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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. YES tom we were probly sitting beside eachother..LOL..LOL.,do like the rest of us do and buy on OFC hat,its amazing all the members you will meet wearing a hatand figures i didnt have mine on today!!!! i was looking at those tripple ripple tail grubs as well,the price was right thats for sure,sounds like you did alright with lots of deals....and yes mark sure knows his stuff,he fishes with karl all the time,and was on his show too....cheers
  2. Welcome abaord mike,fellow fishing addict !!!! ...well enjoy the ride,and we look forward to seeing lots of those lac suel fishing trip/reports with oh-ya tons of pictures!!! cheers & tightlines
  3. Hey ohiofisherman,just wondering do you guys have any robins in your yards yet ???? as last year it was march 5th,when here in durham region i had robins in the yard,but this year as of right now,i still have 3ft of snow,and grass is nowhere to be seen...so i think its real close,as i hear they will fly right to the snow-lineand follow it north as the snow melts & retreats and i am not that much farther north than you guys,maybe a few hundred miles,as im on the north shore of lake ontario !! cheers
  4. Well i just got back from yes you guessed it bass pro,AGAIN !!!!. man i spend too much money there,anyways it was packed,very busy,and just needed a few more spools of line and some more walleye worm harness blades,bps brand,and they are nice they were on sale as well,and picked up six more spools of triene flourocarbon,and thats all,but i did manage to catch one of our members MARK KULIK"s bass fishing seminar,it was good they had the big portable fish-tank there and he was casting tubes,and explaining it to people about the proper way to fish them,so after i got the chance to talk to him for about 15mins,what a great guy,and always more than happy to give you some great advice on anything bass fishing,man they guy sure knows his stuff,and i hope him & myself can get together for a day of fishing out on simce,thanks mark !!!! so on the way out my GF/aka fishergirl....says to me hey thats lew in front of us at the stoplight with the OFC DECAL,in his back window,so we all waved to eachother on hwy 400 southb ound,i met up with lew a few weeks ago in bass pro as well,good to see ya again lew...so the store pretty much looks like its been gone over 1000 times or so,and of course alot of the great stuff is long gone,but still have some things they said will remain on sale till its gone !!!! so it still might be worth a trip in a few days if theres still things that ya need, well so far this winter i think i made 10 trips there and of course spent more money than i should have !!!!...but then again hey we are fishermen right,and we all know we need 10 of everything right ?? LOL..LOL. so im pretty stocked and all set for my boat,if we can get through the snow at the farm,and get her out of the barn !!!!so i prob will not be there for a few months as i spend all winter getting things i need and replaced,so that once fishing season is here i dont need anything...so i was just letting you know that things are still going to be on sale,and to say by to bass pro till prob fall !!!!! cheers evryone
  5. Great day on the water guys...and what a nice mixed bag of fish too !!!! great pics too...and thats a very big lake o walleye well done,glad to see the plant is still producing the usual amazing catches of fish,man i miss that place,there is no way i could launch my boat till the marina is ice-free,i couldnt get her over the beach,well im glad you guys have access,cheers
  6. Hey glen i needed a carb gasket for 35hp johnson,and it was similar to your situation my motor acted the same way,if thats the prob,it wasnt to costly,about $75 bucks !!!! hopefully thats all it is,good-luck buddy let us know how you make out
  7. I have cooked them the same way as wayne,and man they taste incredible !!!! .good catchon them fish too,lots of great recipies everyone !!!...cheers
  8. Nice brown man !!!! its always a bonus when you hook-up with a brown,nice pic too....cheers
  9. Thats a couple of good fish-fries there glen !!!!. ..nice to see somebody out in a boat. ...man im jealous !!!cheers bud
  10. Well at least nobody was mean,or swearing at you TJ !!!!. ..nice to hear that we are all very popular,and great news that more sponsors are comming aboard,and well everyone likes more contests,can never have too many of them right ,glad you had a great time down here,have a safe drive home....cheers
  11. Well at least everyone is safe !!!!...and there doesnt look to be too much damage,glad you got it out too,good to see theres still some people around who will lend a hand....
  12. At the bass pro sale a week ago,i bought 2 spools of the new trilene %100 flourocarbon,8lb & 10lb,the pros says its great,its all new and is alot more limp,and abrasion resistant so im gonna try it for walleyes,and see how it works,the price is good too,so well see great thread with lots of info guys thanks
  13. yes i thought that was you,man thats too bad,we could have shot the bull for a bit,thats a few members that i saw this morning,man im regretting not brinning my rod,but theres still lots of time to catch lots,if you want to hook up some time for a fish down there where i saw you pm,me and let me know great fish !!!! cheers bud
  14. Great price,i will check out the wal-mart around here for some thanks !!!!
  15. Nice catch bud !!!!,man today lots of trout have been caught,i went on a scouting mission today,i saw you there this morning,i said hi to you i think,i was in a black jacket,and walking by you and you said you had just missed one,was that you ?? cheers
  16. HAPPY B-DAY THERE SOUTHERN OLDE,TIMMER !!!!!!now why dont you really impress us and have another 60 or so of those..LOL..LOL. . cheers buddy
  17. GREAT CATCH GUYS !!!!!,awesome colors ,great pics too
  18. Thats ok,cliff i will call you mlater tonight hopefully,great catch today man,im supprised i did see you ....cheers bud
  19. What a few days there glen...well it doesnt sound to seriuos,hopefully just a minor fuel problem !!! too bad about bama power screwing with the water levels,they do that to me to when ontario power generation shuts down the ottawa river,they ruin a great wall-ice bite for up to 2 days sometimes,well maybe next time the fish will be back where you can get them,and let us know how the boat motor is comming along,time for a cold beer bud !!!!! good-luck
  20. WOW..Great catch,i think i walked past you this morning while checking tribs !!!!! ..well done cheers
  21. Nice fish cliff !!!!!...congrats on your new pb. ..well done,i went checking this morn as well,cheers
  22. Well went out to check out about 5 tribs todat starting in oshawa,and went east. ..well there is a few that have fish,and most are still ice-covered with a few decent runs open,but theres still lots of snow to melt yet,up near the 5th concesion near the wilmot man theres still 4ft of snow,and the creek is till totally frozen,its still very much winter in the woods,but near the mouths of some they have been getting a few fish,but we need somme good rain to clear the huge chunks of ice still in the lower sections...its almost here,and i seen a few trout jump in lake ontario right near the shore,so they are out there...man i wish i could get my boat out there right now,they are stacked like cordwood just waiting....so i just thought i would give an update,and hope that its going to rain ,and get a nice big run in for us to shake off our winter blues !!!!!....cheers & good-luck
  23. WOW...technology eh !!!!!...fishing with your lap-top.. .oh well good luck,and hope you get a big early spring pike !!!!....cheers
  24. Nice shots,the sky looks amazing !!!! theres supposed to be a healthy walleye population in that lake as well...good luck next time fishing
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