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Tim Mills

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Everything posted by Tim Mills

  1. I wouldn't rush out to Woodstock. Jos is a big fan of the rapala combos. He says the product has improved and warranty is excellent. He says he buys the Rapala gear in bulk that's why he can sell them for a "great price" $130. You can spend the same money at JB Fishing Depot or SAIL as Pete says and get higher quality gear that will last for the same price or less.
  2. impressive catch, also impressive camera work while solo.
  3. Please explain? Why is it unfortunate and how is he exploiting our water?
  4. Excellent report, I'm sure the father and son time was worth every penny. Enjoyed the pics especially the northern lights and the pike being released on the beach.
  5. you got some good value added items galv trailer, riggers. kicker congrats and nice fish
  6. Awesome Fish and great photo. Congrats
  7. thanks for posting, very enjoyable, like the frying pan and boat pic
  8. Good behind the scenes stuff, I'm not a musky fisherman but I think MH is one of the best fishing shows on TV. I'm glad It went well for you, thanks for the report.
  9. Cool post, also like your article on retro fitting tin boats
  10. Fished the mouth last night 530 till 800, lots marked but no takers
  11. Slower presentations, plastics and live bait.
  12. Nice mix of SM and LM, I fished Lake Joe in mid august in the Yoho Island area. Lots of small fish and a couple of decent ones around 3.5lbs. Some guys were trolling and catching Lake Trout in the area as well.
  13. Thanks for the comments and suggestions.
  14. Looks like a beautiful day on the water, nice fish
  15. We stayed at fees landing for a family reunion, some what rustic cabins, dockage, good value, only complaint was the weedy swimming area,
  16. Impressive triple header, its hard enough to land one of those at a time. Nice video as well.
  17. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts this summer we managed to boat a few fish from Lake Ontario recently. Trolling just outside of the rivermouth in the dirty water. 20-40ft depths. Firetiger pike spoon on lead core 150ft back An Atlantic on a dipsey, spin dr/fly tipped with an anchovie (forgot the meat rig hooks at home had to improvise) This fish hit right off the Bow of the Ridgeway as I was reeling in the second last rod to go home. Very clean fish. Same Dipsey spin/dr fly combo as above (no anchovie) 10ft down in 20ft of water Thanks to my sister Liz for taking the wheel. My son Reilly with an Atlantic. Dipsey, Spin Dr/meat rig with anchovie. Unfortunately, he lost a good king boatside but he enjoyed a good fight before it bent the hook and got away.
  18. I've only fished lake o with dipseys, I don't have my riggers installed but I have been able to catch fish with dipseys and lead core. When I am on boats with riggers and dipseys the dipsey rods seem to catch just as many fish as the rigger rods. If you end up giving the dipseys a try on lake o as bill suggests, you may want to stop in At shortwave marine in port credit, they have given me some good advice on set ups and baits that are working.
  19. Nice boat and trip shots, the stand up top is a real bonus
  20. Awesome picture congrats to your boy
  21. Land o lakes lodge, Mel and Ginny are the owners, they have a number of cabins, good value
  22. Nicely done, lighting looks great.
  23. Shame. I enjoyed his work in Good Will Hunting and Good Morning Vietnam.
  24. Google dead spin and read the comments from Tyler Graves a race driver who was in the stands. The first cars are easily able to avoid the victim but one of the best drivers in the world is not? Victim at fault too should have left it for the pits. it will be interesting to see how this plays out in court.
  25. Have not fished it myself but would like to. Google Georgian Bay Bass Hole , Looking forward to your report
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