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bow slayer

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Everything posted by bow slayer

  1. what a joke it is about the money,when isn't it. Miss. Simon must think that a couple hundred thousand will make her feel better having to suffer the angish from this, It is a tradgedy all round for everyone involved,something only therapy and time will heal,but to open wounds again and drag this out in court for money is helping no one involved.
  2. and the driver was speeding on the wet raining night also
  3. another option would be Bonnchere PP. It has lots of watersites,great beach,fishing for walleye,bass,pike. Only short drive to Pembroke and Ottawa for a day trip.
  4. check out Halfway Lake PP. I was there last year for a couple nights. Real nice park with great sites,although not alot right on the water. The park has a great beach and the lake has pike ,bass,walleye and lake trout. When I was there the weather was rather crappy and cool so did not do alot of fishing,but did manage a few nice pike off shore. The lake had very little people on it fishing.
  5. there are several good boat makers out there,dont limit yourself to just 2. Crestliner,starcraft,G3,alummacraft,all make excellent boats.
  6. have dealt with these guys a couple times,excellent service,very good specials http://www.americanlegacyfishing.com/?utm_source=Newsletter+March+30%2C+2014&utm_campaign=March+30%2C+2014&utm_medium=email
  7. anyone have any first hand experience with this condition. Just had a close family member come down with this.They have been told to expect a full recovery in about 2 -3 weeks. Though there is a small chance at permnament damage. Has only been through this. I have heard it is quite common.
  8. you can make reservations up to 5 months in advance to any PP that has reservations.For the best sites the sooner the better.
  9. well you would have to push it by about a half hour but I would suggest Restoule. Excellent park with nice waterfront sites,2 beaches,very good hiking trails,bike trails,great canoeing,boating and of course some very good fishing for walleye,smallies,musky,pike and lake trout. There are several back lakes which get very little pressure(you would probably be the only ones on some of them) even the main lake does not have the crowds some of the other parks further south and closer to highway 11 get (Restoule is 45 minutes off 11). Park is very quiet,secluded with tons of water to explore,even hooks up to the french river canoe route.I have been camping there for 25 years now,and I have been to many others over the years,you would have a hard time finding a nicer park.
  10. just got back from nipissing,we landed several 12-16 inch fish...but also one 25 inch beauty (released) and lost one even bigger at the hole....i would post a pic of the 25 incher if i knew how
  11. give restoule area a look,less than 3 from Barrie ,good walleye,bass and musky fishing,good beaches, small town minutes away,north bay 40 minutes away here are links to a couple resorts http://www.cottagecountry.com/eckford-camps-cottage-resort-restoule-on/ http://www.duenorth.net/martinscamp/
  12. like i said hope i am wrong....and it is still not over
  13. hate to say it but i think canada will be riding home with the russians later today,,,,,,,hope I am wrong but my gut feeling is telling me different
  14. vinegar,stock up next trip into a macdonalds and keep the little packs in your boat or tackle bag.works on hands and cleaning the cutting board.
  15. Do they have their huts in a good location,? Looking to book with them for a few days midweek with a buddy and our 12 year old sons,thought the satelite tv might come in handy for the boys during slow times and evenings,plus a little tsn would not be so bad either.
  16. there used to be a bait and tackle shop right down on the waterfront in Parry sound below the bridge, a very big guy(Jim?) use to run it,we rented a hut off him a few times back a 10 or more years ago and did good for lakers and pike. Not sure if the place is still around.
  17. I have been using a combo of bounce sheets and irish spring soap for 25 years now and have never had a problem with mice in my boats,tent trailer or my summer cruising car.
  18. I will add to what has already been said ,you want a sot for fishing,and probably a tandem incase you bring a partner, As also mentioned check kijiji,thats where I picked mine up from,barely used,less than a year old for half of what buddy paid for it.
  19. try ships ahoy in sparta,or there is also extreme marine and pier74 which are both in Nilestown....avoid hully gully way too expensive also Stans marina in Port Stanley will be able to help you out
  20. with the crap product the leafs have been putting on the ice for the last 45 plus years...they should be paying the fans to show up at all....but then again leaf fans are suckers for punishment
  21. seems to be a common thing this year especially here in St.Thomas,several boats have been broken into for gear,including one of a police officer who lost downriggers,tackle bags a couple rods and reels.I am down 3 baitcasters.......i now will never leave anything of value in my boat
  22. nothing beats the picture quality of a plasma,not lcd,not led.especially for live action sports,yes they run hotter and use roughly 35 bucks a year more in energy cost....but well worth it
  23. I just got home from 6 mile tonite and most of the spots i came across were full or filling
  24. I have 3 days next week to sneak in a camping trip. I was thinking of trying Beausoliel island. Is there somewhere at the Park dock in Honey Harbour to leave your truck and trailer? Can you beach your boat on the shore where the campsites are or do you have to use the dock? How is the area for boating,lots of rocks to watch for? Are they marked? And lastly what can I expect angling wise? thanks any info is greatly appreciated
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