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Walleye'm Fishing

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Everything posted by Walleye'm Fishing

  1. Glad to hear that the kids are safe. What a scare for you! And there's nothing like fishing for therapy...
  2. It was a multi-species spring and it was my best one to date... Lots of great numbers and lots of great fish. I had so much footage that I had to write and record 2 songs for the video. Here it is, I hope you enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLioplZtzz4
  3. That was great. He sure loves to fish. Good on ya for training him well!
  4. I've done both picture and video fishing reports myself. I think that video reports are hands down way better than photo reports. A video report captures the moment when the angler fights and lands the fish. A picture report shows you the moment after the big moment when the guy is just standing or sitting there holding the fish. It's not even close really, video report all the way!!!
  5. Great stuff Brian, you look so comfy in your toon . You've inspired me to set up some sort of arm to mount my go pro on my float tube.
  6. Thanks guys, we were both pretty excited about that outing for sure!
  7. I brought him out way passed his bed time in the hopes that the night walleye bite from shore was still hot. We fished for 90 minutes at the most and we were casting jigs tipped with various grubs and swim baits. We began the outing by catching a few smaller walleyes and crappies. The evening ended on a high note when we caught and released two giants measuring 25 and 22 inches. Needless to say, my son was impressed!
  8. Thanks again gang. I got out for a couple of hours with my buddy last night. The fishing was a little slower than in recent outings. The highlight of the night was when we landed this nice double header!
  9. Thanks for the kind comments gang. This spring will be tough to beat but you never know... that's why we go fishing.
  10. I used to think that fall fishing was the best but not anymore. The last few springs have taught me that this is the time of year when there is a true awakening and fish of all species go on an absolute feeding frenzy. This period of prime time fishing may be shorter in the spring than in the fall but it's definitely way more intense. My spring fishing season began in early May on a cold, windy, and snowy morning. This nice 20 inch rainbow made it all worth it. On walleye opener, I crossed over to the Quebec side to make my first cast from shore as soon as the season opened at midnight. By 3 am, I had my limit. The walleye on the far right is spitting up a sunfish. Their bellies were full of tiny sunfish and minnows which explains why they were stacked in this particular spot. Little did I know that I had a couple more memorable outings in store... I did some night walleye fishing from shore and the very next morning I went out for some lakers followed by brookies in the afternoon. I ended up having the best shore night walleye outing of my life. I caught and released 3 big walleyes and they were caught in size order. A 22 incher. A personal best from shore at 24 inches. 10 minutes later, a new personal best from shore at 26 inches. This beast gave me a 5 minute fight. It was taking runs everywhere. It was so strong and kept digging against the current like it was nothing. What a rush! A few giant crappies also decided to join the party. I wish that I could've stayed later to fish some more but I was trout fishing in the morning so I needed some sleep. Unfortunately, I didn't get much sleep that night because I was so pumped up from landing those big walleyes. It was tough getting out of bed because I knew that this day would not be easy. We were going to a laker back lake which is difficult to access. I also knew that those little black flies would be out in full force and that was an understatement. They were just relentless, insane, and in very large numbers all day long. We had bug nets on all the time and we still managed to get bit from head to toe. Lucky for me, on the first pass I boated this 24 inch beauty laker. In the afternoon we went float tubing for brookies and I was fortunate to catch this nice 16 inch speck. This definitely is a spring to remember and there's still a few weeks left. I look forward to my future adventures! Oh and I almost forgot. I also went giant brookie fishing on the Quebec side of the river. My buddy caught 2 pigs that measured 22 and 23 inches. What can I say... The proof is in the pudding: Spring is KING!!!
  11. Thanks Misfish, yes the kids absolutely love fishing. They ask me to bring them all the time and I love it!!!
  12. Thanks for the kind words Bunk, good luck to you as well this spring. I'm really looking forward to this upcoming soft water season. A few new spots to try so it should be lots of fun.
  13. Well my 2017 ice fishing season is done. Lots of work, lots of fish for the kids but nothing big to brag about. Back in December, someone at work suggested that I write and record a song about how I can't go ice fishing on Christmas day because of global warming. So here's my song and video, I hope you enjoy... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pFvX-TfVb8
  14. Happy New Year OFC I made a few fishing videos with some original songs of mine to cap off my 2016 softwater season. You can check them out here if you'd like... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS9HiCfineyw6H7wxCNb4Wg
  15. And here I thought that you'd mention that you were the one invading (fishing) the great lakes
  16. Beauty right there, congrats sir!
  17. Outstanding season for ya! I checked out your laker top 5 lures video; great stuff man. I will definitely try a couple of your favorites this winter!
  18. Beauty brookies right there! You're inspiring me to maybe take one last trip before the lakes lock up...
  19. Wow, what a great fall for ya! I look forward to your winter report!
  20. Thant's an impressive couple o' months right there!
  21. Thanks guys! Yes I wrote and recorded the song.
  22. So you have a crazy day spot and not too far away another awesome night spot... All from shore to boot. This is great! Now call some buddies for backup vs. the wolves and go get yourself a 10 pounder tonight under that super moon. I will be out tonight for sure for some shore action. I was out on shore last night and my buddy landed a 27 inch beast of a walleye. It was awesome!
  23. Here's another original fishing song for you, I hope that you enjoy! As the father of a young family, I'm usually out fishing at odd times... I often have a choice: Should I sleep or should I go fishing? More often than not, I go fishing. Listen closely because my wife and kids are guest speakers in the song! Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkgQ1P1iuAg
  24. Great shore action for ya, it must be a great spot at night...
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