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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Niceguy hit it on the head
  2. looks great.......you can get lost for hours with photo editing software lol.
  3. Twilight zone man, i just got done reading it as well as it was on the MSN homepage, then came in here and stumbled upon it here. Spooky lol
  4. I already had that composed in my head and ready to type till you beat me to it Tony. lol Best thing to do when you have a new idea is to go "buy it and try it" and if it works, keep it hush hush Its fun sometimes watchin everyone around you scratch their heads lol
  5. A buddy of mine at work and I go on a timmies run every morning and hes been getting Double Doubles made with Splenda for a long time now. I keep tellin him hes nuts, but hes had no immediate ill effects. We'll all see what todays alternatives will do to us in about 20 years.
  6. That brown roe is crazy with the color variations from egg to egg. Ive been caught tyin up at my desk as well.....never gotten one to sample though lol. I mostly get Ewwwwws! hell i dont care anymore, i get suited up right at my desk now when im going to the streams from work. lol Waders and all. Oh and if the "Dump" you guys are referencing is Burt........be prepared for an even bigger slugfest there as theyve made some changes. Waders are no longer an advantage as anglers can access the creekside all the way to the tressle now with an added rockwall (party wall) Its empty here because i took this back in August i think. But trust me, it is elbow to elbow currently lol
  7. Love it, bring it on!!!
  8. Awesome trip. How the heck do those things sense a bait in that staind water with those beety little eyes. Must have catfish like senses (stinky baits?)
  9. Myhuntingforum Im sure you guys want a forum with your fellow OFC'ers, but heres a forum and if you scroll down, You can see that Canada has its own section. Just a thought, dunno how good or useful as i dont hunt or use it.
  10. Might only be a frog, but i woulda used a stick instead of my finger
  11. Your right Solo, ill recommend breathables as well. I bought a pair of neoprenes once, and wont make that mistake again. Thats just my opinion, but i was sick of walking around like frankenstein everywhere i went, and getting them on and off was a pain in the neck. Just all around couldnt stand the feeling. The wader is just to keep you dry. And all you need is a thin breathable layer to do that job, as most have said.......use layers to warm up. Stay away from cotten under your breathables or youve defeated the purpose. Under armour cold gear is a good solution , expensive but its expensive for a reason. You want all of your under layers to breathe to wick the sweat away from you body. (cold air and sweat on your skin is what keeps your teeth chattering in the winter months) I layer up with under armour and for the feet i use wool socks or a fleece lined neoprene sock under the neoprene boot of the waders themselves. i dunno , to each his/her own , but i couldnt stand the neoprenes, breathables are the way to go. LIght as air, easy to get in and out of.......and if you take a dunk (and have your wading belt nice and snug) Theyll balloon nicely and keep you afloat (kind of jokin on that one, but it might have some validity lol)
  12. Reminds me of easter island
  13. Great success with Seaguar as well. They stopped making Ironsilk?, looks like Ill be trying out the Maxima as well this season.
  14. Exactly......... That would be more fun to me to just sit and watch their behavior, than to even think about wetting a line. GLAD to hear that is a protected occurance, thats just awesome
  15. SCARED ME FOR A SECOND! Thought it was one of those wacky Asian Carp at a quick glance.
  16. Pretty fish, great looking backdrop. Thats a great piece of water. Suggestion, i dunno if youve balanced your set up (reel placement on the butt of the rod) and thats where the pin feels good for you, but it looks like youd be doin yourself a favor by moving your pin closer to the backbone of the rod so you have some more leverage (butt end to stick into your body) while fightin them nice chromers. Im jealous as i havent got out yet and much of our water is lacking in my area
  17. Absolute quote of the week!
  18. Regardless of any of the above posts..........story known or not......., owners making a mistake or not, i would do everything in my power to NOT shoot a pair of golden retreivers, pitbulls, rotweilers........whatever. Unless my life or anothers was in danger. And even then it would wrench my gut to do so. Which he may have done, and may have felt........he may have shot as a last resort. It may have made hiim feel terrible to do. It is wrong of me to make up my mind that he just went out and blew the two dogs away without a second thought. But i just find it hard to believe that there was no other option. Really hard to believe! I gotta get off this thread because Im just soooo far removed from the mindset of farmcountry that i just dont understand some of the rationale here. Not saying anyones wrong, just saying I dont get some of the opinions stated, Im scratchin my head reading some of this and I think im missing something that i just cant graspe, and i think thats due to never being anywhere near a farm and the ideals and lifestyle that goes with it.
  19. Ive read thru the whole thread, and my initial reaction just knowing what i know from this thread ...........(and that all i know) is to agree with Rick O' on this. What could a golden possibly be doin to be deserved of a gunshot. Im not buyin the fact that the only option here was to shoot two family members. and Dogs ARE family members, flat out. He destroyed the lives of the owners of these dogs im sure. As far as the owners being stupid and at fault.......did ya ever think that maybe the situation was like Ricks situation............a door got left open and the dogs got out by mistake. We wont know as has been said. But my gut reaction to this, is that farmers should arm themselves with tranquilizers to temporarily put an animal down in this situation. Hell, maybe even fire a few shots in the air, im SURE that would have dispersed the two dogs. I dunno, this is bizarre to me that someone could raise a gun to two Golden Retreivers and pop them off. If my neighbors dogs got loose and were jumping on my new truck and scratching the paint and causing financial damage to it , would i go grab my freakin shot gun and blow them away????? Uh, .......no, any normal human being would probably not even have that cross their minds, they'd make SOME attempt to call the dogs off. I dunno, if the dogs caused some sort of damage........sue the owners for the loss of a sheep, or a herd of cattle........ya dont just start pickin off golden retreivers like your in the wild wild west for Gods sake. Sorry, im going on a rant without knowing the facts......like i said, this is just my initial reaction......its possible i could change my opinion if and when i hear the facts. But Rick is one of the few here that is making any sense right now. Flat out, i see my Dogs laying dead in a pool of blood because they got out of the yard, Farmer boy best get that shotgun loaded again, He's gonna need it.
  20. wow, it only took 15 replies
  21. Love the look of a shiny, midsize female. Just georgeous fish. They almost look like they belong in saltwater. Waiting for my time down here, till then its slow days on the piers so far
  22. So wait till Im 5-15 miles out where most people dont fish anyway (unless your fishing saltwater or kings lol) And then put it in. I might as well throw it in the trash , no wonder it was free. Shoulda known
  23. Maybe thats the problem, i have the Navionics gold plus, and the fish n chip but my handheld GPS (lowrance H20 color) only carries one card at a time. Dangnammit
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