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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. Wow !!!! Awesome fish man !!!! Congrats a fish of a lifetime !!!!
  2. Those X-16 graphs were amazing !!! But the price of the paper rolls were expensive I remember that !!! But they were a powerfull unit and you had to constantly turn it on and off to conserve paper !!!! We would go through a roll in a day of salmon fishing on Lake Ontario !!!! Ahhhhh the memories
  3. you did great out there for sure !!! the NBK is one of my fav spoons of all time....
  4. No woodsman that's what my bait shop guy said too ?? The restrictions apply to them as to where they can trap/buy them but anglers can take them everywhere ???? Huh ...... Doesn't make sense it can still transmit the VHS disease !!!! But at the very least do not dump your extra minnows in a lake or river sinker is right too it's how invasives can get to new water !!!! And a goby could be in there and you would never know it ?? Or zebra or quagga or even water fleas !!!! I personally don't use minnows much only spring and fall a few times that's all my bait shop guy says the paper work he needs now is ridiculous to trap and buy/sell bait cause of all of the above !!!! I am in FMZ 17 so if you wanted to buy emerald shimmers to fish here in bobcaygeon my bait guy cannot get them or sell them cause emerald shiners come from a VHS zone but you could buy them in the city and bring them up and use them here ??! Doesn't make sense ???? But that's the MNR for you !!!!! They never make things cut& dry or simple it's always complicated !!!!! Lol
  5. http://pure-gas.org/index.jsp?stateprov=ON Here is the link off google I just typed in ethanol free gas stations in Ontario It says there are 82 of them !!!! Don't know how to get it to show as I'm on my iphone5. Check it out there might be one near you !!!!
  6. Some Canadian tire gas bars carry ethanol free gas as well I have a list at work I will post it later but there is till lots of places to get it you just need to know where !!!! But like said before corn gas is garbage !!!! It attracts moisture !!!!! My new truck is designed to run off E85 if I want to use it which I never will but I always run premium in my 2011 Yamaha outboard and my 2010 Yamaha sled !!! And always use seafoam as well but it's axing how fast corn gas can attract moisture and cause phase separation !!! So it's always good to run stuff like seafoam or startron !!!!
  7. You are ok to transport minnows everywhere except a provincial park !!! Up to 10dozen it's the bait shops that cannot buy minnows or trap minnows from a VHS infected zone !!!! I knew it was to do with VHS disease !!!! So you are good to transport I just called and found out
  8. Where are you and I can call my local bait dealer and find out ???
  9. There is a VHS zone which means if you buy minnows around the Great Lakes and lake simcoe they cannot be taken out of that zone !!! It's so the spread of VHS does not go into other lakes !!! The bait shop will know or call the MNR all bait shops are required to know and have that info !!!!
  10. its unreal isnt shayne !!! i guess you gas up at the guy in bethany?? he has great gas.... I'm lucky to have several in my area. The difference in gas mileage in my vehicles is incredible, versus fuel with ethanol!! At least 100km/tank, and if I keep my foot out of it, close to 200km/tank. S.
  11. The law actually protects people like them from people like us,who can do nothing to stop it !!!!! Imagine the stench all along all the creeks and rivers
  12. Yup welcome to the GTA fall carcass/roe slaughter !!! It's nothing new been going on forever but it's just more and more people doing it all the time as the population grows !!!! And with social media now the public is going to get involved sooner or later and they will probly ban fall creek fishing ?? It would not suprise me it's just a gong show and a sensless thing but it labels us all as fishermen who would do this as we as a group can do nothing to stop it or we end up going to jail !!!! When will we take our fisheries back from all the idiots ??? And that's not just creek fishing !!!! Ever been to a Kawartha lakes dam and see the bucket brigades in action ?? It would be easy to stop just not the legal way !!!!
  13. . Yes Chris that's my buddies camo pro V Lund yes we seen you and we were out there all day from dawn till dark !!! It was a different day for sure with the wind at 35km then changing directions then dying right off !!!! Patience was the key !!!! Just wait em out !!!
  14. and yea the walleyes are eating them up big time as well my buddy has got lots on it too !!!! Can't wait to get them !!!
  15. That duo realis is insane !!!! My buddy has been using it as his go to crank and the smallies just crush it !!!! He was using it last weekend and it outfished everything else !!!! The action is great and after seeing it work I am ordering a few of them for sure !!!!! I can't wait to hit simcoe in a few weeks with them !!!! Nice vid too !!! They are worth every penny for sure !!!! And there is some new bass cranks that are going to hit the market anytime now that are going to change the game !! Thanks for sharing !!!!
  16. When they are run short like that thee flies have a wicked snap roll behind a spin doctor or a pro troll flasher !!!! I have seen guys run them a foot !!!! It doesn't seem right but it really does work I have several already tied up and put onto flashers I will try to get a pic of them !!!!as well as when they are shorter and you are running them off a rigger and there is waves or swells it really gets them snapping and rolling as the boat moves up and down !!!! It really can make the diff between a fish less day and a cooler full !!!! I learned that from a charter boat capt I used to fish with who won a salmon derby running that program !!!! Sometimes it's all in the details and he helped develope flies for a well known company with tons of hours of camera footage on the cannonball and short leads to the flasher and fly !!! It's definitely worth a try and as another poster noted speed is critical and for the flies I always bumped up my speed a bit to get them snapping on a roll !!! 2.8-3mph I have even run the short lead program for lake trout in Haliburton and other lakes and they don't seem to mind it either so give it a try if the fish seem spooky and you can see streakers Comming up looking and going back down lengthen the set-up a bit if I'm running them off a rigger it's usually about 10-20feet behind the ball to the flasher run that as the deep line and you can experiment easier and faster so the fish can tell you what they want !!!!!!! And by no means am I saying that a longer lead will not work it just gives you another option to put the odds in your favor !!!!! Tight-lines. Shawn
  17. Well done man !!!! Wow those fish look amazing !!! Tight-lines.
  18. did you happen to see a 20ft lund pro V ?? MY BUDDY AND I WERE THERE FISHING THE ENTIRE DAY !!!! sorry bout the caps...
  19. fried river bottom would be a delicasy compared to a fall carcass,i mean salmon....too funny,might as well wear a glow in the dark tinfoil hat !!!!
  20. Ya man the fly length is way to long 18-24 inches max !!!!! Trust me the kings like it that way !!!! I never run a fly anymore than 30inches !!!!! Ever
  21. A small 3-4 inch countdown rapala in black/silver or blue works great either cast or trolled !!! It's a sinking rapala so cast it and let it sink and count every 2 seconds it will sink about a foot then reel in and vary your retrieve and stop reeling and let it sink again it gets them big time !!! If you are going to troll do the same thing pop the motor into neutral and let it sink then back into gear !! They will come up for it !!!! Just some options that we have used in the past !!! Can also put a small chunk of worm on the hook or the rapala as well !!! Good luck and tight-lines !!!!
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