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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. I can just imagine the carcass stench down there !!!! What a dump that place is !!! I can't believe anyone actually goes there anyways !!! The carcass hunt is alive and well I see !!!!
  2. Sure Jamie !!! Do I win if I predict the leafs will NOT win the cup ?? Lol....lol...lets see a template of what you have in mind??
  3. Montreal is a way better party town than Toronto that's for sure !!!! I used to go down there every year for the formula 1 race for 3 or 4 days and what a blast !!!! The bars rock down there for sure !!!! And the fishing right downtown is great we arched guys catch big fish right on the island where the race was and all along the rapids !!!! Big sturgeon huge smallies and walleyes all over the place !!!! Go fishing instead of touring and I can't speak any French nor do I want to and I never had any issues at all !!! Especially downtown maybe in old Montreal but money talks and they know you want a beer anyways so it's pretty easy to figure out !!!! Nord sud est oest is easy !!! And all the rocking bars are in one district like Roy said no issues on the south shore either ! Unless you wear a leafs jersey !! Hahahah lol
  4. More like tackle boxes !!!! And about 30plano ones I have a big box for salmon a big bag for bass and 3 big tackle bags & boxes for walleyes !!!! It never ends !!!! And 64 fishing rods and at least 70reels !! Not to mention all my tackle components for making flies and worm harnesses !! Basically a tackle store would be about right !!!! A lifelong addiction 40yrs worth ... Still going too !!! Oh ya about 10more planos filled with plastics and bags and bags of senkos and slammers !!! That's just the tip of the iceberg !!!! Hahahah
  5. I just use the little senko rubber "O" rings and if my senko does get ripped in half I will save them and re-use them as sometimes a half senko works incredible believe it or not
  6. What Lew just said trailer parks used to be an affordable option to owning a cottage and now all the people with money have now turned regular trailer parks into resorts with $75,000 trailers !!! It's ridiculous now and it's all about trying to out do your neighbor !!!! They sure are not like they used to be !!!! And they used to be fun and great places to be but now there is so many rules and you can't just hire anyone to do work you have to hire their contractors and pay for every fee you can think of !!!! Go a little bit north out of the kawarthas and have fun and not be around the snobs !!!! You can feel like you are at a regular trailer park should be up in Haliburton !!!!
  7. Gallie you will be ok going under the bridge and they are dropping the water levels anyways by then just be cautious and err on the side of safety the channel was nice and deep this year from all the high water in the spring and was lots of current there 2 weeks ago when I was there !!!! Remember there is a huge sandbar in the middle of canning and it will probly be almost exposed by then stick to the right side of the lake and watch for the markers cottagers put out !!!! Trim up your drive at the first corner south of the bridge stay in the channel you will be fine !!! Cheers
  8. Gallie you will be ok going under the bridge and they are dropping the water levels anyways by then just be cautious and err on the side of safety the channel was nice and deep this year from all the high water in the spring and was lots of current there 2 weeks ago when I was there !!!! Remember there is a huge sandbar in the middle of canning and it will probly be almost exposed by then stick to the right side of the lake and watch for the markers cottagers put out !!!! Trim up your drive at the first corner south of the bridge stay in the channel you will be fine !!! Cheers
  9. 1.5oz bottom bouncers with a 3ft lead to a double blade worm harness !!! 18-25FOW and you will fill the boat with walleyes !!! pretty nice gift from your wife...wow
  10. https://www.google.ca/search?q=mustad+weedless+wacky+worm+hooks&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=blQoUqyrAafF2AXG4YCIDQ&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAA&biw=320&bih=444#biv=i%7C0%3Bd%7ChILhbfpLdTrrnM%3A not sure if the pic will show up but here is the hook I use and it's awesome !!! Been using it for years and it has a weighted version as well !!! And come in a few different sizes and super sharp and reasonable priced !!!!
  11. Do your homework and lots of walking like I did long before the Internet,I have walked many many miles of creeks from where they come out of the ground to where they flow into Lake Ontario from the rouge river to Brighton and caught trout and the red wiggled worms and wax worms and maggots always worked as did tadpoles heck we even used grasshoppers we caught most of our bait ... It will all work but be prepared to do some bush whacking to follow some of the smaller creeks but you will be rewarded !!!! And when you get a 12" or bigger brookie you will know it was all worth it !! Study a topo map and zero in on a few spots and start from there ...good luck and wear some shin pads from all the log jams !!!! Lol
  12. This small creek where I took this pic is about 4feet wide and not very deep but I has undercut banks and shady deep corner pools a brookies dream !!! There is very nice brookies in this small creek !!!!!
  13. Wow !!! Congrats guys !!! That's awesome and all your hard work payed off big time !!!! Cheers & tight-lines !!!!
  14. Awesome Joey !!!! Those pics look amazing I used to love going to the air show for many years !!! Keep up the amazing photography skills !!!! You should be freelancing !!! Cheers. Shawn
  15. I lip them anyways once you do lip them make sure you have a good grip !!!! Ya just gotta take your chances ....
  16. Well it started on opening day of bass season 2013 I said this bass season I am going to mostly fish for smallies as its been a few years since I got a real tank smallie !!! While I had no problems catching lots of them it's taken all season till yesterday and 13 different lakes I have fished to finally get her !!!! Anyways I got her and here she is and a very respectable 21inches !!!! And I got her up in north Haliburton caught photo& released !!! Tight-lines
  17. Wow !!! Nice fish ... The scenery looks amazing too !!! Cheers
  18. Awesome mike !!!!! That's a great haul of eyes man !!!!! So what time is dinner ?? That's a nice tank you are holding up !!!!!! Tight-lines
  19. Yes it's pretty common especially this late in summer take a Benadryl or antihistamine and you will be good to go some aloe Vera will help sooth it and make the itch go away common all over Ontario I have had it many times apparently it's a reaction to the algae ???
  20. Awesome fish man !!!! That is a fish of a lifetime !!!! The addiction is officially on now you are hooked for life !!!!!!!
  21. I have several pairs of Maui Jim's and never paid more than $180 I didn't know they went that expensive but regardless I have had lots of brands and still do and they are still my fav but I have a few $50 pairs of strike kings and an h2o optics and I like those as well !!!! It's all in the lenses and you get what you pay for the Maui Jim's are by far the clearest sharpest lens that I have and they last too really good frames too
  22. For the Great Lakes and simcoe wind guru is a good one as well of weather office it's the government weather site for waves and wind and all areas if Ontario it's cool too !!! Global sky tracker is a good radar map for showing rain and snow and wind as well !!! There are tons out there and yes navionics as well for my iPhone is way cool too
  23. It's worth the drive to port hope just to get some entertainment during the fall carcass hunt !!!! Lol.... And you can capture some YouTube vids while you are there !!!!!
  24. The article is wrong !!!! Lol there is no walleyes in Lake Ontario or any harbors at all !!!!!!!
  25. If they are for the kids just to panfish then you are probly ok !!!! But don't expect longevity out Of them !!! But hopefully will last a few summers till the kids grow up a bit and need better !!!!but it really is bad, bad quality crap for sure for qnything else !!!! Kids will enjoy them with a bobber hook & worm ....
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