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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2022 in all areas

  1. My son texted me a pic of my small (under 4' when opened) feeler gauge set? I thought what the hell is this about, and then he explained. He goes on to say, Dad did you ever think that when you bought these feeler gauges, they'd someday be used on a prototype Corvette? Not sure what the issue was (a vibration of some sort) with the Vet, but my son was called in to try and help find the answer? He knew where he had to measure was going to be very tight, that's why he grabbed my small feeler gauge set. After rectifying the issue with a few shims; Andy was offered a ride in the prototype, with the test driver for GM in this 2024 corvette. "Dad this is the fastest car I have ever been in" A nice feather in his hat at GM's Michigan proving grounds. Not to brag (Yes I am), but he's being noticed by the heads of engineering of Cadillac, Chevrolet, and GMC. When he was 10 or 12, he said to me that one day I want to work at a large company, building cars. His and my dream has come true!!! Andy was raised here in London Ont. He went to UOIT in Oshawa and has his BA in Automotive Engineering. He was offered a job as an engineer with GM in Warren Michigan. This was after he sold his design (working at Cooper Standard at the time) of the 2016 Camaro, Corvette, and Cadillac engine mount. He commutes from here in Ontario to Michigan most days. "Dad I'll take their US monies, but I am Canadian and not going to live south of the border". Proud!!! Hell Yeah!!! Dan...
    3 points
  2. Always looking for a supplier and always want in Ontario or at most,Canada. I came across this site and it is located in Vancouver. They had free shipping over $100. It doesnt take long for a $100 to add up. So why not,give them a look over and their pricing is very fair and lower then some others. TOGENS FLY SHOP. Back from a few hours on the ice and I got mail today. I am locked and loaded for a while now. Also,my hook order came in from LureMaking. Giddy up go. Time to get a tying .
    2 points
  3. Nice, I had a hut out in lefroy one year when we had a lot of ice too, had the truck out a bunch.
    1 point
  4. I did some googling. Apparently the United States produces just about all their own gas domestically. They’ve seen a pretty similar rise in prices over the past few days or year. There’s more to it than just lack of domestic supply
    1 point
  5. it’s a bit late for a New Year resolution list but it is what go me thinking of making a list. Instead of losing weight or getting in shape (both of which I am in need of) this one focuses on improving my outdoor skills. Not included but still on the list is continuing to get better at photography. That one was from a few years back and is still a work in progress https://www.northernjacks.com/post/resolutions-an-outdoorsmans-list Thanks Andrew
    1 point
  6. Took this picture from my front porch this morning as the sun rose above Clear Lake.
    1 point
  7. Can we take this crap to fakebook where it belongs... thanks...
    1 point
  8. Nope......no manipulation of the media whatsoever !! Storming the food shelter for the homeless and demanding food TRUE STORY !! Storming the rideau center refusing to wear masks TRUE STORY !! Honking their horns at all hours of the night without any care whatsoever of parents with babies or young childern trying to sleep TRUE STORY !! Causing traffic choas for ppl trying to get to work or drop their kids off at daycare etc TRUE STORY!! Harrassing downtown residents who are wearing masks TRUE STORY !! Restaurants doing amazing buisness ?????? Are you kidding ??? From who ??? The truckers who refuse to wear a mask = They can't enter !! Most of the restaurants are CLOSED !!
    1 point
  9. To me this is like Woodstock. Everyone involved or not involved will think back to this and remember where they were when it happened and everybody will have their own little stories about the 2022 Canadian convoy. But at the end of the day I truly don't believe it will effect any kind of change. I just feel bad for anyone in the area who might be having a hard time dealing with this as it is playing out.
    1 point
  10. Any rally that has Swastikas flying proudly, loses any support from me. How hard would it have been for organizers to send them packing. This gave a black eye to the protest and any sympathy they might have gotten. don't get me started on what they did at the War Memorial...
    1 point
  11. I refuse to put on winter tires because: • It’s my car, my choice, my freedom. • The effectiveness of winter tires is not proven, except by studies carried out by the manufacturers (like I’m supposed to trust them). • My neighbor Bob had an accident even after putting on winter tires. • Some drivers are already on their 3rd set of tires, which proves their ineffectiveness. • We do not know what the tires are made of. • The tire manufacturers scare us with winter just to enrich themselves. • In fact, I read on the internet that the tire giants invented snow and spread it at night when you sleep. • If I have winter tires, the government can track me in the snow. Educate yourself, open your eyes, stop being sheep! This year, I say no to winter tires! HH
    1 point
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