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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. Art x 2 I have brought up four daughters, Never a problem, they got what we gave them and never asked for more. Today all married and great families on their own. I tought them not with words, but from example. If they wanted to cause a problem, they resized soon enought that it wasn't me that had to change. My mon inherited two daughter in laws, from day one there was never a problem, it lasted 38 years. Cliff that stuff, I've never tasted, must taste bad
  2. I did that to myself many years ago Maybe you should drive. hope all is well soon.i
  3. I've been making it for close to 40 years. use airlocks and it will be minimal. With the temperature in my cellar just perfect I close the door and there is nothing at all. I get my juice from a winery in Vaughan and have nevr had a problem.
  4. You may want to look at this http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/res/glcfs/glcfs-ice.php?lake=o&type=N&hr=00
  5. Lew our street is full of them, we have about 50 houses on our street and one side is all bungalows and occupied by retired folks! Bit of a pain they can cut their lawn twice a week!
  6. the look on their faces must have been priceless! I hardly see you guys lol
  7. Dave, you are soooooo right about warm up thefts. As I said we lost five in five hours recently. 3 in woody and 2 in Richmong Hill. They guys were caught I'm in Sanoma Hights and can't believe the number of cars warming up when I leave for work at 7:20. When I moved in my daughters were sitting out front waiting for us and our neighbour walked up and asked what they were doing? My oldest girl just said waiting for mom and dad as we are moving in. Some of these old folks are better than alarms. Lol I need some of those Beware of Dog signs.
  8. I live Ina m are where practically evry home has an alarm, but now with someone at home all of the time I' debating the cost. Also 50 % of the residence are pole who are retired and the are always out:) We have lost a few cars in the last two months due to people 'warming' them up. They won't listen!
  9. No your not Cliff they are incompetent some days. I had to have actress test just ro see. . . So I phone the specialist and asked if I could go October 23 or 24. We have nothing for that day, fine Come October the 3rd. Took the day off work, I had time coming went to the office at 2:00 for my 2:15 .. Check in, we have nothing for you booked; a wasted day can I book another since I'm here, sure what have you got -- how is October 24 for you. !?!?!&$)(
  10. The reason I put more is, I don't buy my lunch at work probably 30 a week, I make it, leftover from dinner is great. I don't go to Tim's or other coffee houses., We don't go to restaurants, we love to cook at home. I was paying 90 a month for parking at work, when we moved and got parking free it all went in. it all adds up. I try to keep my chequing account always able to pay the 'fixed bills" at the end of the month if it's above it get transferred to a savings plan. When I was younger I saw frind that had pennies in jar and loved the look, so off I went I think I have just over 11,000 of them they are not going anywhere soon. We go to COSTCO, I buy my gas there always. . . every little bit helps.
  11. That's what I said, I pay myself every payday, just like paying a bill. Have been doing it for a long time, buta lot more than $20.
  12. I don't like restaurants or coffee shops Looking forward to family day this year the kids are planning a family brunch starting with breakfast and leading into a late lunch, all home cooked for 10 adults and 7 little ones. I heard fish, fruit pancakes,bacon eggs ashbrowns and even champagne with orange juice, could not do this in a restaurant!
  13. I pay myself on every paycheck. It comes out just like a bill payment, been doing for a while. We use a lot of tomatoes so we make our own sauce, some cured meats. No credit card if we use it it has to be as all amount. Good to have when you need it. been buying my gas at COSTCO for a few years and that helps a lot. Alway stock up on goods on sale if it lasts. make my own wine and have been for 38 years. A case of beer last three months:) Don't like the hard crap so it's nevr bought or served.
  14. Been there! Manual 6 inch Good luck.
  15. Irish, you are the man. I can edit tourism books until it kills me, but when I have to post the iPad does its thing. Thanks
  16. I'm so sorry for my Gordie misspell, the iPad does what it wants and I didn't correct it, sorry. The worst thing I could have done is spell his name wrong. He Was MR. Hockey. when I grew up.
  17. Along with the original 6 teams. great tribute to him. Gretzky and other legends pay tribute to Gordie Howe in Saskatoon Clare Clancy, The Canadian Press Feb 6, 2015 10:14:29 PM 1Share Wayne Gretzky figures there is no photograph fans ask him to sign more often than the one of him as a smiling preteen beside his idol Gordie Howe, who is playfully hooking a hockey stick around the future Great Ones neck. Every time I look at the picture or sign the picture, its nothing but great memories, Gretzky said Friday as he and several hockey legends paid tribute to Howe in his hometown. He was nicer and better when I met him than even what I thought he was going to be. The iconic photo was taken in 1972 in Gretzkys hometown of Brantford, Ont. Gretzky remembers it like it was yesterday. We were standing there, Gordon grabbed his stick, actually put it around my throat, Gretzky recalled. It went on to be one of the most popular pictures Ive ever signed. Gretzky, Bobby Hull, Brett Hull and Howes sons Mark and Marty shared their memories of Howe at a news conference Friday morning ahead of an evening celebrity dinner in honour of Mr. Hockey. Gretzky said Howe helped pave the way for him and others to enjoy success in the sport. He said idols sometimes dont live up to their reputations, but this wasnt the case with Howe. Youre always going to remember him as a great player, a wonderful person and a tremendous family man, Gretzky said of the ailing Howe, who has suffered recent strokes. Howe, 86, was all smiles on Friday as he made his way to the dinner in his honour. Wearing a suit and tie, he shuffled through a hotel lobby, pausing briefly with a fan who shook his hand and captured the moment with a selfie. Howes 801 career goals rank second in the NHL to Gretzkys 894. The Hall of Famer also holds NHL records for most games played (1,767) and seasons played (26) and won the Stanley Cup four times with the Detroit Red Wings. Brett Hull said when he played in Detroit, he often chatted with Howe about hockey, sports and life in the dressing room before games, conversations that hell treasure. He said its hard to imagine playing for as long as Howe did. Being productive at that age is a remarkable feat and its hard to fathom that he could really do it, Hull said. Howe suffered two disabling strokes late last year but his family says his health has improved after he underwent a stem-cell treatment as part of a clinical trial in Mexico. He hadnt walked in two months, Marty Howe said, adding that his dad has also gained 21 pounds since the experimental treatment. His back is bothering him a little bit now, so he shuffles his feet but I guarantee when he gets to that (dinner) hes going to walk to where he needs to go. His blood flows hockey. Bobby Hull said hes thrilled to be part of the Howe tribute. I go back to when I was 10 years old, he said, adding that he stood in the sleet and rain to watch a game at Torontos Maple Leaf Gardens. He was in awe watching Howe play. My dad looked at me and said Robert, when you can shoot the puck like that you can play in this league, he said. Hull said eight years later he played against Howe, and it was a wonder to share the ice with him. Howes sons both talked about the family values their father holds dear. Hes just a special person, Marty Howe said. He treats everyone the same. Gretzky said Fridays dinner is a chance to thank Howe for what he has done for hockey. I dont think theres any question that if it wasnt for Gordie, and if it wasnt for Bobby Hull jumping to the WHA in 1972 that I might not be standing here today, Gretzky said. So they definitely laid a path for guys like Wayne Gretzky to become professional athletes.
  18. I knew that was coming Terry had a 2nd Christmas, nice machine you built.
  19. I remember John Kerr bring his out a few times, this thing was SOO small. haven't seen once since. I had ah six at one time and lost it on Simcoe, note to self tie it down tight!!!!
  20. I produced that publication for four years. I read a lot of data:)
  21. Wayne, you were snagging? You are sooooo bad!
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