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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2023 in all areas

  1. I have really gone away from quality of fish the past couple of years. I am more interested in having fun with my ties and seeing how they work. Always fun and gratifying when it comes together. I was up way to early to head out,so finished up a egg pattern order,then headed down to the lake for a wander and fly fish. Lots of small fish were hitting the surface all along the shore line. Put on my new foam bug and gave it a go. MAN,they eat that up like nothing. I even had to move on from a gill spot,as they were just gulping them down. I have no idea how they get that fly down so deep for such a small fish.
    4 points
  2. I know this is off topic but upon the request of some of my fellow anglers here are a few pics from the past month. The ones of the pair of Sand Hill Cranes and the Whistling Swan are not not very clear as I was using my hand held camera forgot my tripod
    3 points
  3. Had the pleasure of guiding a lovely couple on Wabigoon, they had never been to Canada and they LOVED IT! Really fun day with these guys.
    1 point
  4. Nice to see you getting out catching fish on your own creations
    1 point
  5. This morning was a blast. Lost count on how many hit and lands. Fun forsure. Then it got hot and that was it for me. Tied this little gem this morning. Was the ticket for all the fish this morning.
    1 point
  6. Great pics! I have a pic of a pair of Sandhills that showed up on the back trail of our place near River Valley ON, in the middle of the bush. It was the darnedest thing, not where I’d ever expect to see that! I’ll have to try and find it.
    1 point
  7. A couple days after opener with Chuckenwind. Big one came off a black spook next good one was off a jig and Brads was on a black buzz bait
    1 point
  8. Time again for the annual fishing trip. One problem, one of the OG members moved to New Brunswick. He was going to fly out and ride up. Then he got a new job and he was out. Then he was back in again, said boss was cool with it. 2 weeks out we all get the message he can't make it. What to do... I have a few maniac fishing buddies who may be able to drop what they are doing and leave for a 10 day trip at a week's notice so I start calling. The first one I called was a strike out but provided a promising lead. Chuckenwind from the board here. We had camped and fished once previous for a few days for some lost Aurora trout in a snowstorm , he seemed possibly just crazy enough. I Sent him a message explaining the trip and his reply was " crossing Nipigon in a 14 ft boat sounds like an adventure, I'm in " *I in no way reccomend doing this* Almost died on the way up, came over a knoll in the road and big dumb Moose was standing in the road. Put the binders on as hard as i could and steered off the road and arround him at 50kmh close enough to hear his hoves on the ashphalt. Not so much fun loaded down with gear and a 20 ft boat attached to the bumper. Fishing was tougher than years prior for Brookies and Pike for us but 10 lb lakers in 10 -20 fow were in unlimited supply as usual and a blast on light tackle . Had a great trip with Some old friends and my Dad. Was weird with no campfires allot less whisky was drank but did have to do a beer run mid week with the warmer weather we were all thirsty. Enough talking here's some of the better fish and scenery. Till next year!
    1 point
  9. Thanks again for having me along. That was awesome. We fried up some walleyes on the Coleman stove. Not many eyes in the area we were camped but we had a tip from a board member about a spot nearby that had them. 40km round trip is considered nearby on Nipigon lol. Trip of a lifetime to be sure and grateful to experience it with some very capable boat captains and great guys.
    1 point
  10. We also had a what I would consider to be solid opener. most certainly could have gone better, the morning cloud cover seemed to have the smallies pretty negative. We broke down and had to finesse fish to entice bites until the sun came out, then a flurry of fish hit the boat. Our bag was 18+lbs, couldn’t complain about that.
    1 point
  11. It was a pretty good week on Loughborough. Some days the bite was pretty tough, other days it was magical. We caught good numbers, and generally good size, largemouths. The smallies were smaller and not that plentiful, where we were fishing in the east end north of the marina. By far, the most productive presentation was a wacky worm, on a weightless hook, in neutral colours. We had three LMB in the four pound class, but (without a scale) I do not believe we broke the magical five pound record. Doug
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Nice.. I can barely make it to the pool.
    0 points
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