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Everything posted by steelhedrmatt

  1. Glad you found em before all the crap we got lastnite. Anyone else want these rims let me know. I dont need them anymore, if you come and get em they're free.
  2. What size do you need? I have 2 16" bolt pattern 5 x 114.5. had 205/60/16 tires on them. you want them their yours. wouldnt fit on the new honda. I live in Bradford. LMK.
  3. Were on the south end of big doe next to the girl guide camp.
  4. My cottage is on Doe lake near Burks falls, and it froze shore to shore yesterday! (not safe yet obviously) wont be long now
  5. I live on simcoe from Jan to march. My cottage is on big doe and they are all lies about fishing on doe. No fish left there. I wouldnt even go there. lol
  7. we used to go there every year, winter and summer. summer fishing wasn't too bad, not very consistant. Winter was slow at best. winter pike fishing was just ok, but the pics seemed to dissapear. (or I wasnt fishing the right spot) if you go there in the winter, try off the rock face. that's where we would get most of our pike, and watch the ice near the mouth of the mag, (both sides) it's scketchy at best. (usually open water) Hope this helps
  8. first year with my 2009 40hp. no probs. great motor. the marina where i bought it suggested to always put evinrude 4+2 fuel treatment in every tank. helps with the ethanol in the gas. makes sense.
  9. Although this is not near Guelph, Talk to Chris at Barrie Auto Trim & Design. 705 739 7075. If you dont mind the travel, He can get everything for Ford rangers. Good prices too!
  10. Princess auto carries those batteries for 10 bucks!!
  11. 1" rebar, as long as your wheel base + 4-6". flat plate welded to one end hole drilled in other end. Slide rebar through holes in tires, making sure to go through leaf springs. another flat plate with 1" hole drilled in it and a heavy duty lock through hole on rebar. i use this plus tonge locks.
  12. Good Haul Bowen!! Too bad not in the money though. Let's get out this year. I'll be in touch!!
  13. Better hope you don't have to get anything done on warranty!! I'll NEVER buy Legend again!!
  14. Good unit!! Just press menu while in GPS mode, and an option screen will appear. First option is MARK. Press arrow right and you have marked your waypoint
  15. I was fishing the bottom end of cooks on Saturday in the boat
  16. I was on lake simcoe today.... In my boat!
  17. Well the vid didn't work, but here are a few pics from the recovery. Please be careful out there, and don't go alone, and most of all good luck!! BTW. Checked my waypoint on mapsource and it was only 8ft. deep. right on top of a shoal.
  18. WHAT!!! No vid of my 3" pickeral???? That sure made Patrick's day! Can't wait to get up there again.
  19. Hopefully I get the pics and vid from the recovery soon. I'll post when I do
  20. Just wanted to let everyone know to beware of a bad pressure crack straight out from the 10th line of Innisfil. My buddy put his quad through a spot that looked like a good crossing, but was in fact where the crack opened up and refroze with skim ice. With a little snow, was not pretty. We marked it with a long cedar fence rail sticking straight up. The good news, with a little team work, help from some nice guys sledding by, and a good come-along, we saved the bike. BTW The fishing sucked for us today. Be careful out there!!
  21. Thats what I figured. Well I just returned from Alcona, Didn't make the trek, but other hutsI could see from the launch seemed to be staying put. Fixing the sled today, so I'll take a rip after work tomorrow with fingers crossed. Hopefully it just flips over, and stays put. Thanks for the responses!!
  22. Good morning everyone. Just wondering if someone could tell me the conditions this morning. (or as of last night). Worried about the hut blowing away, and dont really have time to go check. (and not sure if its good for the sled) I'll make the trip if I have to. Thanks to everyone!! Ciao Matt.
  23. Funny I was just talking to someone about that day. What a blast!! Had a good scare too with some shifting ice plates. Broken down truck for the ride home, and 100 kph on the 400 during a blinding snowstorm. (biggest of last year) Lets do it again Jay!!
  24. Cool pic Irishfield... Got any of Doe lake? It would be cool to see from the air.
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