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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Hamilton tackle swap this Sunday!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Christopheraaron


      Hey Brian, anything I can make you for the not to distant opener?

    3. misfish


      Im good for now bud.

    4. Christopheraaron


      Np, hope you can make it out!

  2. For a canoe I'd go short if it's just you, a longer boat is harder to steer. But to be perfectly honest if you're not doing long portages, go for a yak. I have a couple friends who have these and love them. http://www.nativewatercraft.com/
  3. Happy late birthday Mike!!

  4. Pompano are cool fish, how do they fight?
  5. Great looking fly, but not what I'd call huge
  6. Please, somebody explain to me what could care less means?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Christopheraaron


      LOL, I know, just read it again in an article, bit of a pet peeve of mine ;)

    3. misfish


      Not really Art. I could give a rats,,,,,,,,if Nascar came to Barrie.LMAO

    4. moxie


      Let it Christopher. hehehe.

  7. Hilarious! But the comments are 10x better! LOL
  8. WR for a tip up, I'm sure there's been bigger through the ice.
  9. I went in there in march one year to fish cats, the gate has a chain across it but you can park on the road and walk in.
  10. I'm sure Remax loved their bit of product placement as well LOL!
  11. Mending the line was great, landed was a bit of a let down, destination spain was awful, and I'd put all the others at about average. Good to meet a few people, although I didn't recognize anyone from this board there.
  12. Probably search engines, I've been tempted to reopen old ones as well LOL.
  13. Many trout fishermen here feel that way about bass and pike (and salmon) lol
  14. On the Columbia I can see that being true, it is a world famous trout river.
  15. Saw that on FB the other day, pig of a fish.
  16. Don't believe that one made the cut, it's just the winning films, I believe it's landed, small stream addiction, mending the line and arctic silver. If you want to see the others (I really want to see a deliberate life) you should be able to order them online.
  17. I've been avoiding this one all day, very sorry to hear about this Lew, remember the moments you spent together!
  18. And you guys are sure there will be tickets there?
  19. I'll be there, is that you Kim?
  20. The guy was lucky he didn't drown going into the water like that.
  21. Another interesting one... http://ontario.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell-sporting-goods-exercise-fishing-camping-outdoors-Floating-fly-fishing-lures-W0QQAdIdZ567581604
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