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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Thanks! Always figure it is worth it if I am doing something I really enjoy. The knee should be fine in a few days....slap on the ice etc. and carry on! bly
  2. Very nice!!! All that fun by noon.....family, friends and fish!! What a great way to spend a morning bly
  3. Wishing you trouble free surgery and a speedy recovery!! Bly & Ccmt
  4. Glad to hear that you are OK Corn Nug Growing up, I was the most "allergic" kid I knew and my allergies are nothing compared to what so many people today have to deal with. As adults we learn to adapt but I always feel bad for the children. bly
  5. Nice! Good luck if you go out at all this weekend! bly
  6. Great! Always nice to read about fellow OFNers getting together , having a great day and catching fish! Congrats on the tourney entries Jen!! bly
  7. Too funny! Years ago a male friend and I shared an apartment and the "toliet" rule was mentioned and he had a valid point. When Cliff and I first started dating, he informed me that there were a few things I should know... 1. He does NOT notice shoes, purses and haircuts etc. 2. Never ask him about my clothes. bly
  8. Congratulations on the new species and good luck with your quest! Bly
  9. All done! bly I posted the larger version on your team thread incase anyone wants it
  10. Sorry about that Kevin, was trying to get it posted for him in a hurry..I do plan to fix it. Bly
  11. What a beautiful day!!! Already wearing my shorts!!! WOOO HOO!!! Off in search of a nice shore spot... Bly
  12. Happy Birthday Brian!!! I hope you had a great day and got everything you wished for!!! Bly
  13. Awesome that you and Maggie are making these together!! Can't wait to read some reports of how these "High Performance" lures produce!! bly
  14. Todd, Just finished reading the article.....nicely done! Easy to read and helpful information. Thank you for giving the heads up about that missing pragragh and for posting it. bly
  15. Nice video Joey........that poor man!! Might want to get that under control Cliff....IF that ever happens to me and you laugh..you are going overboard! lol bly
  16. A little late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Bly & CCMT
  17. Ditto!!! Bly
  18. Welcome to Team 9 "Anglers Anonymous" Rickster! Alex, hope you enjoy Team 3..Gerritt isn't sooo bad! Awww shucks Rick Hope I can live up! Bly
  19. Good to hear that you are on the mend....speeding recovery!!! Bly
  20. If you are nervous about spooling this line yourself, ask the folks at the local tackle shop to spool it. Bly
  21. 16 inches?? I will stop pouting about the temps around here and the occasional ice on my line lol Thanks for the report and pics. Good to hear that "no damage was done" and you have a new PB Splake! bly
  22. Welcome Rowboat! Never fished the French but good luck! bly
  23. Thank you for sharing your reports MB, always a great read!! Bren....WAY TO GO!!! Congratulations to you both..very nice season!! Bly
  24. Snog.... You REALLY need to go fishing! LOL
  25. My "photo to remember" isn't fishing related but I just love it! She will kill me for doing this but the before & after scenario helps with the appreciation This is my oldest in an earlier post by Cliff...... Here she is at her Grade 8 grad with her entourage..... She is an awesome kid and this picture always makes me smile.....most of her teachers and some of her classmates didn't recognize her that night bly
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