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Walleye'm Fishing

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Everything posted by Walleye'm Fishing

  1. Great videos, keep them coming!
  2. I agree 100% You will catch every species that swims this way.
  3. Thanks for the kind comments everyone! To me living in Ottawa means enjoying the fishing opportunities on both sides of the Ottawa river. Some of those brookies in the video were caught in Ontario and some were caught in Quebec.
  4. Hi gang, I have combined both my passions or hobbies if you will, of fishing and songwriting/recording. Nothing serious here when it comes to fishing or the songwriting stuff as it's all just for the fun of it. I got a Go Pro in the spring and I've been filming all of my fishing adventures since then. I also wrote and recorded some original fishing songs to accompany my videos. I figure that I probably have enough footage to make 4-5 videos. Check it out, I hope you enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn3D0d4Jz-k
  5. I caught a few on Sunday night from shore while tossing a floating rap. Tug, tug, pause... They smash it right at the surface on the pause.
  6. Great clip dude!
  7. Great stuff, welcome!
  8. Thanks for all the kind comments gang! This trip meant a lot to me and hopefully I can return soon...
  9. I recently purchased a new float tube because my old one had a few too many puncture wounds at the seams. It lasted 8 years so I can't really complain... The Mrs and I got out for a quick run to test out my new Caddis float tube and we ended up catching 4 small brookies. The fish weren't very active during our 90 minute outing but the mosquitos sure were! We fished right until dusk and the bugs had a great time while they feasted on our blood. My parents were born and raised in the Sudbury area. I was also born there but we moved away when I was 7 years old. Since then, Ottawa has been the place we've called home for 30 years now. With most of our relatives currently residing in Sudbury, this part of the world still feels like home even though I don't visit as often as I should. I have a young family of my own now so getting up there isn't as easy as it used to be. A long overdue goal for the Mrs. and myself was to visit our Sudbury relatives this summer. We stayed at my aunt's cottage for 6 days so my son and I had a blast catching lots of bass from the dock. Simple fishing did the trick as he used small jigs tipped with worms and the bass kept my son busy all week. Canada day was another kind of blast with a bunch of fireworks to entertain us. Then I got to fish with two legendary men who inspired me to love fishing when I was a young boy: My 90 year old grandfather and my uncle. I made fishing plans with both of them prior to arriving in Sudbury because I wanted to make sure that we'd get out and fish together. With life getting busier all the time, I eventually realized that I hadn't gone fishing with my grandfather for over 20 years. I have vivid memories of him taking me fishing at his cottage when I was as young as 5-6 years old. It was a real treat and very inspiring to troll and then jig in the same lake some 20 odd years later with a man who's now 90 years old but still sharp as he was 2-3 decades ago... A true inspiration for me as I can only hope to live that long and be able to go fishing like he still does today. No fish were boated on this short outing but the fish were not important on this particular evening. Spending an hour with a man who taught me how to fish was all I was after anyways... It was great to listen to his stories about the history of this lake where he was owned a cottage since 1952. Since retiring in 1985, my grandparents have lived at their cottage every year from May to November. The fishing stories of all the great fish that the family caught in this lake over the years were great to hear too. It was an absolute pleasure to fish with my grandfather after all these years and hopefully I'll get to fish with him again soon... The following morning I had the privilege to fish with another living legend; my uncle who also taught me how to fish and is still an inspiration for me today. He's a logger, a trapper, a hunter, a pilot, and by far the best fisherman I've ever met. He knows that I love brook trout so he brought me creek fishing for specks deep in the wilderness, where trout dreams are made of. If you look closely you can see my uncle fishing a pool on the right point near the top of the falls. We traveled over 15 kilometres on various quad trails, stopping to fish the best pools along the way before we arrived at our final destination. At almost every new spot that we fished, I caught a trout on the very first cast. It was like a dream as the fish were often exactly where they should be. The fact that they were quite aggressive too made for an action packed morning. Small spinners tipped with a worm was what my uncle was using. I used Panther Martin spinners tipped with a worm and often I'd catch fish without even adding a piece of worm at all. We ended up catching over 60 specks, including 3 double headers. After a few hours of fishing, we took a break so that my uncle could cook us up a quick shore lunch. Let me tell you, those freshly caught specks dipped in my aunt's home made batter just melt in your mouth. I enjoyed every moment of this trip with my uncle and I can't wait to return fishing with him in the future. Sudbury has and always will feel like home. Hopefully I will return sooner than later.
  10. Most shore fishermen that I've encountered over the years aren't really into fishing or the outdoors all that much... So generally speaking, these kinda folk don't give a damn about mother nature. They love to party, poach, and litter.
  11. Thanks for the kind comments gang! The lakers were caught on gold 1/4oz Little Cleos and the specks were caught with various spinners and spoons.
  12. Fished my face off on Friday and Saturday, beginning with back, back, back lake, lakers on Friday. We began fishing at 6:30am and by 6:33 am, the first laker of the day was in the boat. What a beauty! This lake is usually on fire during early morning when there is cloud cover and sure enough, Friday morning was no different. A couple of brookies with nice purple hues were kind enough to come out and play too. Then back to the lakers. Gotta love spring laker/brookie action. Saturday morning began early once again, this time big brookies were our targets. There are absolute giant brook trout in this lake but no monsters came out to play on Saturday. However, we managed to boat a bunch of fat brookies. Hopefully these two successful outings are a sign of good things to come this spring.
  13. Losing giant walleyes (8-10 pounds) at my feet while night shore fishing during my last 2 outings. All I think about now is giant walleyes. I gotta get back out there...
  14. Awesome night action right there!!! I only fish after dark for walleyes. I've never fished past 2 am though... However, I've always wanted to pull an all-nighter and fish for eyes 'till dawn.
  15. Wow, fantastic day for ya, congrats!
  16. Fantastic catch,congrats.
  17. Awesome hour is you ask me...
  18. In 2013, Hawksley Workman formed a canadian supergroup called The Mounties with Ryan Dahle (Limblifter) and Steve Bays (Hot Hot Heat). Here's their latest single, a fantastic song called ''Tokyo Summer''. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAq1EUg15bk And here's a live version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7RFo7tlsH8
  19. Thanks for the very kind comments gang. Now I'm looking forward to open water fishing with my little guy.
  20. I went ice fishing a bunch of times this year with my main fishing partner, my 4 year old son Nicolas. Nico has been fishing with me since he was 2 years old. I got out 17 times since the beginning of January and Nico joined me on 9 trips. Now that he is 4 years old, he considers himself an ice fishing expert who knows all the ins and outs of the sport. His favourite part of the setting up process is scooping the slush out of every hole. When the fishing was slow and the snow was sticky enough, we'd build a snowman. Our first time out this winter was for brookies and all that we caught was one small speck but Nico was the happiest kid in the world. Besides being blessed with a son, I am also very lucky to have 3 brothers. Needless to say, it's pretty easy for me to find someone to go fishing with. Not all my brothers are fishing nuts like me but the 4 of us try to go fishing together at least once a year. This winter we all hit the ice with Nico for some specks. Sometimes when you make plans mother nature doesn't always cooperate and on this day, we were fishing in a blizzard. A few weeks later, I got out for some specks again with a couple of my brothers and Nico. Due to the bitter cold and wind, this entire day was spent in the tent with Nico. A few small brookies caught in the tent were just enough to keep Nico interested during this outing. After about a half dozen brookie trips, I was ready to target my other preferred species: walleyes I got out with my buddy Bass on the river and on a -30 degree outing, we managed to ice over 20 walleyes/saugers in under 2 hours. A couple of weekends later, I returned with Bass and Nico for some more river walleyes. Scattered here and there throughout the winter were a few pan fish outings. Nico and I even brought mom and our 10 month old fisher girl onto the ice. The winter of 2013-14 will be remembered for it's insane amount of ice. A few times in late winter, I wasn't sure wether or not I'd even make it through. A few sunset pics. Overall, we had great numbers this winter but no size at all. However, great numbers are what you need when fishing with young children. Catching many fish regardless of their size will always make kids come back for more. A few skunks here and there also help them realize that not every day will be a catching day. The time that I spend fishing with my son is something that is very sacred to me. I look forward to a lifetime of fishing adventures with both of my children. At the very tender age of 4, Nico already seems like he's hooked on fishing. The best part is when I tuck him in at night, he often says: Dad, I will always go fishing with you.
  21. Wow, amazing trip up north. Pretty cool that you caught those giant lakers while you were out all by yourself.
  22. Great bunch of walleyes right there!!!
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