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Everything posted by SBCregal

  1. I've just signed up to do my hunters safety course at the end of the month and plan on getting set up with some hunting gear in the near future. That being said, when i came home today and opened the mailbox and a bunch of catalogs fell out. The cabelas winter/holiday catalog, bass pro master catalog and spring hunting catalog. I have a feeling i'm gonna be spending some time flipping through those and finding a lot of "must haves". My mailman must have hated me as much as my wallet is going to. ryan
  2. mike, i dont currently have the hunters license though, im taking the course and have already renewed my fishing license. i get the feeling im gonna need to get another outdoors card again when i DO buy my small game/hunting license. ryan
  3. When I renewed my fishing license this year my outdoors card needed to be renewed as well (I'm not holding my breath waiting for it to show up). I got the fishing outdoors card but now I am planning on taking the hunters safety course and getting the hunting license as well. Do the license tags go on that outdoors card or am I going to need to replace that card as well? ryan
  4. we used to go to the bars to watch the events too but with what it costs for the two of us to have a few pops, some grub and then cab it home afterwards it turns out cheaper for us to just order the ppv and consume the beers and food that we have here the one time that i did try and watch it online, it went down somewhere around the main event... no fun.
  5. np make sure you carry an extra fuse or two as well. the circuit breaker would be able to be reset if it happened to pop, cant do that with a fuse though. ryan
  6. dont wire it straight to the battery, DEFINITELY wire in a fuse of the correct amperage rating.
  7. $5 if you have your own bucket $6 if you get a bag/oxygen from him
  8. nofish4me, i know what you're saying...it was more of a joke than anything. also, with symptoms of CO poisoning...often times it really IS too late by the time you're noticing symptoms.
  9. if theres no oxygen...its kinda late
  10. nice....did you get it done in oakville? what shop?
  11. I was just in the appleby/upper middle canadian tire store and noticed they had the keep-a-float suits on sale for 100 dollars off. regular price 319.99 on for 219.99. they also had floater jackets on sale too for 159.99. in the suits they had 2 med, 2 l and one xl, didnt notice sizes on the jackets, but there were a few there. i did notice that the sale tags had 1/13/11 as the date they were on sale until, but being that they're still tagged you should get the sale price. if i had the money...there wouldnt be an XL there still just a heads up, ryan
  12. theres a guy along plains road in burlington that used to have them. north side...somewhere past solid gold not sure if theres any there right now. ryan
  13. i HAVE seen head on sardines. they would work for pike? i was thinking something along the lines of 6-8", think those would work? or should i go bigger or smaller? last year when we went we werent able to get much more than 3-4" live minnows up there..didnt have much luck ryan
  14. thanks guys, i though i had seen them in one of the grocery stores at one point. guess i gotta keep hitting up all the different stores. I'm hoping i can find some...and that they work, if i do ryan
  15. Does anyone know where you can find whole, head on frozen smelts? I am heading up to a buddys camp at the end of the month and was looking to get some frozen fish to use as deadbait for pike on his lake. I've only come across gutted/head off fish in the freezer depts of the grocery stores i've been to. I have seen larger sardines for sale with the heads, but I'm not sure how well those would work. Will the headless ones work well enough? If it matters we're heading up to the Massey/La Cloche lake area. ryan
  16. i got jenn to sit in an eskimo quickflip2 at lebarons when we were there for the boxing day sale. after sitting in that wind on simcoe last weekend, she has since decided we're getting one. just keeping our eye out for the best pricing. ryan
  17. this was just sent to me in an email... Two boys are playing hockey on a pond in the park in Toronto, when one is attacked by a rabid Pit Bull. Thinking quickly, the other boy takes his stick, wedges it down the dog's collar and twists, breaking the dog's neck. A reporter who was strolling by sees the incident, and rushes over to interview the boy. "Young Leafs Fan Saves Friend From Vicious Animal," he starts writing in his notebook. "But I'm not a Leafs fan," the little hero replied. "Sorry, since we are in Toronto, I just assumed you were," said the reporter and starts again. "Little Jays Fan Rescues Friend From Horrific Attack" he continued writing in his notebook. "I'm not a Jays fan either," the boy said "I assumed everyone in Toronto was either a Leafs or Jays fan. "What team, do you root for?" the reporter asked. "I'm a Montreal Canadiens fan." the child said. The reporter starts a new sheet in his notebook and writes, "Little French bugger from Montreal Kills Beloved Family Pet." ryan
  18. seeing as how its legal there, maybe your comment on the site there should be removed?
  19. i bought them at sportchek, but lots of places seem to have them. you'd probably get the best pricing online somewhere, just go to the store to size them or whatever then buy online. that was my plan, but they were on sale when i went in to try some on. as for considering it light... well i wear workboots all day, so these are definitelty lighter than what im used to wearing ryan
  20. GBW heres a link to the boots im talking about, have a hiking boot look to them almost bugaboots
  21. i bought a pair of columbia bugaboots on sale for just over 100 bucks. ive only worn them a couple of times so far but they are really comfortable, light and quite warm. they're my "everyday" winter boot but im gonna try and see how they do icefishing this weekend. ryan
  22. calling it a "collapse" doesnt really give justice to what the russian team did. canada didnt lose the game, russia won it. they were the better hockey team tonight. canada played like hell for the first period, went up 3-0 and started to slow down and lay back and the russians took it away from them for it. ryan
  23. great show guys! lots of good tips and info. ryan
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