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Tim Mills

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Everything posted by Tim Mills

  1. Here are some basic flies that I have tied for Pike. What do use guys recommend for leader material when flyfishing for pike? I usually use heavy flouro tippet. Does anyone use Tuff Line Tufleader (braided stainless steel but apparently ties like mono)? They're not pretty but they fool some of the hammer handles at Mountsberg. Pike seem to swallow the fly quite often. I like to pinch the barbs to increase the odds of a successfull release.
  2. A friend who was at the show passed these pics along. He said Daltry's voice is not what it used to be but Townsend was as good as ever.
  3. Strange hire, can't see it working out.
  4. Saw this at the Outdoor Adventure Show. Don't have enough time to workout and fish. Now you can do both at the same time. A SUP for fisherman.
  5. Pidge- enjoyed the pics, How heavy was piggy and what are your thoughts on the portaboat?
  6. Agree with HH a great band in they re time. Saw them 25-30 yrs ago in Buffalo and at the EX (I think that was the show when openning act Joe Jackson's backup singer got hit in the face with a hotdog and he told the crowd to take a hike). Both great shows and it was alot of fun camping out for tickets at lamport stadium (had to do that in the old days before the internet).
  7. Saw the fury at the show. I liked the rear seats that fold down and convert into a casting deck.
  8. My son and I went from 430 to 830. I hope the vendors were busy during the day because it was dead when we were there. Not complaining about the lack of crowds though. Enjoyed the show and spoke to some very nice lodge owners and boat sales people. My son got a rod and reel and a few lures from the 3 for $10 bin.
  9. Going Friday afternoon as well. Last year there were some good deals on trolling motors. There was also a small booth that had some good rod and reel prices.
  10. Goldwater is almost 9. He s better in the canoe than the house. Likes to take food from the fridge and stash it around the place or bury it in the back yard. Sometimes he even closes the fridge door when he is done.
  11. Having somewhat figured out how to insert photo's I thought I would attempt to introduce myself. I came across this site by accident when searching google images for a portage cart/dolly. Its impressive how the members of this site are so supportive to one another. Some others places I enjoy fishing and fly fishing include Mountsburg CA, upper and lower Credit, bronte ck, 1000 Islands around Gan, Crotch Lake, Massassauga PP, and the Niagara River Glen/Whirlpool. Below are some pics (posted ass backwards) from a short solo canoe trip to the Port Loring area last August- Thanks to JohnnyB and Cliff L for they're previous posts on this area. I didnt notice this dolly on the way in but it was a very welcome site on the portage out. on the way out passing the fishing camp Freeloader Last fish of the trip-caught most SM trolling blue rapalas. view from camp Best SM of the trip. The SM is this area hit and fought hard. This lakes had a good mix of LM and SM. I stayed at one campsite-more fishing time less packing and unpacking.
  12. Thanks, I enjoyed the slide show . My sister in law's family has a "camp" in the area. Interesting to see the backpack frame you used to portage the motor.
  13. Agree about the trolling but I like the fact that Charlie will take the time to explain the technical aspects of how he is fishing. Most fishing shows are either guided fishing days with the local expert or fishing at remote lodges with minimal pressure. I prefer the episodes when a show/host fishes local places that are accessable to the average person. Italo doea a nice job of mixing in some episodes like this. Fishing the lower Niagara from shore, 18 mile , kayaking the lower Grand etc.
  14. Freshwater Atlantic Salmon Grayling Musky Aurora Trout Coaster Brooktrout Saltwater Striped Bass Permit Bonefish Light Tackle Tarpon Fishing
  15. I have an 06. I have the same noise issues and also get some odd noises from the roof when on the highway. I have the basic model.
  16. Im not sure if this is an option for you but: you can check out the thread on www.algonquinadventures.com "Mew Lake 5 Nighter" thread.
  17. I've been to SAIL Burlington a couple of times because it is close to my workplace. Its not a store I would go out of my way to shop at like I do with BPS. Having the hunting and fishing upstairs is enough to make me go somewhere else. I know these Big Box stores do they're homewotk but I find it hard to believe that all these SAIL stores in the GTA can be profitable.
  18. p.s. Re: Buffalo is the only team to play home games in NY? What about the Jets and the Giants? They play home games in New Jersey-cheaper land in NJ and you get a more intellectual fan base like Paulie Walnuts and Snooky.
  19. Keep the Bills in Buffalo-No tailgating=no point.
  20. Randy- Better than most basements on MTV Cribs-do you have any fish stories about your mounted fish? Tim
  21. I hope that the conditions this summer will not ruin what was a good place to fish. Hopefully, we will have alot of snow this winter and mountsberg will come back. The last time I was there the water level was so low that poeple were parking on what used to be lake bottom.
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