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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Happy Birthday Doug!! May your day be filled with good jazz...good food....great company and wonderful surprises!!! Bly
  2. I would say yes Definitely would recommend it to anyone new to steel/trout fishing and looking to get a decent rod without spending alot. bly
  3. I have only used a few different reels (4 to be exact lol) and I was very pleasantly surprised with the feel of the Diawa for what I paid for it. My casting was much smoother with more control and the better drag was much appreciated last night. After the Easter trip, was glad not to see any loops and slack in my line. Again....new at this but I think I can see why Diawa is well liked Good luck this weekend!!! bly
  4. ROFL!! Let me know how that goes... bly
  5. Looking forward to reading it Thanks again for all of the help last week! Bly
  6. Here is a link to the original thread....... Believe! bly
  7. Cheap...you can get a raintarp with hood at most dollars stores hehe Haven't ever used it but I know that CTC has one as low as 14.99... " Men's Stormfighter Long Rain Jacket. " Good luck today, will look for your report! bly
  8. Joey........I don't try to do it, just get lucky I guess bly
  9. Thanks I really enjoy the night fishing and I get to fish spots that are normally very busy. bly
  10. You were on a boat, in open water and you caught fish........great day!!! Good luck with your next excursion! I have heard that sheephead have a little fight in them......how was that one? bly
  11. What can I say....... !!!! Great job Scott!!! Thanks for sharing! Bly
  12. I have never taken a dog in a canoe and after these stories, I doubt I ever will........Thanks for the laughs!!! LOL bly
  13. Awesome pics..thanks for sharing!! Simply amazing! Welcome to the board Bly
  14. Happy Birthday Jen!! Don't hurt Gerritt for telling, just make him buy you something from Bass Pro..maybe one item for every OFC Birthday Post! Have a great one!!! Bly
  15. karl kalonka bob devine mark kulik
  16. Bly


    Oh sure! Call me out by name and when I log in....no one there!! Pick on bly day? lol
  17. Excellent!!! Must have been a great thrill to land him!! bly
  18. Way to go!! Looking forward to reading more of your reports! Welcome to the board also Nice work with the net dad! Bly
  19. Welcome aboard! Fishing with family rocks!! bly
  20. Makes me think of flying across the lake at top speed in a serious boat....and I have never done that LOL Thanks for the link and I agree with Puckhead "If that tune won't wake you up on those days when the bed is too darn comfortable to get up and go fishing, nothing will..." !! bly
  21. Here you go fliptheslop...sorry for the delay......interesting looking fish
  22. I could post some nasty comments about men and so forth.....maybe finish off with a few female issues..oh and throw in a few OOS Musky shots? Would that help? lol bly
  23. No kidding! They are very good at spoofing....I have received spam from my own email address lol bly
  24. Welcome Ken! bly
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