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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. I was thinking the same thing. Thanks for the update Kelvin.
  2. Well that is terrible news Geoff, my thoughts and prayers are going out to your family.
  3. fishnsled


    Yep, definitely should have gotten the console. I'll put my refund back into the pot Dan;)
  4. Make sure that everything is greased and that the bearings are good on the track. They can go just from sitting there. A set of new plugs won't hurt.
  5. You'll find that most of the guys here are wearing a floatation suit of some kind. Then it comes down to 1 piece vs 2 piece and which brand. I've personally gone with a 2 piece over the years, 15+ years now. No real reason why, I think my first jacket was on sale and it was what I could afford at the time. I personally like that if you have a warm day, you can remove the jacket and move around freely. Some guys will say a 1 piece is warmer then a 2 piece, I couldn't say either way. I've always be warm in my 2 piece. I guess the main reason for the floatation suit is safety. That ice can do some crazy things and you might as well be protected if you should go through. I've never had it happen to myself but a buddy of mine and his friend did. My buddy was wearing a floatation suit and the other was not. He claims that he was pretty much shot right back out of the water. His buddy, by the time he got right out and turned around, was up to his neck in water and was on the way down. The weight of his clothing and boots were pulling him under. He reach over and grabbed him by the chest and pulled him out. A good thing someone had a floatation suit that day. What's your life worth? If money is tight then grab a Jacket this year and the bibs next season. Put it on your Christmas You will not regret it. Check the classifieds here or on other sites like Kijiji for a used one.
  6. Man! You guys are old... I think you've nailed it Terry. I remember when I was very young my Dad delivered milk (yes they used trucks for home delivery, my grandfather delivered milk and bread via horse and wagon in Timmins and Toronto) for Rutherford's Dairy which was on Kennedy Rd in Scarborough. They also had the best ice cream that I can remember. I remember as a kid wanting to go with my grandfather (Mom's Dad) up north (Owen Sound area) to visit with family. I'd pack my tackle and clothes and be all set. We'd visit his brothers and sisters over the course of a couple of weeks touring around Bruce County. Whenever the opportunity was there I'd be gone fishing. Have breakfast in the morning, have a lunch packed, and be gone all day by myself, sometimes with my brother. No one was ever concerned, that I know of, and the only questions were if I had a good time and are we having fish for dinner. Caught plenty of bass, pike, and speckled trout over the years. Great times and GREAT memories. I miss my grandfather a lot. First job I had was delivering the Toronto Star. Second job I had I worked in my grandfather's office(Dad's Dad and he's still with us at 90 this year) making $5.00 an hour, I think minimum was $2.85 at the time. Worked in the mail room sorting mail and delivering it around the office. Also ran the photocopy machine, Ditto machine and the Gestetner machine and paper shredder. I won't get into all the part-time and summer jobs that I had but the diversity certainly gave me lots of great experiences looking back. With the jobs came some money. I had enough to buy the things I needed or wanted, sometimes even saved a bit. Remember when the metric system came in and my elders complaining about it. I remember gas being 30 something cents a litre and the big jump to 40 cents, doesn't seem too bad now. Penny candy, Lolas, pop in glass bottles, water from a tap, buying smokes for my parents with a note. Driving for the first time in my grandfather's 1969 Dodge Polara with a 318 in her, did my road test with that boat. 10 bucks in gas and you could drive her all week! Looking back, maybe the costs and such are all relative to our incomes as Terry had said. What has changed perhaps is the family core for so many. Technology certainly has played a huge roll in that. I wonder how many kids that would give up the computers/ipods/gaming devices to spend a couple of weeks with family and fishing? Mind you if all the technology was around when I was a kid, I wonder if I would have. Looking back I'm glad it wasn't around. Great thread Brian.
  7. Great report and some very nice smallies. Nice of you to offer to be the photographer for the day.
  8. Took you a while to get going but just look at you spitting out those reports. Great report L. Did Donny's boat come with the top or did he have it made? Looks like it served you well over the weekend.
  9. What happened to YoungOne?? Still having nightmares I guess....
  10. Whatever happened to "What happens at Perfect Vue, stays at Perfect Vue"???:rofl2:
  11. That's awesome Joey. Congrats to Morag!!:clapping:
  12. I still think it was HH and how he figured out how to post a pic. Thanks for the efforts in getting the board up and running.
  13. Thanks Lloyd. That certainly is a problem for Perfect Vue, docks are all pulled out but one and you only have about 1-2 feet of water at the one left in. Not much you can do when they drop the water levels like they do. Would have been nice to have seen your gang Lloyd. The lemons were very good this year, well they are always good. If we start talking about next year now, then maybe next year we can get our crap together.
  14. Well there it is!! I'll give you a D+ on the report, could have been a A- but you didn't have the pics. It was a great day with Captain Lloyd as always and great to have shared the boat with the motley crew. Good times for sure. Thanks for the report Lincoln, you can practice your picture posting in my report.
  15. Great report Joey, very nice pics. Too bad that "other boat" took all your fish. I hate those net malfunctions as well.
  16. If I wasn't looking at a big repair bill for the motor I'd be all over this.
  17. Well I'll get this started and hopefully some of the other will add their pics. Gerritt met up at my place Friday morning for our tour to Quinte. He was having some light problems on his trailer, so we worked on it and thought we had it sorted out. Stopped for gas on the way down and noticed the light was back to not working. A trip into Walmart and they had the light we needed, a parking lot repair and we were on our way. We had one more stop to make for a special pick up. HawgHunter from the board had contacted Gerritt it see if we would like some chili, what the heck sure. Must have noticed our waste-lines were thinning. So we meet up with him and find out he has cases of chili for us! Thanks HawgHunter!! We load it into the boat and we are off. Pulled into camp late afternoon and got settled in. The others were on the way out and Headhunter managed a sweet Quinte walleye. We sat down to a get chili dinner that Skeeter had brought, it was just awesome. Young One had brought some noodles that his mom made that were fantastic. A few drinks, and laughs and called it a day. The next morning we woke to crazy winds. :wallbash: With 4 of us fishing out of tinnies, we stayed on shore to wait out the weather as the winds were to die down. The others with the bigger boats went out to do battle. We played some euchre, cribbage, some had naps. Finally the winds died down enough to get out. It ended up being a pleasant evening and I boated one fish. Moon rise. Gerritt keeping an eye on the boards. And my fish from the evening bite. Back in for dinner and Joe's melt in you mouth pot roast. Awesome meal yet again. So good I believe Young One had 5 helpings, he's a growing boy. He has a lot of catching up to do to be in the shape us seasoned anglers are. The Leaf game and a few drinks and another day gone. A pic of the drink of choice, at least for Headhunter and I. Young One's flashlight sure makes it look purdy. The next morning the winds had changed to the east/southeast. A bit choppy but nowhere close to what we had the day before. Fished until early afternoon then came time to head in and pack up. I boated one more walleye Sunday morning and Young One got one jigging. We packed up and we were on our way. A couple of shots of my fish. I should really learn how to put a hat on straight. I'll let the others fill in the blanks and add a few more pictures. Lincoln's crew boated some nice ones and hopefully he'll add the pics before Christmas, 2011. A great time was had by all, thanks for the good times gentlemen and for the ride Gerritt, nice to finally fish with ya. We can't wait until next year. Hopefully we can find some common ground to put all of us together.
  18. Nice fish Chris. Cliff does make a good cameraman...just sayin'
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