I'm not one to call people out, but that is Bull. I fish a minimum 150 days a year, and I love fishing boat docks. I would consider myself very skilled in fishing them and avoiding snags etc, but I, along with everyone who has spent anytime fishing docks still snag up on the odd one. It happens, but I always make sure to retrieve my bait. If you've spent any time fishing docks, I dont believe that you havent hooked one lol.
I will continue to fish docks because seasonally, they offer tremendous fishing opportunities. I have won tournaments off of a single dock. That being said, I ALWAYS avoid fishing docks when people are on them or there are people swimming nearby, a quick detour out and around shouldnt be an issue for anyone.
If people politely ask me to steer clear, I generally will. When people come out cursing and throwing things, they get the same treatment. Just the same as when I'm out in the middle of the lake and the same people on their jetskis come and do circles within casting distance. It's a fine line, we all have to deal with it. Just my 2 cents