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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. Nice ski guys !!!. ..niagara rivers finest...love the colors too...cheers
  2. Yes i have been on e-bay and even did a few bids,were you doing bidding to i think i seen you on there????
  3. Well lets see: scugog sturgeon [20 times] pigeon bay of quinte [8times] lake ontario [30 times] at least crystal lake salerno lake white lake ottawa river lake clear gooderham lake petawawa river black bay rice lake trent river ottanabe river and i know that there is more,that im forgetting ???? its interesting to see where everyone was fishing,man we all sure put on the miles dont we !!!! cheers....
  4. Thanks for the links guys,i have been checking them out big time,right now at tromblys the eagle 500c is on sale for $299.00 regular price is $500.00 so its a great deal,its 2,400 watts 300/rms !!!! i already have a top notch unit at the back with GPS,so i dont really need it on the bow,its to hook into my new terrova 55lb autopilot with built in sonar. so for the price of the eagle its a great deal,and one of their really good color unitseven at cabelas the eagle 500c is $150.00 more...and thats in american money !!!!! so i think that will be the one...tromblys said that eagle will raise the price back to normal on december 23rd !!!! and they have sold quite a few,but they still have about 10left....cheers
  5. Well done guys !!! glad to see another hardwater report/pics,it sure does look like you guys have lots of snow up there too!! i thought you wernt supposed to "lip" a pike !!!! LOL..LOL.. i guess you will remember that next time right??....thanks for the report guys....cheers
  6. Thanks for the ice conditions update sam !!!...i hope the weather co-operates and the bay has enough ice to get through the warm weather thats comming,they also say rain is on the way too...but we will be down there fishing soon,and we will stop by and see you sam,like mike the pike said, happy holidays sam !!!...cheers
  7. Well after my recent quinte trip/g2g with percher[dan] i seen his brand new minn-kota 55lb autopilot in action,well i just had to have one for my lund,so now that i have done that,i need a new graph for the built in universal sonar,in the trolling motor,so i have a really top notch one for the back,now im looking for a decent one for the bow,i have checked out a few places,and im wondering where the deals are ??? im thinking around the $500.00 mark !!! i already have 2 gps on board so its not really necessary on the front,but if the price was right hey,what the heck,you can never have too many gps,graphs right !!! thanks for any ideas guys ....
  8. Thanks for the ice-update !!! well if the weather holds there will be good safe ice in no time,i have heard that around the bancroft north haliburton are that some lakes have over 8inches of safe ice and some people are already crossing them on snowmobiles !!!! my bud on sturgeon lake said he seen snowmobile tracks on the lake going from one side of the lake to the other !!!! less than one week ago it was still open in spots !!! but thanks for the quinte ice conditions,there will be guys out this weekend for sure...cheers
  9. I heard his nick-name was chilly willy !!!!
  10. Hey im good to go !!!!...most dates are good,and it doesnt matter to me what location we go to !!!....bring on the winter walleyes...cheers
  11. Awesome day on the river guys !!!!. ..some very nice winter steel for sure...great pics too !!!!....cheers
  12. I have not yet tried the gel,but i use the spray for walleyes & salmon all the time david !!! and it really works well,and stays on the bait for quite a while,mustad knew what they were doing when they made that stuff for sure !!!...cheers
  13. Our thoughts & prayers are with Chris,and the family at this very difficult time. Chris put up a very brave fight,and is in a better place now at peace.
  14. Yes indeed they do work very well,and they really do have an awesome spin on them !!!! i have used them several times this year,and caught a few nice walleye on them....i also slide a soft glow bead on to the very top part of the hook shaft,just before the bend....it helps make it a little more visable,when its dragging through the dark weeds & bottom debris !!!! cheers
  15. Thats great news !!!! I hope that this time its a success,and that they get a really good return,and if people practice C&R for a few years it will help,as they do spawn more than once,the M.N.R has to educate fishermen,and let people know that that they are not like the chinook salmon,that die after spawning and that they are not just put & take salmon !!!! cheers
  16. Well said holdfast !!!! my brother in-law,is there right now and he is a very proud soldier,and all he asks for is that the canadian people stand behind him and support him,and all of his fallen friends !!!! he is based at CFB PETAWAWA and they have taken some horrible losses,and he has lost alot of friends,weather you agree or dissagree,we are there and they are doing a job and trying to help stabilize a country and get rid of the taliban so the country can govern itself,they are helping thousands of innocent people who have been tourtured and killed,and thats who we are as a people,we are canadians,and the soldiers are true heros in the eyes of the people,as well as canadians & the world !!!!!! think about the soldiers families,and all the mothers ,fathers wives,children,friends,i worry everytime the phone rings and its long distance, but i am proud and i will be on the 401 over pass tommorow afternoon at 4 pm. when they come through oshawa,on the hiway of heros !!!
  17. i think the mustang suits are better than the stearns suits !!!! as i stated in my post i was just letting everyone know that they were on sale for a great price before the thread got hi-jacked !!!!!
  18. Thats great !!! i watch his show all the time,and he is a very smart educated man for sure,and he really likes meeting people,and learning new things,and as we all know he is a true Mc GYVER !!!!!
  19. Right on wayne !!!!...great clip,from a true canadian icon !!!. ..a guy i know has seen him he says 15 times from places like new york city to califonia....he says seeing niel young live is like having a religious experience.. ..oh ya i forgot to say he is straight out of the late 60"s early 70"s !!!!!
  20. Nice to see an ice-fishing report from south of the border !!! glad to see you caught a few !!!...cheers
  21. Glad to hear that steve,looks like it wont be long,hope it comes real soon !!!!
  22. I cant seem to catch anything???. ...i wont give up though...
  23. HOW DO YOU CATCH FISH !!!!!...lol..lol. . now i know why i hate ice fishing !!!. ...but at least im warm & cozy at home with a rum & coke in my hand !!!!
  24. TOO funny glen !!!!!....you crack me up dawg !!!!
  25. Well you will be all set big time this winter !!!!. ..you will never want to be inside once you get that portable hut,paired with the machine,look out walleyes !!!!. ..sure looks like you have a nice place up there,i think we should have an OFC g2g at your place this summer !!!..lol..lol..
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