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Everything posted by brickNblock

  1. Cliff..you were faster then me..... Thats pretty much what it looks like here too Bud. Nicve to have a neighbour like that man.....
  2. Same out this way too Roy. Charmaine an I shovelled together in 2 hour intervals from first thing yesterday morning til the 2nd period of last nights game....Was so tired from all that shovelling I mdidnt even make it to bed....Past out right in front of the TV.......... When I woke somewhere around 2am I went to get up and my one leg was asleep and I stumbled into the wood pile opening up a gash on my arm that probably could have used a few stitches........ Grabbed some hockey tape and polysporin and good to go. Because of our location our mail is delivered by car to our mailbox accross the street..... Problen is...bylaw...The box must be 36" high so the mailman can pass the maill through his window....no higher. The freaking snow is plowed up over 5'.......got to make sure thats shovelled down too.. The storm we got in February.....the snowplow took the tops off about a dozen mailboxes..and now ours is attached by bungee cords cuz I cant attach it properley til the snowbank is gone or down a couple more feet. It sure is pretty to look at though, isnt it. Have a safe day!
  3. Shell.... What a great day(s) out on the ice for you. I dont get on here much but have seen some of your an Joey's reports and they are just awesome...WTG ..folks..WTG. Funny about Italo..... February 29th....I was heading out back onto to the BOQ for some hardwater,, Went into Skevy's for my mudminnows and ran into Italo on my way out. Huh ..I thought as I sat in thje truck...I went back in with my camera and got a few pics of us together... He had just come in from the morning bite with Nadda...thats right Nadda..he got one jumbo perch..but exclaimed that he got the whole thing on film..WTG ..Italo. the bite was great for me that evening tho...went 4-4 between 4-6lbs....(Red/Gold LilCleo)..in about 1 1/2 hrs then stayed on to catch near 15 more only just for the sport and quickly released them. It sure was a great season out this way too. I'm p'O'd I never got to get out with you folk this year as well as Shane... Next year for sure.....Maybe there is still time for this year still. Whatchs think? Pete Your action pics of Italo are a heck of alot beetter then mine for sure.
  4. WTG galsNguys.WTG. Shell.......absolutely awesome lookin' whities for sure. This is probably the first year I havent been out with Shane in some years I gotta say.... After them pics tho...I miss him large. Happy for ya's..... WTG PeteNCharmin' Shell.... Did we ever tell you that Shane anWife helped us move to our new home... He drove the big truck for me... PLEASE say hello howdy for me will ya.
  5. Rich.......... I never commented on the first of these talks becuase it hit too close to home..... You know what I mean for sure.... That sure is one frolickly looking Airdale tho Bud..... Enjoy many new memories with her.... I'm sure she'll love the boat. WTG man..Kudos to your wife an daughter for making your day.. I hope you have something large planned for them for this....
  6. Mo... Very sorry to say that 'LilBrick an myself will not be comming afterall... It has been in the plans since last years and even marked in my daily diary. I am hosting one of my brothers 50th B-Day g2g'rs and had planned to bring everyone to Tyler's g2g for a great day on the ice for an even better cause BUT..... The majority ruled me out giving the BOQ the nod. Their reasoning was, "They didnt want to be around young folk and families". I can only surmise it is so they can go 'HogWild'... I'm now (asof this past Tuesday) not bringing 'LilBrick either....she's P.O'd. Well THEY....are not avid fisherman either....... I'll have to lay the law down a litle out there and keep them in line. Mo....I've your address from the year before..... If it's the same I'lll send my event donation regardless. If not the same address.PM me...K. Best of luck for a record raising amount for this great cause.
  7. Right on douG...... Please do the RIGHT THING buddy......These are our waters as well.
  8. OK Cliff........ I'll go with you and Lew on that. It makes perfect sense.
  9. Nelley..... Hows it going Bud....... Hope all is well. Famil;y Day??????????? a mcGuinty thing..... Im sure good ole Mayor Miller is for it for his 'OVERWORKED' staff... Why REMEMBERANCE DAY is not a national holiday is a question and thought that has plagued many for many years....... It is one of the singular most items on my list of what truly P'meO'd ever... If that isnt a holiday for this country...how can you justify any other...... Think about it..... What a farce and absolute disgrace.....
  10. young one... almost forgot....... Jackie...who normally works the 'REEL' department at BPS. his name on the board used to be......... 2jack2 if you'd like to PM him... Havent heard from him in a while here tho. PM me if you'd like his telephone number. Peter
  11. young one...... Nice meeting up with you an your folks too. It wasnt me who broke his auger BTW.........I had my own Jiffy Hope you get that situation worked out... That sure looked like the cadillac of augers for sure.. Them Jumbo's were about the same as we were getting as well.. .....wasnt what we were there for tho.. Funny.......we werent wearing any OFC apparrel........ Just another fisherman in a situation and we got to talking... Neat when that happens.
  12. ..should have mentioned this too... We ran into a an OFC'r today out on the bay today. It was,.....'youngone' and his family............good to see and meet you BTW. I hope you get that auger fixed........it sure was new looking.
  13. Tanks for the info David..... They are sure some hogs you have there..........awesome....... If the weather aint too rough, the wifey an I will be heading out there tommorrow. Today we fished out of Herschimers an PointAnne East by the 'Barge' outwards near 500'. Ice was 24"-30".....absolutely gorgeous day........beautiful! But...........Nadda..nadda.....'cepting some jumbos.... Was better then sitting at home tho'. We were going to go out near Huffs.......but something told me maybe Shermans would be good.. What are the chances of some GPS co-ordinates bud?......... Shoot me a PM if you like...maybe we could hook up.. I'D SURE LIKE THAT ANYWAY.......... bNb
  14. bucktail.......please do not take this is in a bad way. Folks..... Riparians response et al.....(Roy, you too) It was a 2 part laffer and wasnt complete without Riparians respons for sure. Has to be the funniest thing Ive ever read on this board. Ive read where others have wrote, how theyve spewed their coffees or drinks all over their keyboards reading a post but, This morning.......I read this post and just got to say I was in stitches to the point of crying with laughter to the point where the whole fang-damily had to come over and read it. P R I C E L E S S tj....you've got to make an area for the, 'best post of all' or those that 'stand out'... ie: Moosebunks great articles......Snags humour........and bucktails 'Models' Just re-read this post again after I returned from school and it still brought me to stitches with laughter. bNb
  15. Well.......Toskala standing on his head again......... Fergie states whats what with the nucleus of youth and..........AND... What he wanted to to do and was not given the AUTHORITY to do so with?????????? I believe it. Your thoughts?????????
  16. Wow........how you 2 been. Last I saw you was off PointeAnne last winter, Havent heard any adventures since. Did you guys make it down to S.A for the PeacockBass ? Havent seen you in EA either???.....Part of your career change? Best of luck to oyu an Adam...I know you'll do great! Good luck with your house hunting too!
  17. Heck Dan.they looked and felt like leather seats.. Red and beige w/Lund written on them.......... What do I know.they didnt feel like a brick! Thanks Bernie.....got your PM
  18. Cranksbait...thanks very.VERY much for that info Bud. I am going to wait..........'sides it wont be that long... Pretty sure we can get the 'Better' and 'Wanted ' package prolly around time of the lunge opener. Thanks all for your input. I think this was more of a poll type thing for my Bride to see and allow me the reason for the boat I want. Again, thanks all. -bNb Mark......for sure Bud!.it'll be in mine we go out in tho, I'd like your help in braking it in properley.
  19. Lemmee think for a sec..... Started a fishing log around October of last year. I was working so it was tough......Then only evenings I could get out but it was at least 4 times a week and most every sunday. Both my boat and dock are in my backyard so's after work....I'd start the motor up.and let it warm a little then run into the house for a quick beer..after that I do a about a 2 hour milkrun about 200' north and about 100 west. Last years fishing....... should be around 160-170 days. This year should the fishing time should improve because I no longer have to go to work. I figure easily I could get in 200 days Rizzo....but not too much more then when I did work. My avatar is a pic of the dock in the backyard.....at my full time residence. Fish in these waters: Walleye of course. All kinds of Panfish.......loads of Catfish Tons of Crappie. Pike to about 36" so far. Musky, with the longest so far at 47" Oh yeah........lots a Carp I'm never bored............................................ Well.could end up being less days actually.....my Bride has all sorts of building additions in store for me..Dang!
  20. Mark.Lew and all.........Thanks guys..... The boats appears real light Mark but it's just stuck in my head tho..that the crestliner I want is very similar to yours. Basically we are shopping for a 16' w/90hp.... .the reason for the 90 is to get us out of trouble on the water..as well as get us to where we wish to go. I think I spent more time in your boat mark then anyone elses. My time to pay back.........you'll be one of the first for sure. Bernie...thanks for the heads up on the new Crestliners.
  21. I think Im answering my own question but I'll go ahead with this. It's not the boat I've wanted........Still!...the moneys right at this time. ______________________________________________________ Looking for any experience from you folks on this particular model and set-up. Lund..(obiviously).....16.5 ft.....84"Beam Livewell Plenty of Storage. 40hp/Merc...4cyl...oil injected 12v Bowmount/35lb thrust. 2 main batteries. 1 separate battery for trolling motor. 3 Lund leather seats. E-Z loader trailer w/ bunks. 20" transom. Side console. I never got the year of this boat but it looks in new condition but I was told its a discontinued line. The fella lives across the river from me and fished the BOQ regularly in it and told me he even fished the big lake. $ 7k cash takes it. Hmmmmmmmm????? Not the boat I wanted but??...the price is exellent....I think Its the right length of boat......coulda been 1.5' longer....then 16 fine too Its a 40hp..........want a 90hp min. Wanted a crestliner like someone I know has...... The carpeting needs replacing...Not that big a deal i guess. Has 2 sonars....one at bowmount and one mounted on dash.. Hmmmmmmm????? I'll have the Cha-Ching later in the year for what i wanted but just want to find out if this sounds like too good a deal. Any info on this boat from y'All would be appreciated. Thanks. -bNb
  22. Joeytier......... I've never icefished the bay but..... My folks condo overlooks Frenchmans bay and when ever I've visited in the winter I pull out the binnoculars and watch the ppls who are out there fishing........usually near 5-6 groups..havent been there in a few days but I usually drop by an visit mom/dad about once every 10days. When I was a kid I fished off the bridge at liverpool rd every weekend...back in the '60s and pike were in abundance either from the bridge or south shore just east of that bridge. Over the bay side proper Ive never caught much but carp........ If you look back maybe a year or so ago on this board you'll find some good reports on pike fishing the bay and they were productive. -bNb
  23. Exellent..... Didnt think I was going to get in my .02 before the lock down. If a child showed up at my door with a box or some other money holding object asking for a donation for sports, education or a school event/trip....... I'd pretty much say NO thanks and shake my head in disgust... perhaps even a "..If I gave you money ...I wouldnt be able to go" On the other hand...If they, when finished their sales spiel then told me. they would be willing to shovel my driveway or cut my grass or wash my truck for any donation towards their cause I would have no problem throwing them a $20...maybe even a $50. We've successfully raised 6 of our own children who all know the value of a buck... There are far too many of other peoples children out there who expect something for nothing.......and they havent been taught the value of work=earnings.......No work, No earnings....including at home. Firefighters.........on their international fundraising day sometimes I feel swarmed and it can be bloody inconvienient but It does put a smile on my face when my turn to roll the window down and give because of the respect I hold for what the firefighters do for a living and their great cause for MD. Roy is not a saint.......neither is any one else here.....But I do know that Roy is a charitable fella to a HUGE extent and that (IMO) most likely wouldnt have said what he did that seems to have upset you Kirk, Matt etc.... if the child had something to offer instead of just asking......something for nothing.......... Im sorry....but a sports event or school reason doesnt cut it. I believe you have made an error by comment and are showing Ill colours of a personality and most on this board are jumping in as protection of another OFC'r. I wouldnt reply either again if i were Roy because it has become quite apparent it does not matter what he says to you it will be deemed incorrect/arogant/nasty or other. Dont include me in no parade because that comment is not warranted.....Not to anyone. The only saints i know are my parents and my wife....... OK...Lock'r down now captain!
  24. Picturesque.....to be sure! Joey.......we've been cooking outside at least 3 nights a week this winter on the BB=Q. I built a temp. shelter off the patio doors to house the wood "ready" for the woodstove so's it's out of the snow and crap and we've the BB-Q in the room as well. 15'x16' x 9'high.........its not warm but it aint outdoors either...... We love our bb-qing....... The wood stays dry too! When will this end tho.......Damn snow shovelling. Take care guys............drive careful.
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