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Everything posted by i2cool2fool

  1. Suppose to be good luck if it rains on your wedding day - so I am told. Congrats Jer!
  2. Freaking awesome Skipper!!!
  3. Meh. Anyone actually part of the NHL this day and age need a reality check. They are all overpriced whiners IMO. I love the game of hockey but not what they are making it. We all suffered (in sone way) a financial crisis. Now it's the NHLs turn for a major correction - which they are kicking and screaming against.
  4. Indeed. You could be correct. When he got up and moved about, his brothers kept barking at him. It didn't help his sore head but sure does add to the story. He later went to make another sandwich and it all became clear to him...
  5. My uncle came home after a few beer one night and made a sandwich before going to bed. Sick as a dog the next day. Yup. Mistaken Alpo dog food for canned meat. Wash that down with a chocolate milk and see what happens.
  6. Meh. I used to eat, breathe and sleep hockey. Not so much anymore. I am not a fan of unions but don't outright hate them. (btw I am in the technology side of the banking industry).
  7. Candy mountain. Yeah!
  8. Good luck. It's not really small but I'd like to try Lake St. Clair some time or Detroit River. I am looking forward to Long Point being my new go to fishing area for the next while.
  9. Not Pittock. I was there two weeks ago. The water is very low and holy algae! I recommend the inner bay at Long Point instead. That's where I am heading from here on out.
  10. I like it. I am stealing that one and plan on doing some "thrinking" this weekend.
  11. Welcome frodo. This thread will eventually pass on. Hopefully your membership doesn't as well. Back to the OP... Wow. Just wow. Dude could get a pretty massive fine but the embarrassment is priceless.
  12. I am proud of Dave simply for having the focus, discipline and determination to work towards whatever his goals are. Good on him.
  13. Wow. I need (must!) try Muskie fishing sometime.
  14. Congrats!
  15. Awesome time on the water. My daughter is only 3. I can't wait for the day when she wants to go fishing with Dad!
  16. Wow. Lucky lad. Take care and tight lines.
  17. I am in your area SlowPoke and wish I had the day off. Either option would be awesome to me. Never fished either of those waters! Or musky. Great offer you have out to OFCers.
  18. Totally agree. Congrats to the OP on the new homestead.
  19. Wildwood is a great local spot for me. I docked my boat there the past 3 years. I plan to hit Long Point and other waters this year and didn't renew. I was thinking of getting up to Wildwood this weekend. Thanks for the reports.
  20. Enjoy. Be prepared for any awkward "I love you man" or "please come back" discussions. Unless, of course, you are open the idea. Suppose that could be a possibility?
  21. There are a lot of good threads on this forum. I have a feeling this one will be added to my favorites.
  22. Rich or poor - both dudes should take 5 mins to read and understand the regs.
  23. I have one and use it on my boat all the time. Works great.
  24. Family time is the best time. Awesome, heartwarming post. Good on you.
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