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Everything posted by i2cool2fool

  1. This is a funny thread. Thanks! 1) I drank a beer (inside) while I read the whole conversation to this point 2) I went outside and had a wonderful pee (I actually had a beer outside earlier) 3) I didn't see any toplesss women. I looked.
  2. Dad's suffering is almost over. This next trip to NB is gonna be a hard one.

  3. You can't beat this advice! Total agreement.
  4. My brother-in-law showed my a funky version of a Palomar he has been using for years and never really had much of an issue. Instead of passing the hook/tackle through the loop, he passes the tag end instead. He's probably been tying that way for 30 years.
  5. Time for a McClellands Speyside nightcap.

  6. Time for a McClellands Speyside nightcap.

  7. WTG Squid and others. Focus, discipline and determination will be needed by me to get my lazy arse moving and doing the same - gut busting time. Hearing your stories help. Take care.
  8. Rich, after 15-16 years of no smoking, I still get the odd craving (very infrequent) for a puff at the oddest times. My advice to you is stay strong and don't let your guard down for a minute. I am trying the same. I am too scared I might actual enjoy that puff and restart.
  9. ^^ me too. Especially a cold. I'll drown it with several hot toddies.
  10. I agree with limeyangler and wallyboss. But to each their own. I am a transparency kind of employee and manager. Just be open with your plans. The approach will provide and bring more respect. If an employee has to hide behind a sick day to go fishing, maybe they really ought to reconsider a few things. If I was aware one of my employees had and demonstrated this kind of attitude, I would reconsider their value, commitment and possible future role and employment status. Just my opinion. Accept it or not. All said, I have gone fishing before work and came in later to the office before. I even worked from the boat a couple times all day long while on numerous conference calls. I didn't go out of my way to hide it. I didn't advertise it with everyone either. One time my manager asked me how the bite was out in the water and offered to attend a meeting on my behalf so I could bail on one of my conference calls.
  11. The IP.Board app is nice. Before the upgrade, it's all I really use. I downloaded the new "IP.Board Community" app and prefer it when on this board but it doesn't play well with the other forums I visit. I like the upgrade. Great work T.J. and gang!
  12. Dishwasher fixed. Would have rather been fishing.

  13. The NHL and NHLPA can suck a pickled egg. Just my censored opinion of course. But hey... If others are happy with the news, enjoy.
  14. Back to the ol grindstone.

  15. Happy New Year to all. Have fun and stay outta jail tonight.
  16. To me, driving is more of a necessity (and privilege) than a fishing license. Yes both are required to be valid else you could find some trouble. I'll always choose online renewal over going to a "retailer" to renew my fishing license. Am I overlooking a problem? Not in my case since I prefer online or go in to Service Ontario during business hours.
  17. Renewing online is the way to go IMHO. Super easy.
  18. Having/being a supportive partner at the side is indeed a great thing. I hope you have lots of tight lines when out using your new shelter.
  19. Awesome. My darling wife and I bought each other a new roof on our house this year. LOL. ...along with a few smaller items to unwrap.
  20. Like a Boss!
  21. All great suggestions. I am about to have another Appleton and Eggnog. Tomorrow night will be filled with phone calls, Skype and other to family in the east coast along with an assortment of single malts. Merry Christmas everyone. Stay safe and don't get run over by reindeer.
  22. Well bring on the blue but more inportantly the eggnog mix.
  23. Skipper, the rum adds a nice blue hue.
  24. I always timed my sleep so I was waking up refreshed 1-2 hours before my shift and always eat a breakfast type of meal (eggs, cereal, whatever) when I first got up even if it was in the evening. Creature of habit even when resetting the internal timer.
  25. This was a very disturbing event. It's hard to even imagine what CT parents are going through.
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