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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Don't forget about that vertical hold.
  2. Spinning, 7'6" mh (jerkbaits) Spinning 7' m (stick baits and dropshotting) Casting 8' h (frogs) Casting 7' h (flipping) Casting 7'mh with soft tip (crank baits) Fly 9' 7/8wt
  3. Thought I saw some at indigo but I could be wrong.
  4. Also, if anyone wants to captain please pm me.
  5. No I'm fine, was just saying that it was a nice gesture, I'm sure someone will take it off your hands
  6. Very generous offer Fisher!
  7. Just reminding everyone to sign up for this year's OFC tourney, the signup page can be found here: http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=73138 Also, I'd like to let everyone know that I'll be running it this year so if anyone has any questions feel free to PM me. -Chris
  8. Ya, I'll do it tonight so that I don't have to get up and cook in the middle of the night lol.
  9. I'll start on that right away
  10. Here's what I mean when I'm telling you about the thin fibred marabou.
  11. Yup, third is still best, if you notice a quill with the white base don't use it for anything but tails, it's pretty stiff and not very good for popsicles.
  12. Looking back at them they're probably more like 3 lbers
  13. My buddy actually caught it but let me have it to try. Here's a pic, one of the locals we were fishing with said they regularly get to 5lbs, and I don't doubt it for a second, there was open water nearby with a school of them in it and you could see they were BIG fish.
  14. Thanks Joey, I heard that fried tulibee is pretty gross BTW, if anyone is wondering the herring was caught on nipissing.
  15. Got my first couple whitefish the other day as well as some giant (4lb range) cisco, now have to cook em up. The the whitefish I wanted to to broil them, usually I just use lemon, parsley, salt, and pepper but kind of wanted to try something new, suggestions? For the herring I wanted to try smoking them (on the BBQ) I've never smoked anything on a BBQ so if anyone has any tips (and recipes ) for that as well it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Chris.
  16. I hear the make great bait for the salmons!
  17. Geez, that's the best you can do! LOL Second walleye I've ever caught, over 20", go figure eh?
  18. And just to clear things up (to make sure we are being politically correct here) any atheist is a hypocrite, I used to go by this title but it isn't quite right. Since we can't prove a negative we can't logically say there is no god, therefor agnostic is truly a more fitting title. Of course an agnostic is generally assumed to be someone who is "still deciding" about their beliefs, that's why I am a teapot agnostic. I accept that there is a chance that there is a god I also accept that the chance of them existing is comparable to that of a teapot orbiting Mars. Doesn't really contribute to this argument but just thought I'd throw it out there
  19. I don't mind his sermons, usually he makes a point that he accepts all beliefs, but he's just asking for it here.
  20. Anyone want to meet near Huntsville tomorrow?

  21. about a half hour + the time it takes to glue the thunder creek head
  22. $20 and knock yourself out!
  23. Awesome! I'll let you know when I can pick them up
  24. yes it could BTW Bill, that's 4 hooks on that fly, not 3
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