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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. Nice work,looks great on the wall too,very generous of you to donate those items !!! cheers bud
  2. Amazing game clampit !!!! thanks,i did practice & game,i cant catch anything,i have changed lures,and walked to lots of different spots,but its almost real,the graphics are great !!! i tries spoons & wigglers,and drilled 15 holes.....
  3. Went to hirks marine,in northeast oshawa,for a few things and he has the mustang floatation suits on for sale at $249.99 !!!!!and jackets for $159.99...thats a good deal for sure,so i just thought i would pass the info along....cheers
  4. Thatas great its about time,last night on the 115 hwy. around the orono area it was 69.9cents per litre !!!! i hope it stays like that for a while...cheers
  5. Thanks don thats great !!!!. ..i never thought of santa in that way before !!!!!
  6. Good one bernie !!!!...lookin for brownie points eh ??? well he is very lucky to get it back but,how did it get inside the bass ????....man i better send him an e-mail lol..lol..
  7. Well about 7 yrs ago i got a reminder of why we should shut of our outside hoses,as it broke,right at the wall about 2am !!!!. ...the sound of running water in the basement woke me up !!!! a very big mess,and a bigger lesson learned !!! we did ours about 3 weeks ago,thanks fore the heads up !!! cheers
  8. I have been using the windlass for years,and think they are great !!! they are very durable,and if there is a wind they will jig up & down for you,and they are only about $20 bucks !!! or ya can use a homeade one,i have lots of different tip-ups,and all of them will do the job....
  9. AHHHHH....too,funny !!!!! very good im LMAO
  10. Amazing fishing trip/report mike !!!! as usual,man some very nice fresh fat early winter steel for sure,great pics too bud !!!!...glad to see you are still slammin the heck out of them....cheers
  11. Even here in north oshawa,they have cut down,and are building up to 3,000 homes,and taken out about 2 square miles of fields & very thick oak & maple forest that have had deer forever !!!! the loss is huge,home after home,and just small maybe 1 acre,woods now located just here and there,right to oshawa creek,and 2 small feeder streams are now gone !!!! they have already pushed out at least 4 farms where the wildlife lived you could drive up there almost any day and see deer all the time,its all gone now,and they are still building,and will not stop !!!! all for the tax dollars,and for the developer to get rich !!!!
  12. Its sad news again,mycondolences to all of their famlies they are all heros in my books !!!! as well we waited to hear the news as our brother in-law is there right now on the front lines,and is there doing his 3rd tour of the war !!!! i wish him well....
  13. Great hardwater report & walleyes too !!!. ..that lake sure looks nice,so what time is dinner?? geez you have been out a few times already,i think you are going to have a good ice-fishing season,by the number of fish you have caught already,i would work that lake really hard before i went anywheres else,they seem to be the perfect eating size right there in front of your house !!! cheers
  14. Awesome catch bob !!!! congrats on your very succesful 2008 fishing season, and if you go to devels lake,i know you guys will hammer them big time !!!! very impressive 2nd place finish too, you guys are up against some of the best walleyeguys in the world,glad you guys represent us canadian walleye fishermen !!!...cheers
  15. AH,so thats why i was skunked for a few days !!!...lol..lol.. and you are right mike i was stubborn and just kept playing with my lead lengths,and it just took 2 days to figure out that those super long leads made all the difference,but yes cliff when they have lockjaw,its real tough. and hey cliff,one of the big problems is all the boat traffic,if the fish are not hitting very well,just add boat traffic and they will just get spooked,the trolling dive curve books are a must out on the bay for suspended walleyes,were you using any long leads like in the 220-280ft back range ??? oh ya,and make sure mike didnt put that dam banana in your boat !!!!` lol..lol..llo
  16. Too bad about the skunk cliff, at least it was a nice day out there !!!!. ..hey dont give up yet,do another trip or two,sooner or later it will happen !!! nice pictures of the fishing fleet behind you....cheers
  17. Glad to hear you had a great day out on the first ice of the season !!!! are you on a higher elevation ???.cause here in southern ontario,there is no safe ice yet,up north there is and a few guys have been hardwater fishin for almost 2 weeks now !!! thanks for sharing...cheers
  18. WOW...more great news,glad to see that the fish are comming back !!!!
  19. Thats a great read & awesome video clip !!!! glad to hear good news for a change thanks for sharing that,man there was hundreds of fish in that very small area...cheers
  20. WOW...again,postcard quality bud !!!! those owls look so neat..i have seen tham up close as well...cheers
  21. great pics again brandon !!! man you sure do some travelling,and congrats on that beauty salmon !!! cheers
  22. Well at least now we know you are hardcore for muskies !!!!!. ...too bad bout the skunk,but hey it was your last trip of ther year,still better than the couch !!! lol..lol. cheers
  23. Can you imagine his hydro bill ????. ....that is if they are all lighted,talk about fire hazard,thats just waiting for a group of kids to go to town ......
  24. Thanks ron, i was just wondering as im in lindsay a fair bit,and i would gladly go there to have a look,but seeing as its on campus i doubt that the public can just come in for a look,but thats ok,if you just keep posting those clips and let us know how they are doing,....cheers
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