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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Someone needs to design an "emoticon" that has the yellow head spewing coffee thru his nose. Cuz i almost did when i read this LOL For now, this guy will do >>>
  2. WOW thats crazy. Surprised the Ins. co. didnt want it back to give to the original owner and take their money back lol I found a quarter once LOL........some people have it, some dont i guess
  3. Feel kinda silly chiming in on situations like this when i dont know any of the people involved.......but, My prayers go out regardless. Ive been there, its definitely not easy, but take things one day at a time.......and do LOTS of lookin up if ya know what im mean
  4. I guess i get the jist of it, but you guys always have little nuances to add with rings, and beads and stops , and goojiwutzits lol, thats where i always fall behind. Thanks for the overview , Ill try it one of these days. I can gaurantee i will only be running one off each side though lol.
  5. Any of you guys charter to show how to run these things!! LOL. Never got into anything other than dipsies or flat liningbottom bouncers, etc...... due to the degree of complexity these things sound like to run.
  6. Cold and windy down here in NY the last couple days as well.......not exactly Mid June conditions. Well see what happens. Might keep those Erie eyes a little shallower for a little longer though
  7. Awesome, Im always looking for other things to do while on week long trips besides nap in the afternoon, tubing looks like a great way to switch it up from floating in the boat all day for a week straight. AWESOME looking spot........how'd you guys talk to each other all trip though with the water rumbling in the backround all the time lol.
  8. Also had a bear swim by us, but he definitely avoided us, your bear doesnt look at all timid lol. You either were in an area that the bears affiliate humans with food and he wanted a meal, or he was rabid or something lol Dunno but thats an awesome experience, great pic
  9. Freind of mine owns Frontier Lodge about 30 miles north east of Elliot. Its on Mcelrae and Rawhide lakes........the main lodge is on a deep cold water trout lake, and you can portage to outposts and choose between trout fishing and i believe a shallower pike bass lake. Ive never been up there, but a friend of mine visited his place and had a great time. Frontierlodge.com
  10. DOnt think hes referring to the puffy clumps over land, Think he means the smoky looking areas on the lakes......and only on the lakes. If it were clouds they would continue on land......but they dont. Strange.....unless its a reflection of something overhead. BUt that doesnt make sense either. I dunno, i was just on the east end of Lake Erie a couple days ago and it had kind of a chalky green tinge to it. May just be the water clarity differential. But still , looks odd.
  11. To back up Gerritt's suggestion .............Saw guys at the camp a couple weeks back in South Bay come back with lots of Pike, and some BIG fish at that......all caught on a #14 Silver and Black Husky Jerk. Im not one to pick out a special color or lure and say it was the be all end all of baits for a certain species or lake. Just relaying what the guys told me was "the lure" for them. I didnt do much pike fishin.......but when i did, i caught a bunch of hammerhandles on smaller husky jerks and floating rapalas. Again......i dont think color, or presentation mattered much as they attacked lots of colors sizes and retrieves.
  12. Minn Kota power drive here and I like the idea of the foot control, much better than takin a hand off a rod, BUT.....the foot control with this motor, is kind of cumbersome to use. Ya have to use your hand to finely tune the speed because they put the ON/OFF toggle just underneath it so i end up turning my motor off all the time when adjusting speed. And even when steering to the right, same thing, i sometimes hit the ON/OFF toggle and end up turning the motor off. Disregard all of the above..........i just looked up Minn Kota, and looks like they redesigned the whole foot control, and it looks like they took care of my gripe. One year too late as far as Im concerned LOL
  13. Also, when you find the inline fuse...........check to make sure the spring that presses the fuse and completes the circuit is stretched enough. I had this same problem, checked wiring, checked fuse , all good. Went nuts till I Found out my spring lost its compression and backed off the fuse and inturn, let the fuse fall off one side thus disrupting the circuit. Take the spring out and stretch it to ensure that its got enough compression to push the fuse against the contacts.
  14. Just got back from fishing 8 days straight..........ready for more, but kinda gotta spend 10 hours a day in the office during the week. Id love to take you up on your suggestion........but somebodies gotta pay the bills. I was just trying to have a little fun........uhhh? sorry?
  15. This is in reference to the scene in the coaches corner intro where Don Cherry is standing on the bench with his arms in the air , chewing his gum, and lookin and gesturing something to the entire arena as he looks at the crowd and the Ice. Question is.......what point is he trying to get across to everyone. What was the reason for this, and what series/and game number in the series did this scene take place. I have the answer, just thought it would be a fun trivia question. No prizes LOL!!
  16. Thats HILARIOUS Steve.......i laughed my arse off when Bettman had the cup ripped out of his hands, and neidermayer actually almost gave him a look like, "I dont think so gary, just gimme the cup" lol. If gary was holding on tighter, i think neidermayer may have taken him across the table along with the cup HAHA. Very astute observations, cuz i also walked in teh room during the MC commercial and did a double take............thought it was Alfie in his younger years.
  18. FYI, i am from the states. Buffalo is my team........not the leafs. aAaaaaaaaaaaaand as the original post states, Stirring the pot was the LAST thing i wanted to do when asking the question that spawned this debate. I just wanted an honest question answered. In fact, ive mentioned a time or two to get rid of the post if it got ugly. The thread began as an honest inquiry that confused myself and many of my American friends.
  19. Ruh Roh, i see this taking a turn, maybe we get rid of this thread now
  20. I see the people in the pics everyday........one of them in the mirror every morning.........the fish on the other hand, Ill never see them again. Along with the scenery, a human is the last thing i want in a scenery shot lol !
  21. Were you the guy in the Legend lol (j/k) Man are those boats popular up there in Canader.
  22. Puckhead, i was confused when i saw your avatar, yet you seemed to be down on the sens. Then i looked closer and saw it was a sens netminder with a puck behind him LOL. Ive never noticed that before, i always caught it at a glimpse and thought you were a fan lol.
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