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Everything posted by Hooked

  1. I have to admit, that is very nice! Looks like you are in the cockpit of a 747 than a truck, amazing. However, I would still take one of these over it: Check it out The interior is something else.
  2. Wow, that's not bad really. I stopped by the one in Grimsby, it sucked large. Had some fillet knives and some other crap at 50%, didn't see any lures or reels on sale. Appears each CTC will have their own specially selected items on sale. I know the one on Hamilton mountain use to have good things on sale, perhaps I'll check that one out tomorrow. Not that I need anymore lures, but if they are 50% off, I am forced to buy them.
  3. Even though I thought it was a hellgrammite at first, it's still a creepy insect to me, quite realistic. Excellent work Chris. Hmm, I think ebay is calling you, $50/jig
  4. Hey Clive, you got an FTP setup?
  5. Jeremy is the best, haven't seen that ep, great one! And it's so convenient that smoke grenades fit in the couple holder, brilliant! Best car show around.
  6. I have to say, Hellgrammites really creep me out, and Chris, those jigs creep me out, nice job man, real nice. Think we'll have to do some business soon.
  7. Those are some great pics. That is one place I have always wanted to visit, simply beautiful out there.
  8. haha, I was thinking the same thing.
  9. That thing is impressive, wow. You can tell that guy has some serious building skills. I can only imagine how much time he put into that thing, but it turned out fantastic. The heating system is pretty sweet and the prints on the walls are something else. All he needs is a washroom in there and he's set.
  10. Pretty ironic, I work for Hamilton Health Sciences, so I guess it's your truck blocking me from using that one entrance to the hospital parking lot. Next time I'll have to stop by and say hey, move that truck, haha, jk. You guys got alot of work ahead of ya's for sure, but looking solid so far.
  11. Excellent read. Smart cat that Gary is.
  12. For me it's easy, A Christmas Story, never get sick of watching that movie. Second would be National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, another classic.
  13. Nice going David, you lucky dog! The weather looked mint for fishing. With the weather being as unpredicable as it is of late, I wouldn't doubt you heading out a few more times.
  14. Wow, that place is fantastic looking, and quite spacious to say the least. I have a good feeling you and Diane are going to enjoy that place immensely, I know I would. Congratulations Lew.
  15. Wow, enjoyed reading and seeing the pics of your progress, and the final product, awesome. Very creative design, glad to hear everything stayed in place. I must admit, I had my doubts. I thought you might of had to implement some custom cut styro-foam or spunge in those boxes, but it pulled through nicely without it. The only thing that could make that quad look bad is if you painted the boxes pink. That's a sick looking vehicle. Must say, that new place of yours looks pretty sweet, looks like you got tons o space in that garage of yours. Good stuff man.
  16. Guarantee you won't be cold in it. My dad has one and let me tell you, it's the heaviest coat I have ever picked up. I don't know how many times I fished with my dad on boq in the fall and he wouldn't wear it cuz it was too warm, haha, meanwhile it was -8 with the wind chill at the time. It is pricey, but if you want to keep warm, you will have no issues with that coat. I remember seeing them at the T.O. Sportsmans Show a few years ago, they had this huge cylinder container full of down (sp?), 22 oz worth. That represented the amount of down in their coat. That doesn't sound like alot, but you weigh 22 oz of feathers and see how many you end up with, haha, that cylinder was huge.
  17. Your little man is growing like a weed, and definitely a good thing he doesn't hold the fish. Don't know why, but if it fits in their hand, it goes in their mouth, haha, I know. And looks like the little lady is a born fisher girl, you did well in her training.
  18. Nice going David, you are having a stellar run of late. I am hoping to get one more crack at it there before ice-up.
  19. No doubt that was a treat to say the least for you. You are slowly becoming a fishing super star. First on Aaron and Barry's show, then winning a boat, and now on with Doug Stange. They say good things happen to good people, nice going man.
  20. Your outings never cease to amaze me, wow. Your walleye numbers are down, but man, are they ever monsters! Are you able to lauch your boat in that area? have you thought about it?
  21. That's one of the reasons why I don't watch, read or listen to the news.
  22. I have to agree with misfish, the lund in the classifieds here is an awesome deal, and the boat looks like its in mint shape. The only draw back is it's 10 years older than the one you are looking at, but is also $14K cheaper.
  23. Someone had brought this to my attention recently, looks like fun actually. I know they have some yurts setup at Bronte Creek as well. Heck, I would do that, but I think I would need to fish as well. Make sure you post some pics if you do go.
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