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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. WTG Joey, super fish. Any day out on the water is a great day. Now can you do a repeat in the BOQ
  2. Dolt, I hope its not that easy, I thought about that and looked in CDN Tire and BPO but could only find the ones that are too small, Guess I will check a marine store for special order, checked on the internet and they do sell them that big enough
  3. Hey All: I wanted to keep my boat going a little longer this year late in to december at the earliest. Following Irishfields advice on making sure water does not expand in the pump, I have a plug at that end but I came across the problem with the livewell over flow. It has a thru-hull connector with no threads or anything to attach too. This is well above the waterline, but if any water gets into it, the water will run down too the pump. Has anyone sealed this with something, It needs to be temporary as I use the livewell in the summer I was thinking tape but, with the water it would come off, Thanks LeXX
  4. This thread was way too much like fish porn WTG thanks for sharing..
  5. Thats a GREAT price but for boating not the best but It would do. The base 1 peice suit should be about 299.00 the upgade ones are a little more. I would go for the one peice if you hate the cold
  6. Been there, always tired etc, Could be my two young kids but aside from that, Found that my wife sometimes tosses and turns in the night waking me up although not enough to really get me up just enough to kick me out of REM (no not the group). Although I thought I was sleeping all night I was only getting a few hours try different bed, different location for sleep. Good idea to see the quack, sometimes we men hold off till too late to see them. Better too check. Thanks for posting.
  7. Nice PB, hope to beat mine on the 16th
  8. Chris Purdy, Ron and Marc Thanks for the posts, not a big Muskie fisherperson but I value your thoughts on the matter. Sometimes having different views leads to debates that in the end is good for an industry. No need for a debat to turn into anything other than a exchange of idea's
  9. Jigs should work but hard to jig in the fall with thoes winds?
  10. Age old wisdom, One bird in the hand is better than two birds in the bush.. (rent out the boats if you have a guy handing over the cash) Never been there to the marina, chalk it up to bad luck.
  11. always google myself (sounds naughty) Just to check and make sure my personal information has not made it out there..
  12. Farmer may have been a bit jumpy to shoot, but no animal lover would jump too the chance to help pay for the farmers live stock if it got hurt, Sick or contaminated. If it was one dog you can deal with it, 2 dogs feed of the freezy of another. Life goes on,
  13. Nice to see that they are starting to move in
  14. Hey All., If your in Mississauga, (401 area) and want one, let me know.. I found a dollar store with a few. YEAP for a buck!!!! PM please
  15. Great pics and looks like a nice day out Thanks for sharing
  16. ummmmm Perch, I can't wait too get out there again
  17. Too bad they had to kill it, All they can do is take the fin's, teeth Would have been a great fight thats for sure
  18. I always go to LB's and another big box store.. I price compare. LB's is still small enough that you do not have to search around for help. No tax sale is over christmas
  19. For Me As long as it was dry and warm, Either, Mind you the wife really needs a flushable potty If the price is right I she can adjust
  20. Rudeness comes in all types. I have always had a respect for our native people's but like you said there are a few, a very small bunch that feel its there heritage right to do what they want to the land even outside of there territory. Our goverment will not stand up, Political correctness gone wrong. Send it too the MNR but don't expect anything, Still the rudeness somepeople are just jerks.
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