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Everything posted by bbog

  1. Nice haul, I'm hoping to improve on my dismal results from my opener quest. Maybe try again on Friday. Mind if I asked what you were using (tubes or minnows?).
  2. FWIW I'm trying to make this same decision. I'm leaning towards electric and will continue to watch this thread with interest. Thanks Terry for the charging lesson. (inappropriate use of my charger shortened the live of my recreational vehicle battery)
  3. We were out on Buckhorn yesterday and had similar results to you. Looks like they haven't come in yet - one here, one there. Did notice they were more active on micro tubes over small minnows. More OOS Largemouth than Crappie.
  4. Went up to our favourite spot on a Kawartha lake for Crappie and found the bite a little tough. Managed to get enough for a nice meal after a long day of searching. Guess they haven't come in yet. The slow fishing didn't matter as it was a beautiful day on the water! No pictures to post this go-around, we'll have some from our next outing.
  5. Good to see results are possible in the rain. Committed to going tomorrow no matter what the weather. Will post results later..
  6. I'm left handed and am happy that most baitcasters and levelwinds are commonly right hand retrieve. It means that I just need to switch over my spinning reels to match! Strong hand and casting am is always on the rod. Only time this is an issue is if I pass one of my spinning rods to someone that is accustomed to left hand retrieve. Can't wait to get out tomorrow and try out my newest ultra light on Crappie.
  7. Hey Smitty1, Go with the cheaper one unless you have data that you can't afford to lose. SD has a physical switch on the side that can set the card to "write protection". On the other hand the GPS may not like the card in the locked position if the card is used for tracking your movements. SD also typically have larger capacities and quicker transfer times. Confirm that the GPSr can take both types then shop for a bargain. Cheers, Barnie
  8. The Panasonic is a great choice and comes highly recommended (just) by dpreview. Full review found here
  9. You hit it on the head "lakeman" - ENFORCEMENT - no excuses enforcement! The poachers know the risk of getting caught is slim - we know it's not the first time for these poachers - so hit 'em hard! A sharp hit in the pocketbook is the best education?
  10. My mouth is watering looking at that last picture - I hope to get into a plateful on Saturday night! WTG!!
  11. Welcome aboard the board.... great bunch of people here and always lots to learn.
  12. I can't wait to try out my new Fenwick HMx ultralight set-up on the Crappies! You bet I'll be there for the opener!!
  13. Hey "mikemo" I guess you can count me as one of those in your backyard Saturday night and Sunday morning. About 50 or more were participating in the annual Geofellas April Fools day cache marathon. The race started at midnight with a 4 part teaser cache, followed by another 14 on Sunday. The 14 additional were singles or multi-part caches containing puzzles or clues to find a final mystery cache. At noon many of the participants got together at a pub for a cache event. Our team was fortunate to arrive at the pub with first-to-find honours on the teaser, 11 feeders and the final mystery cache. During the course of our travels we only had one woman come outside in her bathrobe to ask what we were up to! The rush of visitors is now over and the next in the series will likely be in another location. More details on the Grand Finale Barnie
  14. Guilty! Been a geocacher for several years and have over 1400 finds. Just came in from the annual April Fool's series. Caching activities will take a back seat to fishing pretty soon. It is a fantastic way of getting out and enjoying the great outdoors - ususally finding places that you never knew existed. We started at the spur of the moment when we noticed a cache within walking distance of home. I use geocaching as an exercise motivator and try to hit local caches on the bike. Easy to combine geocaching with fishing - download waypoints and keep them handy for when the fish aren't biting. Just wish I was interested in fishing when caching took me to some pretty nice looking spots!
  15. After breaking a couple of cheaper rods I recently stepped out and bought an HMx. Hopeful that I'll get the sensitivity and not the breakage with this one. Worse thing that could happen is another trip to the local tackle shop - St.Croix next?
  16. hope this isn't true - would be nice to keep a couple spots motor free.
  17. If we're not fishing we might as well be laughing! another good one, keep 'em coming!!
  18. now that's a good one!
  19. bbog

    Hi All

    Welcome Glenn, looking forward to your reports and pictures when you get a digital camera!
  20. Hey tonyb I like your idea of commission based enforcement (if we had a way to control the overly zealous). No amount of fine is too much for a repeat offender!
  21. My mouth is watering. Nice work!!
  22. Hey camillj that's a pretty cool looking transducer mount. I using the portable kit with the suction cup. Made a small modification to ensure the transducer is pointed in the correct direction. After my last stop at BPS I don't have any room in my small car for any other stuff. Might need to get a bigger car - this fun past time could get expensive!!
  23. Hi Motorhead, give Garmin customer service a call. Most units have a flat rate repair charge. I had a very good experience when I broke my eTrex Legend - clearly not under warranty and my fault but they fixed it - no charge. Very happy with all the Garmin units I have owned.
  24. Welcome love fishin, lots of great information here!
  25. fantastic - thanks just2manylures.
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