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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. Nice fish guys !!!!..great pics too.....cheers
  2. Hey cliff been there done that !!!!. ..i fell off the dock into pigeon lake once on the easter weekend,and there was still ice in spots on the lake,i slipped on some ice on the dock and in i went !!!! man that was sure cold,so i feel for ya man !! glad you were not hurt...but its one of lifes funny moments thats for sure,when i fell there was about 5 people around,i didnt live it down for years......
  3. Well i think everythings been covered but for suresome jigs,various weights,and a few spinners,some berkley gulp minnows & twister tails,and a crankbait or 2 for sure,and of course some hooks & splitshot,and a slipfloat too....and maybe a small spoon or 2 and that should just about do it,that tackle will and has caught just about everything,thats what i would bring is this what you are going to be doing???? im wondering why.....cheers
  4. Man i hope things turn out ok,we are thinking about you take care and be safe !!!!
  5. He will be the most loyal dog in the world !!!!! cheers to you for saving him,from the unknown,hes a great looking dog for sure,a new fishing buddy !!!!
  6. Great looking pontoon boat dude !!!!!...nice catch as well
  7. Too funny !!!! and ya the only thing missin is a box oh beer....
  8. Well its usually best to cure them right in the water in which they came from...in a pair of nylons,or a small strainer for about 30mins.that will harden and cure them up,till you can do something else with them at a later time,i have done this many times,and it has never failed,but for skien thats tight,theres lots of things you can do to them and many ways to cure them,so im sure other members will let you know how to do this,i always used pro-cure powder,for my roe,or borax & pickling salt.for every person you will get a different answer....so hope this helps a bit, cheers & good-luck
  9. Awesome fishing greg !!!!!! as usual, sounds like all your customers were happy,and yes its sure a treat to be out on the ice in april....thanks for sharing,very nice pics too,of all those fish...lookin forward to your next couple of adventures as well...cheers
  10. Nice new fishing machine !!!! those things are tougher than nails,and will handle some really serious water,and will go anywhere,and i think you should put a nice 55lb on that baby,and you will be all set...good-luck
  11. Nice report & pics !!!! and a very nice g-bay trout for sure well done, your hard work sure payed off....cheers
  12. Also look for shallow dark bottom bays that have vegetation,this will attract more sunlight therefore warm up faster,fish where the bay opens up to deeper water,thats where to troll or cast for them,they will go right into those warming bays into 6ft of water its amazing,they will be there,eating hatching insects,frogs,snails,minnows,perch....its a lake trouts first spring meal,and they will hit and they are hungry, and its even better if the bay drops off into deep water very abruptly,they will be there....it really works we tried this several years in a row and did very well,i wish i had the pictures to show you,my friend watched this happen many times,he could see the lake trout making a wake in very shallow water,and for the longest time he seen this through binoculars from his living room,at his home,and would be left wondering,as the ice had just gone out and he didnt even have his boat in the water yet,so it took a few years of this before we got it right,timming is the key,it can last for a few weeks or up to a month....rapala J-11 was the ticket,as well as williams wobblers the half & half model, im hoping to be able to do it this year as well,we tried last year and was to early,and i couldnt get back up to haliburton for 3 weeks and it was over....so give it a try & good-luck,you better hope the ice is all gone by then,keep in touch with the people you are going to be with up north and they can keep you updated about ice conditions.....cheers hope this helps a bit
  13. Great video,man it looked soooooo,nice out there today,awesome day to be on the water and nail a few fish, ill be out in a few days myself !!!!!! thanks for sharing cheers
  14. I talked to a conservation officer a few days ago,in bowmanville and he said they expected a great run this year due to higher water levels,than we have had in many years,as well as increasing numbers of natural reproducing trout,and of course thanks to new york state releasing a big number of trout several years ago !!!! so lets hope he is right,so far theres lots of fish around,i hope they get at least 7-9,000 that would be great oh ya and so far he said most people are following all the rules with a few fishing in closed area charges,but overall compliance seems to be pretty good,so thats good news
  15. Nice goodies carole !!!! cheers girl,go get-em
  16. Great fishing report/trip !!!!. ..thats a few nice spring lakers,man well done...great pics too its soooo,nice to see the first open water report...cheers
  17. Happy b-day carole !!!!!! nice looking cake too,like cliff says its YOU thats holding the fish !!...cheers & many more to come...
  18. Thats a great site,its about time i bet theres alot of people that will be watching that very closely !!!!!
  19. How about hooking up with mike the pike,and maybe going fishing if theres anything open down that way yet ?? check out the huge rapids right nearby,with all the thaw we have had man i bet they are going full tilt !!!! have a nice trip,and show us some pics when you get back...cheers
  20. Well i hope to be going with a few of our board members, percher & mike the pike,bill parker,and a few more, i used to do quinte opener for years,but i havnt for the last 8or so yrs....so it would be great this year to do it again !!! hope to see lots of members down there too....
  21. Yes i have hit e-bay pretty hard over the last several years,and its just like walking into a huge candy store isnt it !!!!!! and i have bought some pretty nice lures,alot of them one of a kind,and lots of different paint jobs on lures that we can get here just not the same paint color weird huh?????....but i dont think im addicted as i couldnt afford to be !!! so i just buy every so often usually in the winter ill pick up some.....cheers good-luck with that addiction,remember THERES NO SUCH THING AS TOO MANY LURES !!! LOL..LOL..LOL..
  22. Yes runners rock for sure !!!! theres the smaller deep diver runners as well and they dive to around 15-20ft and in medium sized lakes for walleyes man they work great,the larger size is my quinte favourite,but you have to try several colors and the 2 sizes so pick up a few of each,and make sure you get some natural colors for fishing the clear lakes !!!! cheers
  23. Man oshawa creek by the 401,is way,way up,and moving very fast,if you fell in there you would drown for sure,at least 3-4ft anyway maybe more scott !!!! BE SAFE,EVERYONE.....
  24. Amazing deep sea fishing trip !!!! awesome pics too .....great report cheers
  25. Great info roger,very interesting question too,im sure it takes alot of time & MONEY !!! to keep a tank like that running,and have all the proper elements in place,plus a biologist 3 times a week,im glad that that tank is there, and its great to see them all swimming around,and my little daughter just loves it when we go there its all she talks about for a day or 2 after....great thread,on fish color,cant wait to hear more info....cheers
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