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Everything posted by davew3

  1. Bigger, better, more modern. To the cheapest bidder !!
  2. Well on your way west take 108 north to Elliot Lake, then 639 to Laurentian Lodge on Flack lake.(http://www.laurentianlodge.com/) The lodge is a beauty place. After, still go north and come back down on 546. That will bring you out at Iron Bridge. Rolling mountains, old growth forest with places to stop and cast a spinner. A great drive. Regards
  3. Not sure where you live but there is a nice Legend for sale in the Burlington Post. Should be able to find it on line. Regards
  4. Well Lew, that is the other reason I use locks. Very little chance of them rattling loose. I also take apart my hubs once a year, clean everything , check for any damage or rust and repack. So far (knock o wood) the worst I had was a flat. But have seen plenty worse. For me it is a sense of well being while I travel. Everything works right and safety is there. Regards
  5. Makes sure the ball is the right one. Make sure the safety lock is in place. Make sure you put on safety chains. Saw a poor older fella take a utility trailer head on on Shannonville rd last month. Guy coming the other way hit the train tracks, trailer popped off, poor guy couldn't do a thing to avoid it. I know if I got hit due to someone being lazy I would be pissed right off. Probably end up with an assault charge. Spare tires, make sure they are the right size, load range, air pressure and have a spare. To leave a $30,000.00 dollar boat on the side of the road because of being to lazy or cheap. Maybe it won't be there when you get back. If your hitch is removable, put a lock on it as well. I can see someone just pulling the hitch out of your truck. Use a lock on the trailer as well. A bolt or pin isn't worth squat. Wouldn't it be nice to get back to the dock and no trailer. Make sure all light's work every time. A $2 bulb is a lot cheaper then a ticket. Common sense is the word. Regards
  6. Good morning. Has anyone fished Maz late in the fall? We were there on Saturday and we were marking all kinds of fish along the north wall. Just not sure what they were. We tried some jigging and trolling, but no luck. Any info would be appreciated as we may be back there next month. Regards
  7. Take a trip to Gannons Narrows. Fish the down side. Jigs with twisters tipped with worms. Use your fish finder to find the bottom breaks. good luck
  8. Best wishes Blizzard You are going to have to look after her for a while.
  9. When changing tire sizes remember it will affect your speedometer. And possibly ABS. Not rim size, tire size As for the date thing would you really want buy tires that have been on the shelf for 5 - 10 years and are being sold as a great deal ? old and dried up. Ask for the date of mfg before the tires get put on your car/truck/trailer. Regards
  10. There are a couple of things to factor that were not let out to the public. Were they both moving? Did both have lights on ? Was one parked and the other hit it? Did one not have their lights on ? When it comes to the booze factor 2 beers, that's all it takes to blow a machine. If the person was just relaxing and made a mistake, with as little as 2 drinks in them, it may be why they took off. By booze I did not mean automatically smashed. Just someone who thought they were having a god time. I have not heard any follow up on this story yet.
  11. GO CATS GO !!! Grey Cup again ? win this year ?
  12. Look at the division the Pens are in. One of the toughest, physical in the league. I am a Leaf fan so I was happy to hear when he was traded. Now if the front staff can pull in more quality players. Put a defence in front of their goalies. It should be interesting. But the Leafs need a fighter (s). I do not agree to ban fighting. If they do then they have to make the penalties hurt the players and the team that take the cheap shots. Liberties if you will. If Toronto had some decent enforcers last year it may have turned out different. regards
  13. I am waiting to see how long it takes for the buzz in Pittsburgh to fade. He won't go into a corner, won't stand up for teammates, won't stand up for himself unless he can hack at the other guys legs and this morning in the Sun they are saying 40 goals. Ha ha ha.
  14. Booze ??
  15. Ok for information on different tires go to www.tirerack.com. I believe it is a U.S. site but you can see what is out there in you size. Also you can change the different aspects of you tires. radius, width, sidewall. but usually not by much. regards
  16. Cooper AT3 Next generation tire. silent, good traction rain, snow and dry. Decent price as well. I run these on my Ram hemi. They stick to the road pretty good. Regards
  17. It missed them or they would be squished. would be neat to see close up.
  18. Singingdog. Have you agreed to pay the shipping? I sure hope you increased the selling price to cover it. Where is it shipping from, that will affect cost and where it will cross the border. Try this person Mark Taylor Logistics Freight Management [email protected]. experts on customs. Good luck
  19. Cloudy, when you boat up if you watch over the side you will see where the bottom comes up quickly. Move over towards where the small channel is on your left side. Anchor there and drop your line about 10 ft behind your boat. There is an excellent sat picture on goggle maps right now. The water is clear and you can make out the rock pile. Another way is to use deep diving cranks and just let them sit out the back. Don't cast, just let out some line and let the current to the work. Good luck.
  20. Try urinating through the deck boards. Sounds weird but it works.
  21. If you night fish take your boat up to the edge of the current and drop anchor. The pics are picking up bait being washed down. Fish the current breaks. And I mean right on the edge, if you are off by feet it will make a difference. Don't get too close in case some guy from the bridge starts to bomb you. Use a fair bit of rope in case of current change. Me I would go with a buddy and have a sharp knife ready. Use a bucket out the back to keep you straight. Use a 1 oz slip sinker and a floating jig head with a 3 ft lead and a big healthy minnow or worm. Slowly tensing and releasing the slack until you feel the extra weight. I have spent many nights off of that bridge using this teck. had a lot of fun. Good luck.
  22. Launch at Wildwood cottages on the Ontonabee river just up from Rice Lake. Bass, wallyeye and muskie.
  23. Cliff explore this site http://gorving.ca/rv-resource-links/
  24. Boat Details Listing ID: 267663 Status: In Stock Make: Sylvan Model: 1700 Pro Select Year: 1998 Price: $6,900.00 CAD Engine Details HP: 120.0 Drive: Out board (OB) Fuel Type: Gas Located at CAS Marine
  25. C.A.S. Marine in Ayr. Deal in new and used. A 16 ft StarCraft deep V is a great all round boat www.casmarine.com Good luck
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