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Stern Rules

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Everything posted by Stern Rules

  1. Nice lightning pic. I've never been lucky enough to get one that good. Nice moon shot too.
  2. Nice fish. I'd love to get a ling like that.
  3. I was watching part of that. I didn't hear he died. Whoa. Well that's two of them gone now.
  4. I guess I'll have to start checking out some places. I might get lucky. I didn't think we had a lot of brookie spots here.
  5. I wish I knew where at least one trout creek was.
  6. Oh that's funny.
  7. So do I. So do I.
  8. Thanks for the info but you have an error in the link. You have http://www.ahradio.ca)/. You have to take out the )
  9. Nice walleyes. Nice work on the windbreaker. Ingenious.
  10. Nice walleyes. Nice work on the windbreaker. Ingenious.
  11. I got a couple of those Gulp containers at the Kitchener store a month ago for $5 as well.
  12. I second that.
  13. They are classics. I miss those guys.
  14. I agree with that last line totally.
  15. I second that. Common sense doesn't really seem to be common with some people.
  16. If anyone was looking to buy one of those Olympus Stylus Tough-6020 waterproof digital cameras, they're today's showstopper on the shopping channel for $179.99---$100 off. They also shoot HD video. Only a 5x optical + 5x digital zoom though. Might just have to order one. Check it out. http://www.theshoppingchannel.com/endeca/search.do?keyword=628070&cm_re=A-_-STP-_-ITEM&cm_sp=STP-_-HP-_-OlympusTS http://www.olympuscanada.com/cpg_section/product.asp?product=1496&page=overview
  17. I'd love to get a ling like that. Still haven't caught one yet and don't know where to go to get 'em for soft water.
  18. I got the same letter and don't agree with the expiry date either. I agree with bigugli. They don't want you to collect alot of points at once. If they had that card when they opened I would have had a lot of points but now hardly buy much when I go there. Did you happen to get a letter for a preferred rewards member card as well?
  19. You will need the hunting version of the outdoors card. The regular card is for fishing only while the hunting version allows for hunting AND fishing. http://www.ohep.net/Info.cfm?ID=10
  20. That was pretty cool.
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