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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Buy two smalls instead of an extra large.
  2. Youve carved a niche with your CAPS LOCK lol.....so i remember alot of your posts as well, from here and other boards. And seem to remember a "lil C" in alot of them. You can have your cake and eat it too. Nothing wrong with takin the fam along with you to share in what your passionate about. Get a chromer on the end of that float rod for the wifey and she should be in for good too. Although it might put you in the poor house tryin to equip all 3 with steelhead gear lol.
  3. Absolutely....Case in point, Buffalo last year. Presidents cup, turned into a fight for their well being eaking their way into the semi's by the skin of their teeth. Brieres size and speed was a god send all regular season last year......but a consistant playoff forecheck left him on his butt a few times , cant be very fast when your skate blades arent on the ice lol
  4. Agreed, when it is a voluntary "choice" , youd hope they do the right thing based on what you taught them......thing is ,their choices are HEAVILY influenced by more than just me........ they are growing up 8 hours a day at school around this Brittany, Lindsey, Paris, crap. Disney channel is nothing but fashion queens at 12 with hair nails and clothes to fit a 30 year old woman......they walk by aeropostale and hollister at the mall to view half naked guys and girls in thongs on the wall ......i even walked by an Abercrombie and Fitch store where they had 3 live guys in bathing suits all muscled up in teh entrance to the store.......thats the image they (boys and girls) fight to portray......and its a daily and i mean DAILY battle to try and keep their head on straight. Ive done my job and taught her, and continue to teach whats right, how to have respect for yourself......who the idiot guys are and who arent......etc etc.......but it is definitely a straight up hill battle with media and friends and cellphones, and commercials, and magazines on the rack, and every kid on Hannah Montana and Suitelife with Zack and coty dating and acting liek they are 20 somethin. Im implementing no media day in my house twice a week, no radio, no TV, the cell phone has already been removed FOR GOOD......nuttin but trouble....i think im doin ok so far, shes a GREAT kid, but i always explain to her that im jsut tryin to keep her that way and make sure she doesnt get sucked in to all the crap around her. Of all the kids i meet, she still seems the most pure and seems to really understand most of the time what im doin when i discipline , but again, back to the boys......at almost 13, shes starting to get aggrivated by my overprotection lol. I could go on all day on this topic.........but its time to go hang out with the kids!
  5. Good THread......in all seriousness, it made me laugh......but feel good at the same time that its not just me that has a problem with this subject. Im knee deep in it, and the only man in the house, and most times get eyes rolled at me when i bring out the protective side....from all ages, not just the kids, its them against me lol. The girls truly dont understand our (guys) point of view on this whole deal. Ill be in a local correctional facility within the next 2 years i figure, hope theres a fishin pond LOL!!
  6. sounded close to a bloody mary. Either way......sounds like a delicious beverage when im having that salt craving.....which is pretty much all the time. It'd be a "sipper" for me though, dont think Id want more than one of those in my gut.
  7. The southern most point of Ontario......you know?.....Buffalo LOL Its amazing how that imaginary line in the middle of the River ,15 minutes from my house, has the power to create such a difference in our terminology.
  8. What are you guys talkin about.......a Ceasar is a type of salad What you guys are making are bloody mary's with some serious Flare LOL
  9. Ray and Domi should be able to dress for these match ups lol
  10. If you just made that up, that is hilarious and clever....if you didnt, its funny anyways
  11. Should be back to Rivalry type hockey tonight with the "stride" the two teams have gotten into lately. Go Sabres! Boo me all you want but without the Buffalo Fan......these matchups just wouldnt be as much fun!
  12. what a portfolio, you are one busy guy with the brush. ! Very unique looking too, youve got a style of your own for sure that follows thru in all the images. Im a pencil artist myself.......well, used to be, and could never get the hang of a paintbrush. Pretty neat stuff
  13. Heres your huts on summer vacation lol Cool report, looks like alot of fun
  14. lucky dog.....love it there.....i stayed for a week last May for a pike/walleye trip and loved it. Owners are awesome...........cabins are awesome.........even the camp dog was cool. Heres a warm weather shot from our trip to Promise land
  15. AMEN! Especially the flourocarbons It boggles my mind. My guess is that its a case of....."what they dont know wont hurt em'" (meaning the consumer)
  16. Good read, entertaining report......nice fish Sweet mudder neon lol......(side note, i may take a bashing for this......but take the ballbag off the hitch......not exactly entertaining runnin into that stuff with young lady family members in the car.....Im all for a little humor, but those things are ridiculous) Im tempted to remove them for people when i see them in a parking lot, and wouldnt mind seeing a ticket issued because of them......sorry its the protective side comin out
  17. Yeah, Id like to be a fly on the wall in the locker room when Crosby is trying to tell Roberts to "Step it up a notch" LOL
  18. I hate to come down on someone who has lost their life. Bad decision granted....something inside just causes me to not be able to call them stupid or to be ticked at them. The sympathy just takes over i guess. We all make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes can be fatal. I know of a few occasions where i was left saying "man that was NOT a good idea, i coulda died from that brain fart". Driving too fast in the snow, im sure weve all done that and gotten scared straight as we wiped our brow and pulled over to thank our lucky stars. Its just too bad these guys didnt get that chance for a wake up call, instead of what has happened. Just sayin, a mistake is a mistake and when someones life is taken as a result, it tends to force me to sympathize rather than get upset at the decision makers.......i do understand where some of the comments come from however. It is an unfortunate thing and thoughts go to the families involved.
  19. Boat cover would have been alot cheaper and you could have sunk more money into the Boat lol Just kiddin. You have got to be ULTRA PSYCHED!!!!!!! Im lookin to build a shed, i coulda scooped that prefabbed unit off site from you lol
  20. Good point copper........dont just always ask the guys that are catchin what they got tied on.......ask the guys that are gettin skunked as well to weed out what NOT to use lol Process of elimination
  21. I believe i was probably whipping cheerios at my mom or throwing some sort of tantrum as i was in the midst of my "terrible twos" . And yes i remember my Evil Kneivel stunt bike lol. Truly a classic.......this ones for you misty river lol Evil Knievel Memories
  22. Hes got Issues for sure. Its always said that the Heat of the game is responsible for this behavior, for most of these incidents........but theres 4 other guys on your line and a goalie that are in the same "heat" and control themselves. I dont buy that excuse.......its one thing to have a one on one knuckle buster........and another to stomp on a guy with your skate wehn he cant even see you, or swing your stick like a bat into some guys mouth. If ya got an issue, throw the gloves face to face........duke it for a bit and get on with the game. Have fun sittin and watching the next 30 Chrissy!
  23. Coffee spitter ! LOL I thought he was an Irish Setter in the first pic, georgeous dog As an added note......i think we really need to investigate what is in the dog/cat food that we are sold to raise these animals as there is a very high rate of lumps and bumps in thier later years
  24. All of you can take GREAT pride in knowing that you spoiled them rotten and gave them a life they may not have had if it werent for you. As hard as it is when they leave you.........all these pictures should remind you of the WONDERFUL life you gave them. Pets are a soft spot for me indeeeeeeeeeeed!
  25. Id take Ryan Miller in a shootout every time. No questions! But hes definitely struggling so far this year. His defense has hung him out to dry on many occasions however. Gotta get tallinder back and numminen will be a welcome site when he returns for sure. Buffalo is on a severe roller coaster this year......Heck in the last few games they crushed Carolina 8-1, lost out west to LA 8-2 then beat San Jose the next game 7-1, and back home for a loss to boston 4-1. Its been a rough ride so far!
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