking at going to Chesterfield Inlet, anyone ever fish this area? MooseBunk maybe?
  11. I usually ask them "How can I help you?". They usually get a little stunned by such a question. After a couple of, you called me etc., etc.., I say you might want to make sure this call is recorded for training purposes. They are completely lost by now, then when I ask who they think is paying the bill for this time on the phone, they hang up, rather rudely sometimes.
  12. Just by chance, there wouldn't happen to be more than one light switch that would operate this fan?
  13. I've spent some time on Moonlight Beach at night, but I wasn't fishin'.
  14. I would be very leary of an old propane fridge. CO is no joke and often not thought about. If it's an old Serval fridge they have been mandated out of use. Make sure you sleep with as many windows open as possible at night for fresh air. About 2 years ago there was 4 or 5 people died from CO on a fishing trip. Drink booze, beer too heavy.
  15. Rick, you said you knew what the charges were. Let me guess, high on something (impaired), and stolen vehicle. Close?
  16. Not sure, but here's what I've done. Ordered a pair of pants from Cabellas, no problem or extra charges (other than exchange), they were sent by postal service. I've recently ordered $60 US worth of dog collars and leash, out of New York state and paid nothing extra. These items were also shipped by US mail/ Canada Post. I enquired at our local post office about extra charges and they said if there was any duties, etc., they would be paid at time of pickup, none required. Bonus!
  17. If it was on a sailboat, it may have been used more than you think. Not that that's a bad thing.
  18. Long weekend, what long weekend? Didn't all you good people celebrate July 1st on July 1st? Sad to hear about the tradgedies.
  19. One of my favorite radio programs, Vinyl Cafe, features an interview with the fella that went over the falls and survived. The program airs at 12:00 noon after the news. Sirius sat. radio ch. #137 For frequencies check here. http://www.cbc.ca/frequency/
  20. I've known and met weasles where ever I've been. Not uncommon to North America. Just jokin'.
  21. Hahaha, just noticed your tagline (John Prine). I've seen him Live. No kidding, about the fly on the wall. It's not often, someone enjoys my taste in music. Thanks. Removed my rambling on about nothing.
  22. Northwest Passage always runs a chill down my spine, makes me puff out my chest and swig rum (wife and kids just shake their head). Must be the marine heritage in my blood. Having said that, I'm a born and raised SW Ontario feller, so the "Field Behind the Plow" strikes a strong cord with me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUM8mXJre1c In the previous Ian Tyson/John Hiatt clip they mentioned Alex Carone. Here's a snipet from an article printed in March 2010: "Alex Carone, a Nevada-raised cowboss on the Singleton Ranches has been able to stick close to his buckaroo roots and still respect the puncher way of doing things.". The song reflects an image of the past, but that's the way Alex runs his men and horses.
  23. I only recently discovered John Hiatt, while he was singing with another great song writer.
  24. http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/pn-np/on/bruce/activ/activ1.aspx Scroll down the page and it is there. Doesn't say very much and picture isn't the greatest.
  25. What happened to; "Honey, I'm going fishing", if you were needed, the OPP would come and get ya (eventually).
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