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Everything posted by Sinker

  1. When I had a chief smoker I used the box, and a moving blanket over that to keep her hot. That reflectix should work too.
  2. Beauty! Toss some spinners. I don't know if you've tried them, but I get 99% of my musky on inlines or big spinner baits. All season long. Admit it, you are addicted. Better blow the dust off your wallet, its gets expensive, but don't get caught up in all the fancy schmancy stuff.....keeping it simple and effective has put 58 musky in my boat this season so far. S.
  3. I get my biggest fish trolling. My better half gets tired too easy casting, so we mainly stick to trolling. She still kicks my ass! I love to cast myself, but trolling always produces, and most of my fishing is after work on weekdays, so a nice relaxed evening on the water after work trolling is one of my favourite things to do. S.
  4. Pigeon has offered up my biggest fish this season too. Usually, its sturgeon for me. 58 boated so far this season, all the biggest ones from pigeon. Looks like a great trip. One of these days we will run into each other out there. I'm on the water once or twice a week from opener on. S.
  5. I understand that, and I have experience it. The ole RAM just yanked my boat out though...lol.... Just have to choose your launches I guess. S.
  6. Your feeling the addiction. I like it.Man, If I lived where you do, I wouldn't fish for anything else. Well, maybe the odd walleye stop for a meal, but it would be muskies non stop for me. Eagle lake is a bucket list lake!! S.
  7. Can't you just back in further? I don't get it..... S.
  8. In a perfect world you need both. Sleds rule the lakes in the winter when there's snow, but ATV's are much more versatile machines. I'd say 90% of the time an ATV will get you where you need to go. They carry a big load right on the machine too. They are handy. S.
  9. When I troll big cranks like that I just cut hooks and replace them....no matter how deep or not the hooks are. First thing I do is cut the hook off the lure, then get it out of the way, then work on removing them from the fish. They are dangerous, and can do a lot of damage, so I don't like even running them a lot. I also set one of my rod holders before I start, to hold my net for me once I've got a fish in the bag. My net fits perfectly in a salty rod holder. That helps a lot. Have all your tools ready and easy to get to before you even put a line in the water. S.
  10. Just stay away from the high performance sleds if you want to ice fish with it. They are practically useless, unless conditions are perfect for them. They are built to go fast, and that's it. Hauling gear, with a passenger, they are useless most of the time. I have a 2000 yammy venture 500 fan. Its been bullet proof. My next one will be another venture with the genisis 4 stroke engine.They are bullet proof and rarely get hot. Can't go wrong with any yamaha IMO. I'd avoid polaris like the plague, and consider a Cat (they have yammy engines) and The skidoo utility sleds are decent too. Some of the skidoo machines now have a liquid cooled rad, AND a fan, so they are fairly decent. S.
  11. You think that Ford will make it down there? You need a RAM! Congrats to your daughter. Looks great!
  12. Farm duck. Looks like its part bibbed mallard too. Lots of weird hybrids around. It probably just got away.
  13. Been to the ganaraska one as well. Pretty cool. I had sore muscles for days....haha....took the best of 4 hours to get er done. It was fun., S.
  14. Pretty much sums up my thoughts on this perfectly. Primarily the first sentence. If anyone thinks the courts in this province can sort a single thing out, well, re think it. S.
  15. Like the others have said, use the HDPE plastic. I get mine at a plastics shop for next to nothing. He lets me go through his cut offs bin. I use that stuff for all kinds of things. I glue mine on with 3M 5200 and its never ever budged. I probably couldn't get it off if I tried. I have a bunch if your ever in the Peterborough area. S.
  16. Nope. Just make sure you don't skew it too close to the top or it will fall off. I keep a rack above the water tray in mine, just to catch the odd one that falls off. Most don't though. S.
  17. Taildancers in #7 or 9, and husky jerks 11 and 13. I've been catching lots on the new scatter rap husky jerks this year. Its a pretty vague question though, I use a ton of other cranks, depending on where, when, how deep, conditions etc. S.
  18. I hear you. I can also say that in 40 years of owning a boat, I have never, ever had a fuel issue. I had one bad gas line once, but it was probably 25 years old. I have an assorment of other small engines, snowmobiles, etc...no issues ever related to fuel. S.
  19. If I hung ribs in my smoker they would fall for sure. Some racks i can barely lift out and they fall apart. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? They melt in your mouth and taste amazing, so I can't complain. Fish on the other hand, all gets hung off the racks with skewers. S.
  20. Read the can. I know its hard to see, but it says it right there. S.
  21. Seafoam is a stabilizer, so save your money and stop using stabilizer and seafoam. The lucas isn't doing a whole lot either IMO. Premixed fuel will burn just fine in your car too. So many fuel myths. S.
  22. Jiggin raps with a fin-S minnow rigged on a drop shot above it works. S.
  23. Well, thats why your not getting them. They are at the other end of the lake. I Launch in caygeon or Nogies creek. S.
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