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  1. Sorry to some of the guys here; but the OP didn't ask for opinions of 12 volt verses 24 volts. OP asked, if the way he's wired his 12 volt batteries was a good way to do it. Yes (IMHO) it is probably the best way of getting the most out a 12 volt system. As for charging the batteries, just use the one bank of the charger for the two that are connected in parallel and the other bank to charge the starting battery; assuming you have one? As Shane (Sinker) said it will take longer to recharge the TM batteries; but 6-10 hours at 10amps should bring them back to full. Every fisher needs to sleep sometime. LOL So plug in the charger; let your Toddy of water, honey, cinnamon and your favorite whiskey warm and enjoy. Knowing the batteries will be happy and ready to go in the morning. Dan.
    2 points
  2. Thing is there's no need to go fancy either. I've been using a Big Chief electric smoker since the 80's, I'm on my third one now, but have one older one that still works and the original one needs an element, pot and tray. Sure it's fixed temp at 160° but it's all I need for most of the things I smoke and for larger chunks of meat I just finish the cooking process in the oven where I have perfect control. Brian is using the same thing and technique in his condo. They're real handy to use too, mine is on the back porch so I just pick it up and carry it into the kitchen where I load the racks, close the door and carry it back out to the porch plug it in and load the pan. No propane, no moving parts, no controls needed, all in a compact size that holds a fair amount with 5 racks. Quick story. A while back I ran out of smoked paprika, I started doing my own a few years back and it's all I use now for the most part. So a week back I remembered to stop at a small natural products store in CP where I get my bulk spices and picked up a half pound of Hungarian for just over $5. I always want to try and fill the smoker as much as I can when it's going. With that in mind I had a half price frozen sourdough loaf that I thawed out, chunked and dried. Just so happens I had recently picked up a generic full pepperoni chub at a price I couldn't refuse. I've had real good results enhancing cured sausages in the smoker already too so that worked as my last rack. So then it's planned for the weekend and best hydro rates too. Smoker was plugged in for four hours yesterday with five smoke sessions. The result for $10 was three racks of golden sourdough pieces for bread crumbs, two glass pie pans of the best real smoked paprika you can get, it was actually quite sticky on the outer edges of the glass after I let it cool, and a darker skinned great smelling sausage that I vacuum sealed and froze half. Cheers
    2 points
  3. Well after seeing that misfish scored a smoker and was having fun with it I decided it was something I'd like to get back at. I hadn't done much in the way of smoking meats and things for a long time and pretty much only did a bit of smoked fish once in a while so I picked up a Little Chief smoker and got back at it. So far I've only done a couple of things but I'm super happy with the results. since it seams there a few others that enjoy doing it I thought it might be fun to share some smoker recipes, tricks, and tips. My first attempt was a nice Brisket about 6 lbs. (I got the butcher to cut one in half for me) I like to keep things simple in the beginning then build on a recipe as I go so this time I did it Texas Style just kosher salt and fresh ground pepper. I mixed about 2 TBS of coarse salt and 2 TBS of fresh ground pepper in a spice shaker and sprinkled the brisket with that then rubbed it in. I used 3 pans of Alder over about 3 hours then removed the brisket from the smoker, wrapped it in un coated butcher paper (but foil might have been a better choice) and put it on the top rack of my BBQ. It took a bit of playing around and I had to prop the lid of the BBQ slightly open but I managed to get the BBQ to hold about 225°F and I left the brisket in there for about 8 hours with a meat thermometer in it until it got up to 160 °F internal. I wasn't going to serve it that night so I let it cool then put it in the fridge. The next day I put it back in the oven at about 150° still wrapped in the foil and left it there for about 3 hours removing it from the oven about 1/2 an hour before serving it. The meat was so tender you could almost cut it with your fork and it was beautifully moist and full of flavour, as good as or better than I have ever had anywhere else. I let what little there was left over chill in the fridge then sliced it paper thin and vac-packed it for sandwiches. Anyway if any of you have tried and true recipes you'd like to share, I'm looking for some more to try.
    1 point
  4. Just released; Sneak Peek of the 2030 Lund fisherman:
    1 point
  5. You can buy a mini chief. Princees auto sometimes has them.
    1 point
  6. Be a b!tch on a fly in fishing trip or a portage ,packing batteries for the motor
    1 point
  7. I see that Jack Dorsey is now heavily involved in a new one since dropping out as the boss of Twitter. I suppose his entry means something for investors but, for me, when i look at him I see a fellow who looks like he sleeps under an overpass in the rough. Add to that his background with Twitter, the place idiots go to destroy their careers, i realize what a disgraceful quagmire investing has become. It can't last and another huge collapse must be on the horizon where all of this nonsense will fleece the little guy and our politicians will bail out the big players. It is a recurring story of Wall/Bay Street that we don't seem to be able to grow out of.
    1 point
  8. I have this set up, and do it as you described. I just have the two batteries wired together with the 2 AWG jumpers, then the TM connected to one battery. My charger is connected to one battery, and they both charge. It takes a little longer to charge them if they are low, but still faster than charging 2 separately, and its very rare that I drain them. I charge them on 10A. I can troll steady at 1.5mph for hours and hours with no worries about draining the batteries. S.
    1 point
  9. you are a true mensch Dan.
    1 point
  10. That is basically what I have been doing for 13 years of retirement but the client is my wife and if I know what is good for me I wouldn't refer to her as elderly
    1 point
  11. Yes you can use 2AWG, that way both batteries get identical use. You can charge them in parallel this way with one charger.
    1 point
  12. So I got to give the SxS and new plow a good workout. I cleaned my driveway and did my neighbour's business as we share the driveway onto the road plus they let me work inside where it's warm, on my toys in the winter. Took between 1 and 1 1/2 hours to do the whole job. Used to take me that just to do my place with the snow blower. Almost forgot, the heated seats and heater worked awesome!!! Blue dot is the entrance to my garage the SxS sits in (as well as my boat). The area inside the poorly drawn red area is the area I cleaned up today. 😊 And the toy in all it's glory. 😁 Won't be too long before I'm plowing the ice road out to my cabin. 👍
    1 point
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