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Everything posted by blaque

  1. i hear ya, my ego got bloated when i got the beginning of the solo to sound nice with the volume swells and what not, but as soon as he starts flyin, i shut my effects and amp off and go sulk lol. Like you said, just fire up the air guitar, close your eyes and rip it up lol
  2. By the way T.J. Its VERY refreshing to see a youngster who enjoys real music at that age. So much better for her than the Fergie, Brittany, 50 Cent crap that is engulfing our kids these days and turning them into little thugs and fashion queens.
  3. Why is liking Rush unfashionable? I think they are THEE most talented 3 man band alive. Im not a die hard fan, dont own all their CD's., in fact alot of their songs i just plain cant stand, (roll the bones is a good example lol) but the good ones, ,maaaaaaan the good ones are just Hypnotizing. Not liking someones full portfolio of work doesnt mean they arent talented. I just dont like some of their music. Their arrangements and progressions are complex, drums are insane, and just a different sound than any other band. So even the "bad" songs are talented songs. Anyway, like i said, the good ones are REALLY GOOD!!! Ive seen them live but nowhere near as close as 2nd row. That must have been incredible. By the way, My favorite song is La Villa Strangiato, the guitar solo gets turned up to 10 every time and i just lose myself in it every time i hear it. Im a strummer like you CCMT , ever try layin down that solo?? I give up on it every few months, but keep goin back to it to try and learn it every so often lol, usually after i listen to the song and think, "Man would i like to be able to play that" lol
  4. Is this what were talkin about? Blacklight
  5. just snapped some up last week and dipped em' out on Erie this past weekend. They caught a few fish, and they are indeed pretty convincing looking. Alot better looking than the Powerbait leech. They seem just as consumable as a live leech though.......not as durable as a soft plastic.......so why not just use live leeches. I guess i can answer that, gulp leeches cant die lol and the bait shop here on Lake erie is now out of live leeches for the rest of teh season. The gulp baits do pretty well in general out on Erie for smallouth, especially the Gulp Goby. But again, they went quick , especially at over 5 bucks for a bag of 8. This was mostly due to the smallies thrashing when they reach the surface and there goes another 60 cents flying off your line.......GULP!
  6. 111, c'mon..... daddy needs a new pair o' shoes
  7. Sounds like a typical night out on the piers to me lol, Im on the US side fishing in Olcott and its been spotty at best.
  8. Bon Voyage , good luck to ya
  9. Cleaning a double double off my keyboard
  10. I will say a prayer for Kareem as soon as I click off this thread. Also sorry to hear about Ketchananies friend as well. Prayers will go out to both. Very sorry guys
  11. Hopefully its legible, but heres some info on that, 12-24 NC.........12 is the diameter-24 is the threads per inch, and the NC is a course thread (as opposed to NF which is fine thread)
  12. Hello, My name is Rob........and I too am a Spooncleaner. I was also out last night on the South shores of Ontario (Olcott NY) and i think the paints a little thinner on my spoons from all the retreiving i did , with nothing to show. Bad wind direction and temps though.
  13. Hey Bass, Ive been thru that a few times......like countless others. But very sad to hear with such a little guy. Its a terrible position to be in for sure but hes definitely in a better and more comfortable place. Its good to see people out there such as yourself with such compassion for their animals. Sounds like he was in the best hands he could have been in.
  14. Isnt that from the movie "Breakin" LOL Wow does that one bring back memories
  15. blaque

    Scenery Shots

    I also like the shots with some sense of scale in them. (the human subject) Helps relate oneself to the photo a bit also. Also proves you were there and its not just some postcard you pulled off the internet lol Very nice pics, and that area is incredible, may i ask where that is.
  16. The towers were about 400 miles from my home outside of Buffalo. At the time i had never been there. New York city always seemed SOOOO far away........but when i watched what was happening on TV at work, in the cafeteria where all the people i worked with were just staring in silence.............i thought, man this is just right down the street that this act of war is taking place, as we spoke, as we sat there and watched it, we were being invaded no more than a 6-1/2 hour car ride from where we were. . It made it seem so much closer. Ive since been to New York City and its even spookier that i can be up at 6 AM and be in the area that this all happened by lunch time. I remember the guy in the cubicle next to me who always listened to headphones say a small plane "ran into " the trade center.......and remember pretty much every step of the news getting worse, and then going to the cafe to watch, and the second plane hitting, and everyone just looked at each other like it clicked instantly, this was happening on purpose. Just surreal........not one person at their desks, not one phone ringing, not one boss worrying about us getting back to work. Just everyone staring at this screen in awe. It was chilling, saddening, infuriating, and hard to believe at the same time. One of the most disgusting things ive ever witnessed.
  17. those guys are nuts.....i watch that show alot and wonder how anyone can deal with being under the deck without just yacking all over the cabin. And sleeping, forget about it. I couldnt imagine the feeling of b eing in a storm in the middle of the ocean and how intense that has to be with no one around for miles and miles in water that rough. Its gotta be surreal. Aaron, thats a pretty frightening thing man. Glad it ended well. Ive dipped the bow under twice ever out on Erie, and its a reality check man. Didnt take on as much water as you did, but it ducked under quick and popped back up with quite a burst of water wiping stuff to the back of the boat. I did the Same thing you did, once i got outta the wave, and saw my passenger was hangin on for dear life, i goosed the throttle a bit and got the bow up and forced any water out the back end. I had it happen once before, the passenger never saw that happen, so needless to say, an underwear check was in order lol. First time was a friend of mines girlfriend and she just had to ride up in the bow, we got outside the south gap into the main lake and i needed to lift the bow up with a little throttle and a little trim of the motor when i saw a good roller ready to dip the front end.......but doing so would have send the standing passenger into the windshield and really would have hurt. TOld her to sit down numerous times but she had to have her SPF put on, and wouldnt listen. Mother nature showed her how to sit with a rush of lake erie water. Wasnt too too bad, but it got her attention real quick. Needless to say we stayed inside the breakwall for the rest of the day, and she stayed put in the back of the boat.
  18. I like the one handed hold , thats actually pretty impressive. Do you hit a special nerve with a finger or thumb that subdues them lol I have trouble hangin on to them things for a pic with both hands lol
  19. Agreed, Dicks is in better shape right now. Gander is in transition and last i was there (2 weeks ago) they were basically running on limited inventory. I would call them to see if they are back in the swing of things......but sounds like your closer to Dicks anyway. There are many Dicks locations in the area, but Galleria is the largest with the biggest selection
  20. You should staple those pics up around every available telephone pole in the neighborhood and save yourself ALOT of grief in the upcoming teenage years. She'll wonder why she doesnt have a date to the prom........but at least youll be able to sleep tight LOL! Im by no means a gun expert. But my friends have taken me to shoot some of theirs and it is a neat feeling to shoot a hand gun. Ive shot that Glock 9mm and it shaved a layer of skin off the top of my thumb when the housing kicked back. Needless to say i had a few choice words for my idiot friends who didnt warn me of that possibility.
  21. Again, i agree with Canuck..........earlier in the season we were out on Erie and fishing for smallmouth,......drifting a plain hook and a leech and were catching alot of smaller bass, i switched it up to a floating two tone flourescent head and a leech , and we went 3 for 5 on eyes in the same piece of water.
  22. I was out last evening on the south shore of Erie and it was actually a slow one. First time pretty much all summer that it was slow......that lake sure does produce some size and numbers on the smallies. Hey Pike......try some soft plastic gobies on a drop shot next time.......its rare youll catch a goby on a goby sized goby lure lol. I also would agree on the leech, they are a little tougher to snip off for them little buggers. Nice smallmouth by the way
  23. Yeah, i just want to see those fighter jets buzzin somewhat close up. Ive never been too close to a jet fighter whizzin around and imagine its gotta be pretty sweet. ever been to an NHRA drag event?........those top fuel funny cars rattle your eye balls when they go down the track. I love things that are loud fast and obnoxious LOL!! (i see some comments coming my way after saying that lol)
  24. Is it worth the 2 hour ride to come check out from the states. Or is it just a major ZOO and ill be stuck in traffic and butts to sweaty elbows all day. Ive been wanting to come up for it for years, but a week in rushford lake for years has always overlapped that weekend. No rushford this year so im free and looking to come check the show
  25. Robert, did you happen to take a stroll thru watkins glen. Beautiful hike through the gorge there
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