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Everything posted by blaque

  1. I blame RAP and Heavy Metal Music Too much and not enough
  2. I meant to have some visuals for this from my GPS.........maybe ill add them when i get home and can get a pic or two. Im trying to find a difference between my standard Navionics Card (eastern great lakes) and the free fish n' chip card i got. Ive gone back and forth on the same locations between cards and dont see the advantage. In fact they are a little different looking, but no more detail in the fish n' chip like it claims. Is it maybe just the area that im looking at and it may be a world of difference somewhere else between the two cards? If the fish n chip is so much better, (which i havent seen yet), why would i even use my original card i purchased for $150 dollars. Im a little confused. The area ive compared is the "Seneca Shoal" area out on Lake Erie (stateside) in case it adds anything. Any comments
  3. Boy Ill tell ya, we (americans) do it to ourselves sometimes. I dunno where in the states that advertisement was targetting, But i can tell ya that i leave my front door unlocked all the time when not home.......leave my windows open at night when i sleep, and my garage door open when im not home on many occasions ....boat and all, and dont even think twice. No problems (literally knocking on wood as i type with one hand lol)
  4. If i ever decide to head down.........ill get in touch
  5. I myself take a week trip every May up to Canada.......Quebec alot of years, Nippissing, etc.........and when i am there, ill throw that extra 10% into respecting the regualtions and the land, water etc........for the main reason that im in an unfamiliar area......and feel like I am indeed a guest. I follow the rules in my country 100%, and when im up in your house.......Its 110%, no assumptions are made. There are definitely some generalizations out there from country to country........i dont take this one too personally as an American as it is somewhat benign. And as was stated, it wasnt intended. But there are some pretty rough generalizations out there that go both ways. Heck, theres a radio show here in Buffalo that used to have a canadian arrest report after the Bills games on monday morning pointing out how many canadians came to the game and got cuffed. All in fun, (in the radio shows eyes) but still.......it was ridiculous. Didnt mention the squad cars full of drunken americans that got arrested at the game lol. Theres alot of people that are sour about canadians coming down to a particular steelhead river down here and like to single them out as meat hunters and egg rapers. Again.........TOTAL idiocy and a VERY small minority that feel that way. But it exists and its unfortunate. Ive heard of us yanks being considered as pistol toting, war hungry animals......LOL, and i dont know one person who owns a handgun........and know that a vast MAJORITY do no support current war efforts. LOL. So generalizations are just that......stereotypes are just that. Thats all
  6. yeah, where was darcy last night........we missed him lol I dunno, you guys sure made a great game of it.
  7. is it unheard of to take a fiberglass boat out on the lower. Talking about early, or should i say, pre-ice chunk timeframe. lol. Ive never fished down there as ive always only seen aluminums, lund, starcraft, alumacraft, trackers, etc.........I would just love to get out and try it, ive been out on the bar a few times.......but never drifting the river for steelhead. Should i just get the idea out of my head lol
  8. I can almost hear it..............."We were biting this morning, we were biting...this morning"
  9. Im jealous of your photo taking skills Aaron. Those are some crispy shots man.......and isnt it a delight getting to be a passenger once in a while. I dont get it often enough either.......but it is nice to just show up with the rod and tackle box once in a while!
  10. Because they are more structurally sound and capable of scooping more French Onion Chip Dip on them
  11. Good thing you mentioned covering up the top half. Cuz i couldnt make the switch till you said that. I got it though. Although i cant switch it back and forth unless i cover her top half still.
  12. Thats awesome misfish I love the "sundays best" garb some of them are sporting while fishing. Shirts and ties, fancy hats, suspenders.
  13. Snow a four letter word??? I Love the stuff. Not so much the 1-2 inch snowfalls..........but a good foot or more storm that keeps ya off work and on the slopes is a Godsend!!!! Or walking thru some snow covered evergreens to your favorite steelhead hole, white and quiet and alone. LOVE IT!!! Im like a little kid when the snowfalls!! I wouldnt move away from it if ya paid me.
  14. Wow , great day..... By the way, thanks for being candid about the hinted tributary you guys are eluding to lol. Seriosuly though, this is my home stream , and us guys down on the south shore get a warm and fuzzy when seeing that it is respected and not "advertised" by our good friends to the north. Good to see it wont get any "internet abuse" on this forum. Nice fish paddler, we wont have any rising or falling waters in my area for quite a while from teh looks of things
  15. And i have to say one thing..........from the shows ive seen.........that guy has THE absolute worst luck fishing. He tries it on many shows.........Alaska, (with a dead fish on a "hook" he tried making out of glass, and then one out of plastic)=no fish................Amazon jungle (i think) , made a pop top hook, and fished with a butterfly and also tried "noodling"= no fish..................Temagami, tried getting a hole in the ice unsuccesfully= no fish. Man hes the king of Skunk lol
  16. Thatta boy Tony. I agree. Ive stuck with my Sabres since my dad got me hooked when i was a little kid. Lord knows weve been thru some hardships, and Ive had to patch a few holes in the wall thru the years.....and clean some beer off my TV screen , etc...........but ya put it behind ya, and ya get fired up for the next season the same as the one before..........It would suck to win stanley cups every season. lol How pointless would that get? Itll be that much sweeter the day your team wins Lord Stanleys cup. With Buffalos success last year.........you should have seen the Fair Weather fans pop up around here last year. No doubt its fun to see the area all hopped up on the local team, but you know darn well that if they slip even a little this year that most of those folks will fall off the wagon, put their jerseys they bought and wore once last year cuz they won a playoff ticket back in the closet, take their car flags off, etc.... Side Note: Briere looked good in Calgary last night, 2 goals, including the game winner. Little Prick LOL
  17. Yes, its on OLN up there for you guys. He was up in the snow and cold of Temagami in this episode, and had a small airplane wreck helicoptered in to use as his shelter. (half a cesna i believe) He set up shop right on the shoreline, used the battery and some fuel left in the tank to start a fire. Two metal prongs , one from the neg. and one from the positive, touching them together to get a spark and doin so in a cup of fuel. And wammo, he had fire without matches. He even went so far as to pretend he hurt one arm, put one in a sling and did everything one handed for a few days, he got sick of that and abandoned the fake injury and elected to use both arms the rest of the week lol. Hes definitely better than man vs. wild. lol
  18. Did anyone catch the episode where he flew a bush plane into Temagami for a week of survival
  19. blaque

    Halo 3

    Long gone are the days of Space Invaders and Pac Man LOL Tony, are there any good fishin games on X-Box? Im still stuck in Playstation 2 land and have a few decent games. Reel Fishin 3,...... Rapala Pro Fishing..... ...i think wii also has a fishing game, that should be some interesting gaming right there.
  20. Like shooting fish in a Barrell Sorry, my poor attempt at lightening the mood here. Go easy guys
  21. oh indeed, they have a very peculiar STANK to them lol Ya dont wanna be eatin finger foods out on the water after playin with gulp all day lol
  22. gotcha, thanks for the heads up
  23. Limelight Subdivisions YYZ They all just take you to another place. Add a lazer light show and the atmosphere of a live show, and of course a couple "pops" , (or whatever it is you use to heighten your senses lol) and thats definitely a few hours WELL spent One more note CCMT, of the live recordings Ive heard of the La Villa Solo, and seeing it once live, Ive never really heard him hit it as close or with as much feeling as he does in the studio recording.
  24. Hows bout this , found them at Walgreens for 3.99, they actuallly have a bunch of LED type lights for reading, night lights etc. LED light
  25. Im in Buffalo and just called harbor freight, they also have the white LED keychain lights for $1.99. Doesnt sound like what were talkin about here though. Im confused lol She didnt say anything about a Blacklight. Just white LED. Think im just gonna head in there and check them out and bring a glow cleo in the store and tell them to shut the lights off lOL
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