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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2024 in all areas

  1. I couldn’t fall asleep during the game tonight. Max Domi for the shoot out win. Great game. Time to start watching again boys.
    1 point
  2. Bears are already out and about in Frontenac...hungry too...their usual foods aren't available yet, so the local dump is getting a good going over..
    1 point
  3. About 30 years ago I’m in The Pas, Manitoba, overnighting on the way to a fly-in. We’re staying in this disgusting roach hotel with an attached bar. It’s 2:00 in the afternoon, the place is just packed, and 90% of the people there are already completely hammered. We just gave our drink order when two skanky looking girls at the next table start fighting. And when I say fighting, I don’t mean raised voices and a shove or two, I mean all of a sudden it’s Rocky and Apollo Creed in the 15th round and they’re going for the KO. They’re rolling around on the floor throwing haymakers and landing about half of them, just beating the living daylights out of each other. Bartender and a couple of other guys grab them by the hair and literally drag them across the floor and out the door, as they continue kicking, screaming and pummelling each other the whole time. As he returns, bartender just smiles at us and goes "Welcome to The Pas." Fast forward 10 minutes and the girls are back at the table, they have a couple of beers and they’re sharing a plate of fries and gravy. Turns out they’re the entertainment. Once they finish eating, one girl gets up on the bar with a crappy old boom box, hits play, and starts peeling while the other one goes from table to table to collect tips. After the first girl’s done her three songs, they switch it up and girl no. 2 starts peeling while the first one collects the dollar bills. I coughed up a tip both times, mainly so they would go away. I think these girls had maybe a dozen teeth between them, and you could already see they were going to have shiners and some good bruises the next morning. I remember it being really hot and clammy inside that bar, because even though it was the middle of summer they had this huge pot of something simmering away on a wood stove in the corner. At some point one of the staff went over and lifted this big French fry basket out of the pot, and there stewing away were a couple of muskrats. I didn’t eat a single thing till we got to the lodge the next afternoon.
    1 point
  4. Supposed to be 19 in Hamilton today and almostas warm tomorrow.. cooler if you're close to the lake..
    1 point
  5. Same with spring pike lol. Basically sight fishing.
    1 point
  6. Brennan Harbour or Vance's...both near the mouth of the Spanish River on the North Channel of Lake Huron. Or Kipawa Lodge or Alawaki Lodge on Lake Kipawa, Quebec.
    1 point
  7. One of the competitors from the BassMaster Elite tournament in Texas this weekend. 4 units on the dash, and another 3 up on the bow...Looks like he has more screens than NASA Mission Control in Houston...
    1 point
  8. A half hour west of Ottawa and even in the bush hardly any snow left. Even saw some chipmunks last week, first time ever in Febuary.
    1 point
  9. For what ? seriously makes fishing loose it’s mystic it’s almost blasphemy Biteme
    1 point
  10. Exact opposite where I am. 8in of snow followed by 8-10 degrees the next day.
    1 point
  11. owen sound salmon spectacular
    1 point
  12. Just got confirmation David. Stock is building,overflowing. Looking forward to seeing you and all the visitors.
    1 point
  13. Hi. First time poster here. 🤣 2023 was an awesome of year of fishing and travel. Began the winter working at the most southern community on Baffin Island, Nunavut in a familiar little town to me called Kimmirut. Some ice fishing back home for a break in early March, the latter part of that month and into May I returned to Baffin, this time to its northernmost town way up by the north pole. Hiking the small mountains, watching the completion of Nunavut Quest; a week long dog sled race which had begun in Igloolik, and drinking only glacial water in my coffee each day, made for a very memorable contract there. Spring rolled in at home in the Ottawa Valley with crappies, gar and laker fishing. Much time spent with my youngest daughter who was back from University for the summer. Before long, the wife and I embarked on a trip up to northern Ontario with our close friends. Walleye, pike, lake and brook trout we had a blast catching them all. A fire ban in place, instead of evenings around the campfire we four enjoyed our drinks at the table playing Rummy and Bridge. Summer arrived and the heat as always was too much for this thin-skinned, red-headed whiteboy who spends five months a year in the Arctic so... to beat it I went back north a time for work. Incredible arctic char fishing on my days off and, oddly there was even a bachata video shot. Returning to Ottawa again it was a quick repack, load the boat and off to northern Ontario for more awesome trout fishing. The fall being my favorite time to fish local many hours did I grind with family and friends for big muskies. Turned out to be my best season yet as giant after giant were caught by myself and, new personal bests and firsts were had for nearly everyone aboard. Managed a solid sturgeon on a side trip too. Nice to have my wife and both my daughters alongside for much of the late season as well. Some of Canada’s finest fish species for 2023 slimed the Lund, and couldn’t have been happier with it. Too many pictures to share in a report here, but all of it from the glacial hills and dog sleds of Arctic Bay to the seaside bachata and char to October’s pumpkin carving contest and trophy muskies can be seen within... https://bunksoutdoorangle.com/from-out-of-the-splashes/
    1 point
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