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Everything posted by nofish4me

  1. If you make sure it is a 2 pipe venting system for your High efficency furnace, it will take care of any venting problems. Propane is only good to -40, at that temp there is no pressure in the tank.
  2. I will say, 'This is no Damned State'(one of my pet peeves with forms, GCD, etc.) LOL.
  3. Judging by what you have let out of the bag, a hamster might be what you need. Checked youtube and here's a couple good videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2iQUomByi8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6uesdkcgiY...laynext_from=PL
  4. It'll be a learning experience. I have one. How old, where will it be kept, etc, tons of questions. Generally, they are considered professional chewers. You'll probably get an interesting response from trainer, if you do an obedience course. Why do you think you want a beagle? Sending a PM.
  5. All I'll say is, OD is not all it's cracked up to be. Check out your tach. and speed while keeping gas pedal constant.
  6. I've lived in some great places, etc., etc.. One of the places that always intrigues me is, Cobalt. If I could broaden this, it would be the Tri-Town area.
  7. As an outdoors type person, have you ever truely been lost in the middle of nowhere? It's an interesting thing to see how a person reacts, you'll very quickly know who would survive and who wouldn't. I have got myself into 2 situations and it's a real eye opener.
  8. I thought you were trying to get my attention, with a title like that. Sorry about your luck.
  9. Ya, I think he's good. He has one of them story tellin' voices. The guys allways grown when I always put him on the satelite radio. Hahaha. I always make sure I'm at the helm and in control for 12:00 Sundays.
  10. Any investment that makes the wife happy, is always a good investment ! Having said that, it's all up to you. Whatever you can go to sleep with at night (don't mean the wife) and not loose any sleep, is always the best thing.
  11. Remember, your laptop may work, but if the wireless hub has no power, you're done.
  12. Woodsman, I'm not too far (in todays global world) from you. Sitting here listening to the scanner, trees on fire everywhere. Now, have you ever tried to burn a living tree? There must be be some serious power involved to have a living tree burn. Power here is still on, obviously, or I couldn't reply. Has anyone ever called Hydro One to inform them of a power outage? I have, twice and I'll never call again. First time, they called me back at 2:00 in the morning to let me know the problem was fixed and asked if I had power. The second time I reported power was out, I made a point of telling them there was no need to call me back and let me know power was on. Well, they did, 4:00 in the morning I gets a call saying everything is back on. I'll never call them again. Hehehe Guess, they win.
  13. The problem is, they don't need a winning team to fill the rink. The population base is big enough, they can fill the place with fans of the visiting teams. If they were hungry to fill the rink, they may do better.
  14. Yep, it was Dave. Our group, was staying at a camp in Key Harbour.
  15. How about this? GPS can really suck! Would you trust your GPS over anything Coast Gaurd has? I'm not going to say where, except NE corner of GB, but I was in camp and heard a boat coming towards camp, it was 10:00pm. Fog, so thick, we actually had to have a "Camp Day"! The feller, that came into camp, runs a camp in the French River delta and he was surprised when he came upon us ('cause he knows us). He said it was the first time in 23 years he was never able to get home. He had GPS, and (it was so foggy) a Coast Gaurd escort, leading the way. Guess what? Coast Gaurd actually ran into an Island ( they were travelling at at a snails pace ). About 2/3 the way they left and he was on his own. He spent the night with us and left the next morning (breakfast was late for American Plan). Hehehe.
  16. There ain't no fish or woman, that will get me to be out on the water after dark. When I was young, I used to run at night on the water for fish and to visit girls. Had my share of problems in the dark, with both. LOL I came across a 14' tinny one time at 2:00 in the morning, tied it to my boat and circled the area looking for occupants, after sunrise I decided to leave, took the boat to local marina. Turns out someone just had the boat go adrift. I made a pact with myself that I would never go on the water after dark again. Every stupid thing I've done involved a woman, oh ya, and some alcohol. LOL I'll never go on water in the dark again, there has been several years pass since then.
  17. I have sympathy for anyone loosing a job due to poor management.
  18. Just black oiled sunflower seeds is the best allround bird feed. No trees anywhere near my feeder, it gets busy just the same.
  19. If the neighbours haven't seen yor wife all weekend, I can only imagine what they might think. Hahaha
  20. Man, that sucks! I, seriously, do hope things go well for you. We have not met, but have had opposite views on topics. I would not wish what you are going through on my worst enemy. Get well !! Brian
  21. I personally would prefer to go some where other than Canadian Tire for vehicle service. Having said that, I have had them go above and beyond the call of duty, for me. I was travelling on a friday night of a long weekend, heading north in an older dodge Road Trek. Wife wanted to stop at Old Stanton's Store in Alliston, while she was in the store I noticed a strong smell of gas, and gas dripping (occasional drop) under the van. I decided to make a run for the CTC in Barrie on 26. Well I got there 15 min's before closing. Manager stayed after closing and replaced leaking gas line. I was on my way to Vancouver one time and had a similar response from CTC personel. I think the difference in my positive experiences was the fact that I was a traveller in need of help and caught between a rock and a hard spot. I would not go to my local CTC , but would certainly try them when on the road.
  22. Union/ Non-Union Lazy A$$ or not, if there is no work, you are on the street. Just look at the auto sector.
  23. Saw one that looked like this, once. It had an Adam's Apple, pretty sure it was a male.
  24. I've replaced that stuff with darts, cards, bug spray and spray on suntan lotion (have trouble gettin' guys to apply the other stuff on my back).
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