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Walleye'm Fishing

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Everything posted by Walleye'm Fishing

  1. Yeah!!! Great opener foe ya, great lookin' walleyes.
  2. Wow, that was a monumental collapse for the ages. All one can do now is cheer for the only canadian team that advanced to the 2nd round. Go Sens Go!!!
  3. Bass fishing is pretty good, my cousin caught an eight pound smallie in there once. Walleye fishing is a little tougher but there are giants in there. It's a big lake with big fish but it can be hit and miss... And it ain't called Windy lake for nothing.
  4. My aunt has a cottage on that lake (for nearly 30 years now). No pike in there, although my cousin caught one 20 years ago. There is walleye, smallies, lakers, perch and whitefish in that lake. There are even rumours of brookies...
  5. WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!! I have to say that I have absolutely no sympathy for the Habs regarding their injuries. The Sens endured and overcame injuries throughout the season and Jason Spezza is STILL out of the lineup... Go Sens Go!!!
  6. Yes sir, there is hope now...
  7. Yeah Baby, what a win from the comeback kids. Go Sens Go!!!
  8. Yep, looking forward to the day that F-H is back up and running. Now that it's down, all of us eastern Ont/western Quebec (more specifically Ottawa/Outaouais) anglers are flocking to OFC. Whenever it's A. O.K. on F-H, we'll be back on that site a little more but this forum really does rock!!! I'm always, and always will be active on both sites.
  9. Holy crappie
  10. I just heard on Ottawa radio that there was a Canadians fan who took off his Habs jersey at the game last night after Subban sucker punched Turris while he was laying helpless on his back. Montreal radio said that the only statistical category in which the Habs won in last night's game was taking punches in the face. So after the Sens handed the habs a beat down at centre ice in a line brawl, habs players decided to hand out numerous cheap shots for the final 12 minutes of the game. That's o.k., we'll take a timeout with 18 seconds remaining in a 6-1 hockey game. Pageau, Pageau, Pageau, Pageau, Pageau, Pageau!!! Well done Sens fans, well done.
  11. Great lookin' reds boys, keep 'em comin'.
  12. Men against boys tonight, hopefully the series continues this way... Go Sens Go!!!
  13. That's a beauty lake O brownie, congrats to your buddy. Go Sens Go!!!
  14. Beauty fish, gorgeous red spots on the first one.
  15. Awesome fish all around.
  16. What a beauty!!! Congrats.
  17. Fantastic fishing dude, 'love the jumping bow shot!!!
  18. Finally. Ottawa vs. Montreal in the playoffs. 'Can't believe it took this long... Let the rivalry begin... Go Sens Go!!!
  19. Sweet, belles grises!!! I'm heading out right now for some lakers and specks!!!
  20. Playoffs baby!!! Go Sens Go!!! Eric Karlsson is a beast.
  21. Ah Ha!!! So it was you... OFC is a great forum and has much more active members (than F-H) who share great tips and reports on a regular basis. I'm glad to be a member of OFC as Fish-Hawk has been having these problems for a while now. I'm also thankful that some Fish-Hawk members are members here as well... I was able to get some intel on the ice situation in la belle province; thanks again to Whitespinnerbait.
  22. Woah the Sens are in for a rough ride over the next week. I'll be at the game tomorrow night, hopefully they can pull off a win over the mighty Pens.
  23. Couple of nice fatties and a nice little baby!
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