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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Mayflies and stoneflies are actually extremely easy to tell apart from each other, and subspecies (at least the ones we care about) aren't hard to differentiate between either. Mayflies all have upright wings, stoneflies however have overlapping wings that cover the body. Mayflies are also the only one of the two (to my knowledge) that you will find in lakes.
  2. Stupid move and she is at fault, but 56 years is a little much I think....
  3. Wish I was but I'm sure the parks will be a zoo this week, between fishermen and kids getting out of school. Great weekend for camping with kids though!
  4. No they aren't....
  5. Does anyone actually have a picture of one of these flies? There are a lot of flies referred to as "shad flies" and I'm curious to see what you guys are actually finding.
  6. Very cool pictures Joey! Michael, I don't believe they really use it anymore, it's more of an education centre now.
  7. Great report Bruce! Nothing wrong with keeping that size of fish, if they were perch they would be giants!
  8. Unlikely that there are hexes around this early, my guess would be brown drakes but I could be wrong. I'd jig a small tube or slowly swim a soft hackle near bottom if you wanted to match it. Got any close up pics of them?
  9. Great Job Simon, I'm sure Sean will never forget those days! Keep on fighting!
  10. You do have a point about limited experience, but his name shouldn't mean anything in an election.
  11. A muslim name and zero political experience???
  12. Nice work! It'll be interesting to see what happens with a 13'6" float rod sticking out going down the notty LOL.
  13. I can't vote, but if I could I wouldn't for the big parties. Nothing I have seen or heard makes me think any higher of these idiots, green would be my first choice as I'd sooner live on the street than see the environment go any further south.
  14. I've done it, it's fun but you're looking at some tough fishing, there are usually about 150 or so participants a day and on a small lake that doesn't leave much space. That said if you know where to go there are some big fish in that lake.
  15. Because it's not as exciting I'd bet it was either another shark that took a bite out of it in a fight.
  16. OFC, OFF, KA, NA, Hipwader, Floatboard, Fly tying forum, Classic fly tying forum, Ultralight fly fishing, Fibreglass fly rodders, Speyclave, Ice shanty, Spoonpullers (only joined to sell a reel though), and I might be on the simcoe board, can't remember if I signed up.
  17. Went down to harbourfront yesterday hoping for some pike, lots of carp and bass! LOL

    1. Tim Mills

      Tim Mills

      In canoe or from shore?

    2. Christopheraaron


      Wish it was canoe, but shore this time round.

  18. Awesome! I love the mirrors, way nicer than commons.
  19. Just started taking b12, let's see if it's all that it's hyped up to be!
  20. Yes, except if you want to take a canoe or kayak out then you don't need the permit. A boat is only really needed for out in the middle of the bay, most areas are fishable from shore, but there are some great spots you can get to in a boat
  21. Pretty nasty around here as well, but I'm finding the blackflies to be worse than the last couple years, got about 30 bites at least yesterday morning.
  22. Hmmm, would have been last fall when I lost half of my grey's bewick in the river, that wasn't very fun. Of course I've also snapped, stepped on and slammed my fair share of rods as well. As far as glasses go I just us ea cheap pair of berkleys, they work well enough for me and I'm not scared to lose them.
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