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Everything posted by brickNblock

  1. Dang-ed dialup........ Caught your act about 6mos ago tho Bro'......good stuff!
  2. Not too bad a read TJ.... Allard's article on fast presentations was decently informative Thanks and keep up the great work Bud!
  3. Aint it the truth........ Our condolences to you and yours Dan..... Peace be with you.
  4. Exellent thread Roy.... Some decent posts to back it up as well...... Wish i could add more but my peaves have been covered so far.................. Keep 'em comming folks.
  5. Exellent report and thanks for the pics Ramble... I too am looking forward to your Kesagami report...... Oh Yeah!....that filet knife of yours...... Man, its looks like it has seen a few fish.........how long you had it? It looks in great shape....How do you clean it?...Store it?......How often is it sharpened and what with?
  6. Nice looking baits Matt..... Lew was...and has been 'Right-On" with his info for some time now and again came up large for you and any of us reading on. I learned Lew's technique for weighting them lures right here on the board sometime back..(from Lew) and Ive had no problems...they run great. Lew..your right about Art too..(applumma)......I was fortunate enough to pick up 2-3 of his incluiding that big Jailbrid.....He even sent me one to paint my own desired colour finish/pattern, Art's suicks are an exellent lure to the point that I dont even use the store bought ones anymore..... Well...the wifey did buy me a few and i do throw them occassionally if'n shes out with me. Great tips again Lew.......nice refresher 'specially this time of year.
  7. Kirk.........that was hilarious Bud! Most of that blood was caused by my lovely bride... The hook was so deep..it just looked black inside until I attempted to bring it back out the way it went in but being a large treble it brought out some things that were yellow in colour and I wasnt to happy with what I was seeing .. so from a thread I believe from MuskyBill back a few years ago I remembered thaT it has to pass through on the route of travel and the shank backed out. Yeah it was bleeding but near as much as what happened after my personal surgeon went to work on it.... Perhaps I should keep this on file tho...... If the day ever came where divorce may be an issue it could provide evidence of abuse...... Oh yeah........I blew my beer budget for the weekend...dang! ..too many last night for anesthetic.
  8. Would like to thank Rick and douG for their medical support..... Wayne for your motivation........ and my wife for just plain telling me to man-up.... "Your not comming to bed with that in your hand"....... I dont know how many times she struck that razor blade before hitting the right spot but it is out...... We've just finished shovelling.......N-shovelling the driveway so will be heading into town for a few items including a tetnus shot.... I'm missing a few items and have them on backorder but have close to a dozen lures complete for those that have asked for them.....Going to consider a new 'Blood' line of lure....
  9. 6 beers in 30 minutes......... 2 oz. of canadas best whiskey......... Soaked for about 20min. in ice.........Thanks dougG.very much. Pushed the hook out the other side and cut the shank then pulled the barb through........ backed off the shank and pulled it back out the way it went in. Ahahah.........joking now but.........Charmaine made several slices with the razor blade before she hit the right spot for the barb to poke through.. Folks....I've got pic's............ Not tonight tho............too many beer to figure out how to do it ............ For sure Ill post them tommorrow for those with the liking for such things. dougG.............thnx mang! rizzo........well, rizzo...j-k thnx all surprising how quick the pain goes awaY..........need a new pair of kni-plex tho...6/0 hooks are pretty thick and the torque with the compression whilst leading off my wrist for balance was not all that welcome .took 3 attempts for a cut clean through. Emergencie over an out............. again.... thanks for all your help.............dougG........yer a marvel at times Bud. pete (Marc gonna love these lures)
  10. k- no longre carrying the lure around it has been cut off........ roads are severe to go to hospital and wife came ww/groceries and............and beer....... going to have some beer....then push thru and cut barb....... thanks foe everyones help.......
  11. wayne.........thanks bud......... charmaine just walked in and im sur we'll workout something. let you know in a bit........
  12. thanks zll,,,,,,,,,,lol wayne...its a 6/0 for someone spevicial....... just cut off the remaider of the lure and deffiniteoly will not try the........ ;'string pull method...........thnx tho rick for consideration....... gcd.........im thinking there is about 12-15mm of sashank left.............poope...sorry man..about 5/16in left on the shank...........thinking il push whats there rihgt thru the other side and go the kni-plex thing its too much snowstorm righyt now for hospital/
  13. yo all....... typing wiyh my left hand while treble stuck into my thumb right up to the shank. any tips from them that knows........ been stuck for about half houir now. tried rippig it out, but just more blood and me hollerin'..... anyone know... sorry....no pics yet
  14. Cliff............. Dang man.you Spunky fellar... Right back at 'em with the (NF) stands for Non-Fishing........ Sincerely hope you an Carol get some decent times out of the new ride for some new exellent ........"New Memories" Hoping to see you both again this summer. You know the invite is anytime........
  15. I agree with Joe.......... Start about 10feet out from your house on the suspected side and workout... Joe...my septic's cleanout is on the road side not the house side...This makes sense tho for when they come to pump out.. I also have installed extended lids for finder location......it was a pain to first to locate. Unfortunately Ive learned that the 80' Ash tree about 25' out from the house roots have ruptured the draining field and have a new task at hand..........????????????MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm ????????????????????????????????????? Was thinking of capping off the old field line and install a new one(s) parrellel or in the vincinity...... Huge problem tho....... As our home is on the water we come under a conservation authority which means them and only them can excavate and remove/install...........Can you say x10 big bucks.... Neighbours are pretty cool so's Im thinking I'll just trench and re/re myself in the dark hours....... Best of luck with your undertaking tho my friend
  16. Thanks for that Marc. Truly an inspiration for me and should be for many more......... Justin.....Musta been quite the G2G.......Hope there is a future one for you to enjoy....... An upate would be appreciated whenever possible... Ya man...inspiring............. Thnx Marc.
  17. Nice Brian...............sweet........BUT... I can here it from my place............. 'Honey........Dad an Bro just got new'.(Insert tear filed eyes). Watcha think................'Got the jacket already'.......'Good to go' Thinking you'll be out there soon enough once th3e seasons starts and back......... In a boat of Your-n............... BiggerNbetter dont mean squat if you aint catching...an you can catch son...you can catch. (White aint your colour............unless its a sponser...................^%$*Y^)
  18. Ryan.......some nice looking lures there Bud......(& partners). I got to say this as well,.............Nice touch of class...... Better then an intro onto this board by way of you stating: ;' ..make ot out to the FISHING FOR TYLER event.............. Mo does and done an exellent job for this family and how can we not but co-operate with that. WTG man.........WTG. Living on a waterbody that holds smallies in some abundance We've got most of the top waters by way of style that you have shown with one diffeence,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, They werent made yby ou fellars and.............the monies didnt go to as great a cause so I have to have a few.....................them topwaters look SA-WEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeer! Exellent Gesture Bud...............exellent! I had read that someone had something similar but............. It just isnt the same.........Regardless. Dont know if we can make the tourney this year or not....(Dont tell Maureen) but if it is available to purchase some of those exelent lookng topwaters.......I'm in for sure. The Popper with the Orange/Red with Green (perch,walleye) under belly is truly a decent looking bait and I'd love to have one. We'll be in touch Bud...................We'll be in touch. WTG on the FishingForTyler Event.......AWESOME. pete
  19. Wayne......Gagnon's does have them but a very poor selection and quantity of. QuinteOutdoors Sports has them for sure in quantity and selection. I believe their web site to be just that: QuinteOutdoorSports.com or similar. They may have a mail order system in tact, not sure of that. Pete
  20. Well, I live about 7kms from the BOQ and my bank faces the Bay direct in Trenton. Im down there daily either for groceries or banking and it is clear open water........... CLEAR OPEN WATER.........................NUFF SAID??????????? I know there are guys fishing it by boat right now...and all of last week The ice is way East of the BOQ tho....... HayBay area for example....shallow bay. As Roy stated....contact Sam (DT10Sam) at carra outdoors.....he has pro's for ice guiding and he'll hook you up to whats up.
  21. I think it was a good move........I like fergie but...he mortgaged the future for the buds. Cliff......time will tell. I think they should keep some on ice integrity by keeping Sundin and dumping salaries of thos tradeable for prospects (young) like, McCabe, Kubina, Tucker. They cant dump Raycroft just yet cuz of cost but others in the same categorie like Blake. They have an exellent future but require E-Xtra's by draft and perhaps an aquisition or 2 but, you dont get rid of the youth theyve got.....Steen, Stajan, Devereau,Stralman, Tlusty, Antropov. Most folk can easil say trade away Poni but why.........he's young, growing into his position and doesnt cost much..I think alot of these guys need a decent coach to put them into a better place and mind set about their games. Yessir.keep Sundin and Kaberle.........they'll just have to be told not to expect to play for a winner for a few years.
  22. Not in sales of......... Laid these for 30+ years.
  23. CityFisher..... Where there is a dream there is hope Bud... Paul..(OhioFisherman)..said it pretty good. If you are young..??????? If you are.......and are serious about marriage in the next few years then Junior isnt neccessarily far off if not already here. Buy close to work at the furthest distance your prepared to drive with comfort for both you an the missuss. Perhaps you will be able to purchase a home at a decent price a little further from work then most but not so it will be troublesome to commute. There are 'LOTS", available, 'NORTH' to soothe your need for something to 'Get Away From".at affordable prices where you could simply pitch a tent or build some sort of hunter camp as TJQ has. Having to sweat-work to make this idea comfortable /useable you may get a better idea of what you want later down the road. Heck man.......some of these not to bad of places can be had for as little as $5K..... Think primitive.......does it have water.(drinking)....is it good water or whats needed or do I bring it in. Does it flood.IMPORTANT.... Whats the access to it...Public ...Private.........Seasonal/Year round. Any neighbours.....talk to them about whats up!..are there hunters comming accross from crown land..mistakes happen...do they hunt with Bows/Guns?..you may half to mark off your parcel. Ahemmm....Taxes..taxes..????? Regulations..can you build a fire without hassle. Again....Good luck with your decision.. You know what you had to do to save that D.P. PS I never gave a hoot to what others ever said about the capability of being able to move at a whim to your choice of water and not being 'Stuck' in one place vs PURCHASING A COTTAGE. I'd make it quite sure that wherever it is that you may purchase holds enough FISH to keep you happy and boats are usually towed by trailers for when you wish to venture elsewhere. If you ever purchase North...your never far from water anyway.
  24. Quite a bit of good information on the topic has already been stated, both for and against. I feel fortunate enough to say we made the right decision by purchasing waterfront and it doesnt neccessarily mean that you are confined to one body of water. By boat we are only 7kms from the BOQ but ...If we wish to make the hike..(comming soon).....we could do most of the Kawartha's all the way out to Georgian Bay via our same waterbody......that to us is a vacation! As BigCliff said.....they dont make waterfront property any more.(generally) It is our prime residence however and a very long drive to the GTA to do on a regular basis ....Winter driving can be a nightmare too.... As for appreciation....it can be slow but it is still real estate and normally a solid investment after your first 5 years but we've been enjoying watching some neighbouring properties selling after only a year of being here some 25-35% above what would have been the selling price 13 months ago. Its a huge decision, purchase and cache of money........ Good luck on whatever it is you choose to do. Only you know the path it took you to save that DP.
  25. Joey.... Thanx for the news however horrific...... Charmaine sent her an E-mail this morning as we were just notified of this accident through your post. We have been trying to reach either Chuck or Shell by phone with no luck at all. Most likely they are real occupied.......terrible, rotten news for this family. Please keep us all up to date Joey........again, thanx. PeteNCharmaine.
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