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Everything posted by brickNblock

  1. Thoughts to the family of condolence. To the sucker that did the awful deed... "I'd like to introduce you to my Brick Hammer you S.O.B".....
  2. That was one beautiful brown...havent seen one like that in some time......... Thanks for sharring this with us.... You got me back to thinking when chrome was all i fished for.appreciate that.
  3. davew3...hey there Bud.... as a resident of these areas Ive got some pretty uptodate info and of at this current date it is pretty much like the last 3 weeks,,,,,,,,,,,D E A D.... When you come to town....drop by and see Sam at Carra Outdoor Sports..his service/sales/partner and friend..Glenn...is a guide for Quinte waters and will put you on fish for sure...but everything has been slow...slow. Wellers has been producing a lot of X-large ..LM Bass and now look for the Salmon commimng off the big lake from the West. Point Anne ,,just west of Belleville has always been a great area for LMBass ...and Gigantic GarPike,( a treat to catch if youve never done so...just make sure your rigged correctly and have the right releasre tools) Mouth of the Trent in Trenton has LMBass onthe west side and the walleye are moving up river now and this is their point of entry....Launching out of Trenton on thew east shore is FREE..and so is the paRKING. Start by getting in touch with Glenn at Carra outdoor Sports......he know where the bite is...........bring a pic of yourself with OFC apparell on and the info is free and your pic will be also added to Sams growing selection on his sales wall. Good luck to you and get in touch with Sam for sure...............bNb For Musky..........The Moira river is doing real well right now from what Ive heard...just severley low waters as is the rest of the province from what ive read..............enjoy.
  4. Cliff and you too Carol..... I'm freaking FREAKING SPEECHLESS........... You two are the absolute shore fishing Numero Uno..... Ive read the last couple of threads you've written and theyre priceless even tho there been no reszponse from us but this dial-up is nutz...then again theres times when you just got to reply no matter what the time involved. WTG U 2...........WTG. .......PeteNCharmin'
  5. Hey Thomas..........welcome back buddy! Not just from missing you on the board but still sorry I missed you on our way through last fall.....sure glad t9o see some sense and sensibility return to the board...........You always had that nack. I hope all is not as desperate as the little your letting us is on.....fingers crossed for ya Bud and you know what.... Your person..who you are.....will somehow overcome what little obsticle is in your path.. Take care.....Myself as so many others are pulling for you. .........in fishing..your 'bro...peter
  6. Very nice PB indeed BCD. I, as all others, hope your son's responsibilitys and duties are over shortly and you be sure to get him one of those big muskies. Thanks for sharring that.
  7. Exellent Gb...and a big congrats....you'll be hooked now! BTW, 'ReelBuddies'...that dude is Shane....awesome straight shooting stand-up person and a great friend of mine....his knowledge of Simcoe is best by far....tell him I send along a big hello howdy.
  8. Casting............. #65 PP w/ #80 Seagur FC Trolling............. #80PP w/#120 Seagur FC Edit: I do have a smaller set=up for certain conditions. #30 PP w/ #30 P-Line FC
  9. Nice report Cliff.............Geeze, I just finished listening to your guitar solo on the other post (awesome Bud) You an Bly look to have had a great day out there with Will......Ive not fished with him YET but know him to be a stand-up, solid guy. Wtg Bud.
  10. My Parents, at their young age of 70 + are participants in this and asked if I would pass it on to any whom may be interested. DINGHY POKER RUN You must be in a dinghy...motorized or by paddle You travel on water to 6 way points where you are given an envelope at each one containing a playing card. Once you return, the envelopes are given to the judges who record the best possible poker hand. -1st prize is a 9' Sportmaster Aluminum Inflatable -There are other prizes for runners up. There will be a boater Flea Market where they advertize: -Bring your old treasures and enjoy great bargains The Bar opens at 3pm........... Dinner at 6pm Entertainment to follow in the evening........looks to be a D.J. from what Im looking at. Date: Saturday September 15th, 2007 Port Whitby Marina Starting Time: 1pm $30 cash entry fee per Dinghy. Multiple entrants per Dinghy Permitted. I wont be going as Ive no Dinghy.....(Yikes).....but may be a passenger with my folks boat. Not much more to add but my folks always find these things to do and they usually end up being a quality time. -bNb
  11. Sent youNChuck a PM...........
  12. 1 Hour and 45 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your title should read Dial-Up Beware. Awesome shots Shelley, thanks for putting them together the way you have. Great Company, Beautiful weather and we even got in some fishing.......Exellence! We wont soon forget this past weekend and the time we had and we now have the pictures to save for our memories. We're looking forward to the get together for some Simcoe Ice this winter provided you 2 come on out for some BOQ Walleye through the ice too.... theres so much more soft water action still to do. TJ hit gold when he put this board together, where complete strangers can become Good Friends. Thank you for the time we shared, it couldnt happen sooner once more. -PeteNCharmin'
  13. Hello there, Pete and I just wanted to say thank you for coming to our humble little home and spending the day with us, we really had a great time and enjoyed having you guys here,as well as having Chuck and Shelley here, it's a weekend we'll all remember for a very long time. We loved the boating and fishing we got to do with Chuck and Shelley and I'm sure Peter will have something to say later today,so again thanks for coming out and "PLEASE" feel free to come any time,we enjoyed your company and look forward to spending some time with the both of you in the near future.Thanks for the ,Thank-you gift,it was very thoughtful of you both, I really appreciated it.Were just unwinding from a great weekend,Chuck and Shelley left early this morning, and Pete and I had some work to do when they left,so now were getting ready for school in the morning. Take Care Happy Fishing Charmaine
  14. This is ladyWalleye snoopin in on your post Cliff... It was a pleasure to see you two out here... and we're really glad you had a good time.. the offer to join us in the boat is open to any day you'd like to come along..... We headed out to Picton today.. but will post later.. as Charmaine is ringing her dinner bell.... lol
  15. Johnny-Bass..............How the heck are you son!!!!!!!!!!!!! My new residence has put me in the land of ..'Dial-UP"...but Ive been following your adventures this year with amazement my friend. Youve been putting on quite the school in species and 'Lunge'...which not too long ago were amiss to ya Bud..........Like I said...got DialUp and everything...specially pics are troublesome...but when you read some reports you just got to wait for the pics. Your reports this year have been especially interesting and super informative...........Thanks Bud. Take Care and tightLines...........peter
  16. Talk about.."Under the Wire"..or,.."By a Nose"... My donation was sent in yesterday....sorry for my tardiness Joey. Lew, Your brothers passing effected all here, for many different reasons, coupled with our affection of You, for all the many, many things you have given of yourself and time, knowledge and experiences shared this was the least friends could do.......Enjoy Lew. Pam, Ive seen much of your work but this will remain my favourite...wonderful. JoeyNPaul........My hat goes off to you 2.....the perseverance to accomplish all you did in putting this together will go down in OFC history....Unforgettanle. To all else who lent a hand in one way or another......WayToGo
  17. Chuck. you fine folk have a PM
  18. Awesome report Brian and like others have said.....we've been waiting for news of your trialsNtribs at these tourneys. I'll not get the chance you had this day with your son as its a path Ill not go down but I ve had my time with my boys and being their netman for their first muskies is a memory Ill always keep special as you have related sorta in this post............ Thanks for this report fella.....thanks
  19. Yeah...what MTP said............. Hey young one......hope you've got a pic with a TEAM4 sign on it comming our way. Congrats on that hog bud.....congrats.
  20. Jedi............ You know what man...... That was one darn nice report, period. The info was great to hear about, but your report of the kids coupled by your involvment in a kayak no less is priceless....... Thank you...very refreshing. and informative.
  21. Good on ya Roy!!!!!!!!!! Nice to hear that your actually able to get out. every now an then 'specially when your so close to musky heaven....Some may think otherwise but I do happen to know that you are one man with a more then full schedule and more responsibilities then anyone one person should be carrying. Again....good on ya Bud.....enjoy that tasty 'pick this evening. pete
  22. Over the years I have been patiently awaiting a view of your shop there Wayne. I'm sure that was just a glimpse but still quite impressive.....I am curious though, is the hangar part of the same structure/work shop. I for one would like to see an over all shot of this operation you call a place of work. Now......... theres no pics left for me to ask you of except ones with the odd lunge being released. Nice job again Wayne..hope it works well for you for years to come and then to heck with the warranty. -pete
  23. Hey Mike. Get your wife a licence, they dont cost much and well worth the aggravation. My wife is a fairweather fisher but loves to be out on the water and if the mood strikes her....she'll toss a line out. There's plenty of places to get a licence in Quinte.
  24. Lemmesee..... I was green w/Envy last year when you went out and purchased all them exellent musky rods/reels. Looking at the pics of your new rig in this post........ Well, lets just say my bottom jaw is still on the ground....and I'm 6-3. AWESOME,...............awesome job Wayne. Wish I were comming to Lakair this summer to see this marvel.
  25. I dont want to sound weird about this But...... it will make a great litle "stocking Stufffer" type thing for my wife for Mother's Day....as a matter of fact I think I'll pick one up for LilBrick too............ Thanks for the heads up............they need to be leaving my gear alone anyway. $60 2 combo's.........cant be beat.
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