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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Way to go CC!! I tried and tried to figure out a way that I could get out this morning but with the kids and a dental appointment, it just wasn't possible..I am so jealous LOL Good for you! bly
  2. Joey... Had a similar encounter awhile back. This person had asked if we were receiving the discount etc and asked to see my bill. I explain to him that I had neither the time nor the desire to go looking for it and that if he wanted to leave some written information that would be fine. He went on and on about this and that and calling me at a later date. Here is the kicker...in order to call me back, he not only requested billing name, address, phone number AND account number but said that I had to sign the form for them to call me...ummmm I Don't think so! After I told him that I was not signing anything he gave me his little speach again about how it was just permission to call me etc....funny, these companies have never needed my permission to call and bother me during dinner etc. Anyway, he wouldn't give up and I ended up having to just shut the door. After reading your post, I am even more glad that I did not sign that form! I have a standard response now to anyone that comes to my door or calls me on the phone........ "Due to the high occurence of identity theft, I do not conduct personal business via (insert phone or door to door here) unless I initiate contact, have a nice day and remove me from your list." bly
  3. Good for you!! Always nice to hear about good deeds bly
  4. and whenever they ask you a question..nod to Chevy and Slowpoke to answer for you
  5. Great read and nice to know that I am not the only one this happens too! Thanks for sharing, always a good day when you can spend it with family/friends doing something you love. bly
  6. Great report and with fish even! hehe Good for you!! bly
  7. :P Enough said lol bly
  8. PLEASE please please tell me this statement is true!! lol bly
  9. Congratulations! That is an amazing shot! Bly
  10. Just wanted to wish you safe travels and good fishing! Looking forward to your report and pictures! bly
  11. Nice to see that at least in some places generousity and kindess still thrive!! Way to go! Bly
  12. Good Topic! With the warm weather and the rain, Ccmt and I decided to check out some local tribs. The ones in our area were completely blown with high, fast moving water. Saw large chunks of ice, and an approx. 100 ft long dock floating in from Lake Ontario. The sheer power of the current being displayed was amazing......definitely nothing to play around with! Play safe Bly
  13. Bly


    Very nice offer Bob! Sadly my next trip there isn't until the 17th..oh well, maybe another time! bly
  14. Thanks!!! Way to go Fishfinder and Wishin, those are some very nice fish!!
  15. Enjoy your day! Bly
  16. Ditto Fishergirl! bly
  17. Nice to see that you are still having luck out there! Bly
  18. Nice big hog there Sam!! Bly
  19. Don't you have some work to do or something! Oh and remember who is only a few feet away from ALL of your tackle right at this moment!
  20. Thanks for sharing these Marc...always love to watch sharks in action bly
  21. The locusts I can live with but could someone PLEASE stop the snow and freezing rain? Come on Spring! bly
  22. brush with greatness............ I get to share a house and other things with the lead singer of Gridlock! lol The closest I have ever gotten to meeting any kind of celeb would be when I "landed" in Canada and The Cure was there also. bly
  23. Rich, You should be able to find Ketchup chips is PA...they are made by a company called Herrs. We have a candy called Smarties but they are what Canadians call "Rockets" and oddly enough, they are made in Canada hehe
  24. Definitely not what I expected when I clicked on this topic....hope the bird tastes as delightful as the story! Too funny, thanks for sharing bly
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